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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I haven't seen anyone else mention this (and I would link it if the site wasn't down), but when Josh was whinging about the Keffals GFM he admitted that the forum brings in over 90k USD annually. Considering the exchange rate in the shithole countries he parks his fat ass in, that's only a "shoestring budget" because he's stuffing half of it down his gullet.
He doesn't pay any of his staff and the site can barely handle day-to-day traffic. He's crying about the police not doing their jobs because if the site goes down he might actually have to get a real one.
I haven't seen anyone else mention this (and I would link it if the site wasn't down), but when Josh was whinging about the Keffals GFM he admitted that the forum brings in over 90k USD annually. Considering the exchange rate in the shithole countries he parks his fat ass in, that's only a "shoestring budget" because he's stuffing half of it down his gullet.
He doesn't pay any of his staff and the site can barely handle day-to-day traffic. He's crying about the police not doing their jobs because if the site goes down he might actually have to get a real one.
He can't get a real job. His resume was leaked here and it was like something out of grade school. He said a while back he spent 6 years looking for something without any luck. He is completely dependent on kiwifarms. 90k per year would easily be enough for him to live on if he used a little common sense.
90k per year would easily be enough for him to live on if he used a little common sense.
In an ex commie bloc shithole, it's a lot. So much so... if any gangsters were to find out about joshy, they'd probably exploit the "vulnerable" bunter something rotten.

Serbia isn't known for that sort of thing, is it?
I think in some ways it might be for the best if you were right and KF did die. The new posters were only cared about the political side of the website and that was basically just /pol/ 2.0 at this point.
Are you the anon88 from stream.me?
He can't get a real job. His resume was leaked here and it was like something out of grade school. He said a while back he spent 6 years looking for something without any luck. He is completely dependent on kiwifarms. 90k per year would easily be enough for him to live on if he used a little common sense.
God damn, kengle with the savage bants.
Lol no. I only chose that username because it was super generic and didn't really stand out. I'm not at all surprised that someone else was using it on a different website.
didn't think so, but this side of the internet tends to be small. so, i figured might as well ask.
He can't get a real job. His resume was leaked here and it was like something out of grade school. He said a while back he spent 6 years looking for something without any luck. He is completely dependent on kiwifarms. 90k per year would easily be enough for him to live on if he used a little common sense.
Well josh is definitely blacklisted from any IT field. He could work in construction or retail or something not digital but lets be honest here. Josh is a psychopathic narcissist, that guy could never commit to a job he would perceive as “beneath himself” also hes like 350lb lol. Him and ethan ralph are cut from the same cloth and his hypocritical statements like hes unaware of what his website is and people should just “accept” being swatted or “trolled” is just as retarded.

When KF is finally dead what we will see is people warring to recreate “Kiwifarms-lite” and demand the back ups from josh who may or may not be in prison or have hung himself due to losing everything he wasted his entire fucking life on. That boy will probably kill himself though.

Pathetic lol
I can picture Null sitting in his Secion 8 apt. searching for his Serbian love online to start a family with a bunch of withered potted banana peppers in his dining room.
Section 8? Nigga that bitch is an illegal immigrant. You know, hes one of the people he hates in america land that he talks about wanting gone in A&H all the time with the blacks and jews. He’s essentially a mexican who crossed the border in this case. Call josh by his proper name, Beaner.
My theory is that Null has a little red switch underneath his desk that turns the site on and off and puts up a fake error message whenever he needs money. Then when enough bitcoin comes through his money pipe he immediately spends it all on the finest imported neko shota H-Doujinshi.
Section 8? Nigga that bitch is an illegal immigrant. You know, hes one of the people he hates in america land that he talks about wanting gone in A&H all the time with the blacks and jews. He’s essentially a mexican who crossed the border in this case. Call josh by his proper name, Beaner.
Does Josh eat beans? I imagine Josh lumbering down the serbian sidewalks on the hunt for a deep dish, huffing and puffing 2-3 blocks down the way, coated in a thick greasy sheen of oils and sweat; his pits leaking, his crotch swampy, his back a waterpark of perspiration, like the pink slime secreted by a hippo but somehow less pleasant.
Beaner? Nahhh, wetback 👐
Section 8? Nigga that bitch is an illegal immigrant. You know, hes one of the people he hates in america land that he talks about wanting gone in A&H all the time with the blacks and jews. He’s essentially a mexican who crossed the border in this case. Call josh by his proper name, Beaner.
I'd say beans n farts is more accurate.