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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I love how the rest of your post contradicts the first sentence, you greedy bastard.
You have Jewsh-levels of self-awareness
because if there's one thing jews are known for its letting themselves be a punching bag as long as they get the bag right?

Seriously though, all i'm saying is literally don't bite the hand that feeds. especially when someone is willing to pay you money. only a very small percentage is wiling to stick their necks out like that so you should probably think twice about pissing off someone that generous, if anything i'd just shove a 3 dayer on them. thats the length of a lot of 4chan bans. so they're probably used to it. especially when you're going to forget what happened by then.
Is this “have sex”?
Don't forget to seethe, cope, and dilate™©®
>shitting on GETHN7
Wtf I love Donny Donny's community of socks now (Donny himself is denying it).
Why am I not surprised that a jannie like GETHN7 is also a tranny?
Wait, Geth is a tranny janny? Huh, I somehow knew neither. Autistic, definitely, but with how much he bitched about trannies and SJWs I'd have never guessed.

Used to have fun shitting around on some kiwi game servers with him and some others
Wait, Geth is a tranny janny? Huh, I somehow knew neither. Autistic, definitely, but with how much he bitched about trannies and SJWs I'd have never guessed.
The more I've come to understand trannies on KF the more I realize everyone who constantly bitches about them are themselves trollshielding trannies.
Everyone on KF is trollshielding about something.
Remember how CIA Nig got outed? He made fun of people who fapped to planes and he himself fapped to planes.
The more I've come to understand trannies on KF the more I realize everyone who constantly bitches about them are themselves trollshielding trannies.
Everyone on KF is trollshielding about something.
Remember how CIA Nig got outed? He made fun of people who fapped to planes and he himself fapped to planes.
ok tranny
this but unironically

SS13 or Minecraft?
Bit farther back. The old Cards against humanity game sessions in particular.
The more I've come to understand trannies on KF the more I realize everyone who constantly bitches about them are themselves trollshielding trannies.
Everyone on KF is trollshielding about something.
Remember how CIA Nig got outed? He made fun of people who fapped to planes and he himself fapped to planes.
How dare you insinuate that I'm sexually attracted to Jewish Atheist Catholic Baptist Muslim Hindu British Brazilian Indian Nigger Sandnigger Ricenigger Communist Democrat Republican Social Justice Tranny Mexicans who work in the banking industry?!