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KF has a thread about killing people?

I assume it is in the same vein as that tranny subreddit r/watchpeopledie right?
the tranny that created r/watchpeopledie was unironically putting out his impending death for the world to see due to his severe need for attention. Mind you, putting it out for the world to see in true deathfat fashion, being an alcoholic, a fat-ass and on HRT was killing him
KF has a thread about killing people?

I assume it is in the same vein as that tranny subreddit r/watchpeopledie right?
the tranny that created r/watchpeopledie was unironically putting out his impending death for the world to see due to his severe need for attention. Mind you, putting it out for the world to see in true deathfat fashion, being an alcoholic, a fat-ass and on HRT was killing him
Misanthropes in gore communities tend to get very butthurt when they see videos of animals dying.
They are perfectly fine with all type of atrocities happening against humans but the moment you show them a video of a animal being killed or dying they lose their temper.

They are also huge hypocrites in that regard, they may hate videos of cats or dogs suffering, but couldn't give a shit about videos of other "lesser" animals suffering, an example that comes to mind is how tolerated crush porn of insects is compared to crush porn of puppies or kittens, another example that comes to mind from bestgore was a video of thousands of pigs with the flu being sacrificed in a pit and covered in dirt to halt the progress of the swine flu, it triggered relatively less people, only vegan misanthropes.

This is interesting because of one reason: they are liars, these edgelords, like the tranny jannie from r/watchpeopledie, say that they desire no suffering upon others despite their cruel attitude and dark humor, and are merely fascinated by death, but somehow, they're not fascinated by animal death and do not show a similar level of emotional detachment with animals.
Here's an interesting fact: r/watchanimalsdie was banned 2 years before r/watchpeopledie, I'd bet the fact that the jannie of r/watchpeopledie being a trannie has nothing to do with it.
Misanthropes in gore communities tend to get very butthurt when they see videos of animals dying.
They are perfectly fine with all type of atrocities happening against humans but the moment you show them a video of a animal being killed or dying they lose their temper.

They are also huge hypocrites in that regard, they may hate videos of cats or dogs suffering, but couldn't give a shit about videos of other "lesser" animals suffering, an example that comes to mind is how tolerated crush porn of insects is compared to crush porn of puppies or kittens, another example that comes to mind from bestgore was a video of thousands of pigs with the flu being sacrificed in a pit and covered in dirt to halt the progress of the swine flu, it triggered relatively less people, only vegan misanthropes.

This is interesting because of one reason: they are liars, these edgelords, like the tranny jannie from r/watchpeopledie, say that they desire no suffering upon others despite their cruel attitude and dark humor, and are merely fascinated by death, but somehow, they're not fascinated by animal death and do not show a similar level of emotional detachment with animals.
Here's an interesting fact: r/watchanimalsdie was banned 2 years before r/watchpeopledie, I'd bet the fact that the jannie of r/watchpeopledie being a trannie has nothing to do with it.
I agree it's a big reddit moment
Misanthropes in gore communities tend to get very butthurt when they see videos of animals dying.
They are perfectly fine with all type of atrocities happening against humans but the moment you show them a video of a animal being killed or dying they lose their temper.

They are also huge hypocrites in that regard, they may hate videos of cats or dogs suffering, but couldn't give a shit about videos of other "lesser" animals suffering, an example that comes to mind is how tolerated crush porn of insects is compared to crush porn of puppies or kittens, another example that comes to mind from bestgore was a video of thousands of pigs with the flu being sacrificed in a pit and covered in dirt to halt the progress of the swine flu, it triggered relatively less people, only vegan misanthropes.

This is interesting because of one reason: they are liars, these edgelords, like the tranny jannie from r/watchpeopledie, say that they desire no suffering upon others despite their cruel attitude and dark humor, and are merely fascinated by death, but somehow, they're not fascinated by animal death and do not show a similar level of emotional detachment with animals.
Here's an interesting fact: r/watchanimalsdie was banned 2 years before r/watchpeopledie, I'd bet the fact that the jannie of r/watchpeopledie being a trannie has nothing to do with it.
I love your posts
Life huh... finds a way