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Jan Pol "The Incredible Dr. Pol" Television Veterinarian

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

Global Moderator

His Website: https://thedrpol.com/
His Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheDrPolOfficial/
His Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrPol
His Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedrpol/
His YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/drpol
His linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/drpolofficial
His Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Incredible_Dr._Pol

The incredible Dr. Pol was created by Charles Pol (one of three children Jan Pol had also adopted. Jan Pol and his wife have three children and have been married for 49 years. Two of them (Kathy and Charles were adopted from birth. The third child (Diane) was a foster child for 10 years and was then adopted at 18 years old.
However there is a darker side of Jan Pol. A number of veterinarians have serious misgivings with his practice calling it outdated and incompetent

Dr. Lolcow?

He was a large animal vet and practiced exclusively on cows for years.

A lot of my colleagues felt that this wildly popular show should actually be named “The Incompetent Dr. Pol.”
Longtime veterinarian and reality television star Jan Pol, DVM, is serving probation from the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs for negligence and incompetence related to an April 2010 incident.
"The Incredible Dr. Pol" as touted in the title of his National Geographic Wild show, was ordered to pay a $500 fine and complete continuing education in the areas of documentation and record keeping, small animal reproduction, and ultrasound techniques and interpretation. According to documents provided by the state of Michigan, Pol failed to accurately read a canine ultrasound, appropriately treat the patient and to maintain and ensure that his staff kept adequate documentation of telephone calls, treatment records and recommendations to record an appropriate treatment history. Lori Donlan of the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs said in an e-mail to DVM Newsmagazine that Pol paid his fine July 13, but remains on probation—instituted May 26—as he has not submitted any of his required continuing education.
Found guilty of negligence again in 2015: https://www.dvm360.com/view/pol-defense-michigan-veterinary-board-discusses-negligence-charges
A public statement he issued defending his practice: https://cdn.sanity.io/files/0vv8moc6/dvm360/8da983410681eb4408bca56b3633940a6b96e1e8.pdf
The pet owner also issued a statement siding with Dr. Pol

More on his outdated techniques according to the author of this article:

State of Michigan Unpublished Court Opinion. Board of licensing vs. Jan Pol
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