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James Augustine née James Patrick O'Shaughnessy / Mister Metokur / Jim81Jim / Internet Aristocrat

I wanted him to do what he said he would and finish his projects.
It's people like you who drove Daddy Jim away. I bet you sent him money too, you reprobate. Did it make you happy, throwing superberries at him and expecting him to dance like a monkey? And now he's dead. He's fucking dead and I never even got a chance to tell him that I love him.
It's people like you who drove Daddy Jim away. I bet you sent him money too, you reprobate. Did it make you happy, throwing superberries at him and expecting him to dance like a monkey? And now he's dead. He's fucking dead and I never even got a chance to tell him that I love him.
It's people like you who drove Daddy Jim away. I bet you sent him money too, you reprobate. Did it make you happy, throwing superberries at him and expecting him to dance like a monkey? And now he's dead. He's fucking dead and I never even got a chance to tell him that I love him.
Should have sent in the Superchats while he was alive.
Fs in chat. If only we paid more maybe he would have been alive for longer.
I wanted him to do what he said he would and finish his projects.
We all did.

Aside from his cancer-aids, I think once it became less of a hobby and more of "work", the enthusiasm started to deteriorate. His latest video he actually made on Bitchute was on some diaper pisser, which not alot of people thought was funny. That, plus real world shit, it probably got to a point where it burned him out.

Bitchute might be better than YouTube, but it's by no means perfect. Their upload system still sucks, as even short-ass low file size videos hang in processing purgatory. Not to mention they have been slowly taking the knee and banning stuff from their site. As optimistic as I am, I don't think there will be anything like what stream.me was (a platform that leaves you alone and just works). It's like the happiest I've ever seen Jim.
I sold my wife's engagement ring to pay for a superchat to ask Jim if liked my vegeta OC
Let me guess, he ignored your superberry.