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June 1, 2024: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames Biden:
June 1, 2024: Elon Musk plans to hold a livestream event with Donald Trump on
June 1, 2024: Kiwifarms: Uploads are broken:

Movie Night

In the process of being set up

Kiwifarms Gossip Its been an honor lads...

General gossip about kiwifarms

Deleted member 291

Whats that? Trump wants to repeal section 230, a process that will take more than 5 minutes???? Sounds like kiwi farms is DEAD FOREVER. my whole body is numb but its for the best.... Its been an honor lads.... Semper fi!!!! :jace salute:

[youtube link to a sad song]


this game sucks
Remarkable Onion
G-Guys i've been a long time lurker since 2001 and even though I never signed up until now i'm super sad to see this site go. I loved lurking and being with you guys even though I never contributed to anything and just made the account 3 minutes ago. Semper fi lads i'll see you guys on my platform that won't get deleted next because the removal of section 230 makes it an exception.


Segmentation fault (core dumped)
An Onion Among Onions
My hands and feet are numb after reading this post. It's for the best though. I've watched this website do a tremendous amount of good over the years, a lot of it not even seen or regarded by a vast swathe of users who seem to come here to capitalize on a free and open space to vent their innermost rot. The fact of the matter is, what's done is done, what's good is good, and I hope Null is proud of what he's accomplished over the years. And I wish him well.

Deleted member 184

I've lurked this site when one of the first websites was built, back in 1985 when I wasn't even a fetus or thought of. I'll miss the decades of internet memes and lolcows. RIP 1985-2020

Deleted member 158

Well, I'm not surprised this day has come, but I fully support Null in shutting down the site. I've been here since 2013 and love reading the lolcow threads, but I think Null's personal health is what matters and if he nukes the site and sends tens of thousands of users homeless its fine with me if it helps him live.
Kiwifarms is a special place that has brought all kinds of people together, and I do think its impact is on the same level of much larger websites like Youtube and Reddit in terms of influence. I donated my $20 to Null within the first year of being a user after learning everything Null did to protect our freedom of speech, and with him now leaving, you should donate too. There aren't many websites at all, less than a dozen probably, that offer the freedom of speech that Kiwifarms has.
Thanks everyone!