All Races, ethnicities, religions. Gay or straight, cis or trans: We don't care. If you can rock with us: You are one of us

Community Featured Submissions 🧅

  • Turnaround is fair play Ash. You gossip about me in the other forum. We can gossip about you here.

How did you discover the Onion Farms?

After discovering Kiwi Farms I tried to find out more information about Null and I found the Blockland Saga OP, though I think its been lost to time now. I lurked for a while and then made an account on here.
After discovering Kiwi Farms I tried to find out more information about Null and I found the Blockland Saga OP, though I think its been lost to time now. I lurked for a while and then made an account on here.
Discovered it semi-accidentally looking for Kiwi Farms-like sites and threads about Null, and quickly noticed that it’s rules and users were much more tolerable than Kiwi Farms and much more consistent than
I don't think I would have even known about this place if josh didn't have such an insecure attitude about it.

I flat out never would have heard of this place if KF wouldn't have been harping about it the whole 5 minutes I was there before I got banned.

Thanks, KF 👍🏻
I flat out never would have heard of this place if KF wouldn't have been harping about it the whole 5 minutes I was there before I got banned.

Thanks, KF 👍🏻
I mostly heard about it because Josh would occasionally mention it on his podcast and knowing his propensity for projection I figured it was the exact opposite of what he was saying.