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Last Update January 21, 2025

Kiwifarms Associate Glowie / Internet Safety Professional / Overlord Khekor / Prateor Khekor / TemperatorBot

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
Biggest sperg on the ‘Farms
you should add the "(he doesn't have to be dead because his dick doesn't work)" part to your edited message thing.

so it will be less cluttered
@Crimson Fucker
Lol you're trans, opinion discarded
You wish, even if I was I still wouldn't fuck you. Not even if you carve my username into your leg. You defend a pedophile with a CPS investigation for child sex abuse and Blaine, a tranny pedo. That is why everyone here discards your opinion. Especially your fail doxxes. Shows how desperate you are and how upset I made you.
Reason: Also you're ginger and have no soul so you would not get into heaven if it were real anyway. But it isn't real.
  • Dumb
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