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Kiwifarms Linked Glowie / Internet Safety Professional / Overlord Khekor / Prateor Khekor / TemperatorBot

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
Biggest sperg on the ‘Farms
The list of words and phrases is peak scizo.
i know right? that's a surefire way for his thread to receive bumps at a very slow pace.

hes forgetting about null feeling so threatened by a site of shitposters that he censored the url it turns out people like using a site that isnt run by a gigantic faggot who melts down over the smallest shit
don't tell him this. delusional schizos like him don't like facts nor logic.
I'm wondering why he spends the rest of his miserable life away hunting down socks. one theory from @Action Bronson a.k.a @Stop Socking Gaylord suggests that he does this so he can obtain mod privilege (you can find his theory posted in this thread). lol, if this is true then holy shit how pathetic
Oh I stand by that. He obviously wants to be a janny, otherwise he wouldn't spend so much effort being a flaggot.

He wants to broom the furfag board but Josh already said he doesn't want actual furfags jannying that ever again and it's clear he's a closeted furry since no one on the planet thinks about homos in mascot costumes that much without also being in the "fandom".

I'll do you a solid and make sure that piece of lore makes into it your our PG thread since we're apparently in this together.
Where we gunt one, we gunt all ☝🏻

On the note, his writer's room is obviously doing a hell of a job editing his broken ass English. Sadly, the only funny parts of that thread are about you liking creepshots (based) + Crimson and I doing mostly unrelated shit but it's all so esoteric no outsider is going to jump on the band wagon.

"Hurr durr, they make sock accounts and don't like Josh. Also they had a convoluted slap fight one time. Total lolcows, amirite?"

Personally, it's flattering for someone to want to halal me but also disappointing it couldn't be done by someone competent.

Give me a few and I'll post all the socks I can remember making. Maybe someone can help him pull together anything other than the fact that I refuse to stay banned (anywhere)
i have no words to describe how idiotic this trash is. yeah, let's focus on the person's mannerisms and how they talk.
You do have a few mannerisms that make you stand out but yeah, the shit he listed doesn't touch on literally any of them.
I'm done criticizing you (at least in public) so I don't help him get beyond his Pepe Silvia phase.
Also, @Crimson Fucker is a cool nigger, even when he thinks I'm a Redditor 😏
Le soyface :soy:
good grace
Goodness gracious*
Or if you were going for a Charlie Brown:
Good grief*
@universe adventurer
Stay in your lane, annoying faggot


Last edited by a moderator:
something interesting happened in glowie's thread.


this is his kiwi account.


hmm... :thinking:
the kiwi account could be someone from EDF larping as assblonker since normally, assblonker types in all caps like this.

even his kiwifarms account is no different.

so yeah, the "anonymous EDiot" kiwifarms account being him is highly unlikely. i have another possible match, I present to you: LikIcare

this guy is a fragile, easily offended faggot who will dox anyone that dares to disagree with his worthless Australian ass.

yes, he doxed 2 person over a silly argument. that's how fragile he is.

the fact that you are automatically marked as a nuacine if you ever go against him is just hilarious. whatever happened to that internet tough guy reputation ED had in the past? :paytas:

but hey, this is just a speculation and my suspicion so take that as you will.


yes..... it's Times 4 Guillotines definitely defend me and not just trying to fuck glowie up by going full retard with his tsunami of socks :story: . retards, I swear
something interesting happened in glowie's thread.
View attachment 52922
View attachment 52923
this is his kiwi account.
View attachment 52924
View attachment 52926
hmm... :thinking:
the kiwi account could be someone from EDF larping as assblonker since normally, assblonker types in all caps like this.
View attachment 52927View attachment 52928
even his kiwifarms account is no different.
View attachment 52929
so yeah, the "anonymous EDiot" kiwifarms account being him is highly unlikely. i have another possible match, I present to you: LikIcare
View attachment 52930
this guy is a fragile, easily offended faggot who will dox anyone that dares to disagree with his worthless Australian ass.
View attachment 52932
yes, he doxed 2 person over a silly argument. that's how fragile he is.

the fact that you are automatically marked as a nuacine if you ever go against him is just hilarious. whatever happened to that internet tough guy reputation ED had in the past? :paytas:

but hey, this is just a speculation and my suspicion so take that as you will.

View attachment 52933
yes..... it's Times 4 Guillotines definitely defend me and not just trying to fuck glowie up by going full retard with his tsunami of socks :story: . retards, I swear
he was banned from the kiwi farms https://kiwifarms.st/members/anonymous-ediot.172275/
Who tf is pham trung nigga
(assuming you don't know) see
@Anonymous EDiot is literally glowie lmfao
View attachment 52943
for everyone's information: this is his account on EDF (encyclopedia dramatica forums)
View attachment 52946
@Crimson Fucker spam gore on his edf profile. this is him literally admitting he is behind this account
@Anonymous EDiot is an onionfarms sock of glowie a.k.a this thread's subject