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Kiwifarms Linked Glowie / Internet Safety Professional / Overlord Khekor / Prateor Khekor / TemperatorBot

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
Biggest sperg on the ‘Farms
i didn't create the PM chain, it was @Crimson Fucker. so we caught one double-agent red handed
I don't think there's any double agents, bud.
Erika literally goes where the action is and shakes things up for a laugh and spur of the moment spite. Nothing wrong with that, it's really in the spirit of this corner of the internet.
But if you want to create a functional trolling group, you can't just invite everyone you've given laugh stickers to. And you certainly don't do it through Xenforo DMs since they're easily visible to any admin and this site has too many cooks working the pot.
now wonder how the hell glowie knows what PM chain I, @Crimson Fucker, @VAIDS Victim, @Constant, and many others have joined here on onionfarms? oh boy, it could be that our old friend here autistically scans for every single one of our posts here and finds out that we have joined a PM chain here because @Crimson Fucker has said something about an onionfarms PM chain. who knows

imagine being so obsessed that you are willing to waste your life on monitoring the people you dislike lol. apparently, me and @Crimson Fucker are the obsessed ones while glowie here pulling stunt like this is A okay
Little does he know we use the super secret furry-free group chat to a-log more interesting speds like AnOminous.
Because you let Erika into your DM chain and she tells Cow Poly / Cringestorian X things. Duh. Go look at the DM thread and tell me she wasn't in there...

I directly called Glowie out for being in communication with those two on one of my socks and he did nothing but top hat sticker and wait until I was banned before talking unrelated shit.
I personally don't blame Erika since such things are in her nature 🦂🐸
But Cow Polystorian X is such a fag for trying to squeeze clout from a stone and I am stoked for the day the dirty needle induced hepatitis peacefully sunsets him.
I don't think there's any double agents, bud.
Erika literally goes where the action is and shakes things up for a laugh and spur of the moment spite. Nothing wrong with that, it's really in the spirit of this corner of the internet.
But if you want to create a functional trolling group, you can't just invite everyone you've given laugh stickers to. And you certainly don't do it through Xenforo DMs since they're easily visible to any admin and this site has too many cooks working the pot.
Reason: There might already be a screenshot somewhere in another thread.
The screenshot was probably in Ashley's playground thread but ken keeps hiding or deleting it in spite of it being the best evidence he has against her harassment of his workplace. Either way, here is the screenshot since images work again. Blaine wasn't in it as far as I can tell.
Reason: So I highly doubt it was him in particular leaking dms, has to be someone else in this group.
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This is my only dm from Blaine and this was well after the drama. It was one on one and again after the drama.
Reason: He was butthurt about the threads being derailed, he did this after I replied to him with the same definition of a troll he posted.
View attachment 51479
This is my only dm from Blaine and this was well after the drama. It was one on one and again after the drama.
Well I've always assumed @Constant was a Cow Poly sock, not Zrcalo.
I turned my head a bit when I saw Emp quietly mentioned that Constant leaks shit to KF.
It's why I raised my eyebrow when they started using a modified tagline from one of my sock accounts, hence why I left my old pfp on their profile page.

Edit: They would have been aware that was my account because I handed Queen of Poz a little stack of my old socks accounts to sperg about and I know those two share info.
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It's funny to see people still believing the faildox DoNotFeedTheSneed made about me. the myth of me having a voyeur account was made by DoNotFeedTheSneed's mental retardation. mind you, the username "Arkomia" is pretty common on the internet and DoNotFeedTheSneed linking that voyeur account to me is insane because no post were made from that account and the only thing that remotely tie that account to me is its activity date. yes, that's DoNotFeedTheSneed's infantile reasoning
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Glowie's thread on @universe adventurer has had certain schizophrenic details removed and replaced with some fresh sperg babble.


Apparently Time 4 Guillotines was Dark Ninja this entire time, based on nothing but the speculation of a heroin junkie whispering nonsense into his ear.
The best way to get your thread out of PG is to bury the lede as deeply as possible with tangential characters (be sure to list as many blanked/spam banned accounts as possible, especially the ones dunking on you) while still failing to write literally anything funny.
Great work as always Glowie. Kiwi Farms has some great sleuths and you're definitely receiving those skills by pure osmosis and account age lol