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Kiwifarms Linked Glowie / Internet Safety Professional / Overlord Khekor / Prateor Khekor / TemperatorBot

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
Biggest sperg on the ‘Farms
having onionfarms living rent-free.png
>muh zoophiles on onionfarms
>muh furries on onionfarms

the seethe and rent-free never ends, folks!
View attachment 50508
>muh zoophiles on onionfarms
>muh furries on onionfarms

the seethe and rent-free never ends, folks!
His grudge makes no sense to me. How does this guy rationalize his behavior? We all had fun fucking with a retard, people laughed, no foul play. But of course Glowie has to insert his unnecessary commentary like he's essential to the situation. News flash: Nobody wants you around Glowie. You're just as bad as Madre but because you aren't publicly inappropriate the spotlight isn't on you. Although your hateboner for us grows with every passing moment. How dare the Kiwis not slander those pesky Onions whenever they're brought up! :(
Nobody wants you around Glowie.
the funniest part is him acting like a hot shot all the time while not realizing he's on the edge of being treated like a lolcow (or skitzocow to be specific). the only thing that prevents people on kiwifarms from treating glowie like a skitzocow is that people still tolerate his annoying ass. like anything in life, tolerance won't last forever and when people's patience run out, you can be damn sure kiwis will ridicule the shit out of glowie and treat glowie like thegooddoctor and other lolcow freaks on kiwifarms.
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the funniest part is him acting like a hot shot all the time while not realizing he's on the edge of being treated like a lolcow or skitzocow to be specific. the only thing that prevents people on kiwifarms from treating glowie like a skitzocow is that people still tolerate his annoying ass. like anything in life, tolerance won't last forever and when people's patience run out, you can be damn sure kiwis will ridicule the shit out of glowie and treat glowie like thegooddoctor and other lolcow freaks on kiwifarms.
I noticed he's the biggest summerfag I've ever seen that cruises the trending posts and popular cow threads and provides no real substance to his posts, thinking he's got a massive gotcha or funny post when in reality it just comes off as weird. He doesn't have a consistent use pattern outside of Onionfarms alogging in the last few months. And he's the loudest one in that thread too, obnoxiously so. Don't know where he thinks he's got any right to talk about intelligence when he can't even participate in a conversation without coming off as massively autistic and egotistical.
Don't know where he thinks he's got any right to talk about intelligence when he can't even participate in a conversation without coming off as massively autistic and egotistical.
narcissism + schizophrenia is your answer. narcissist like him never have any self-awarness whatsoever. coupled with his schizophrenia, he will constantly seeing things and see everyone as a threat
glowie got scolded by CptnSnshn

his response to this?

yeeaaah.... still no self-awareness. hell, i'd be surprised if he has a nugget of self-awareness someday.
I have entire gallery filled with Arkomia, Crimson and other OnionFarms users who are involved with their campaign to Alog null
good grief with this null cocksucker.
this sock account spree
>not the heckin' sockerino massacre :paytas::paytas:
cry about it, niggerfaggot
catalog every animal control users
glowie furry arc fucking when? :haha:. are you sure you aren't a furry, glowie?
and fail to spam users who hurt their egos.
noice, proceed to make shit up like usual because you can't handle reporting things with truth instead of making up lies to satisfy your planet-sized ego. the only egotistical person here is you, you dumb snownigger.
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Yes. Glowie has been feeding the trolls... how does Glowie take it?
Oh. Badly. "Everyone has their opinion... mine's just better than everyone else". Glowie admits to being obsessed with CF for a year, as well as revealing his true intentions... protecting the honour of Lady Joshiva from them darn Onioneers... The faggot has been on there for over three years, isn't a poo and ornery, posts dumb shit like that... clearly protective of the broom... whose sock is that?
Glowie might want to take (((their))) own advice there.
Eh? Was Glowie channeling their inner Kerouac? This might explain it...
Rando points out the problems with the SS13 thing. Hey, I'm sure that this SS13 thing will run as smoovlee as Commie Farms does. Even with the "skids" attack, which the broom started using... after a meme of him blaming trannies for his shitty coding became a thing.
glowie got scolded by CptnSnshn
View attachment 50517
his response to this?
View attachment 50518
yeeaaah.... still no self-awareness. hell, i'd be surprised if he has a nugget of self-awareness someday.

good grief with this null cocksucker.

>not the heckin' sockerino massacre :paytas::paytas:
cry about it, niggerfaggot

glowie furry arc fucking when? :haha:. are you sure you aren't a furry, glowie?

noice, proceed to make shit up like usual because you can't handle reporting things with truth instead of making up lies to satisfy your planet-sized ego. the only egotistical person here is you, you dumb snownigger.
An entire gallery dedicated to me and universe adventure is not the flex he thinks it is. It only reinforces the other guy's point. I'll let him figure out which sock I'm being friendly towards him with in order to gay op him and egg him on. 😏
  • Dumb
Reactions: Kan
View attachment 50520
Yes. Glowie has been feeding the trolls... how does Glowie take it?
View attachment 50521
Oh. Badly. "Everyone has their opinion... mine's just better than everyone else". Glowie admits to being obsessed with CF for a year, as well as revealing his true intentions... protecting the honour of Lady Joshiva from them darn Onioneers... The faggot has been on there for over three years, isn't a poo and ornery, posts dumb shit like that... clearly protective of the broom... whose sock is that?
I almost want to suspect a janny sock or at least janny friends for the site putting up with this for so long. Their staff being this retarded wouldn't be a surprise.