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  • Retraction: The Mystery Ashley is not the Original Ashley

Kiwifarms Associate Glowie / Internet Safety Professional / Overlord Khekor / Prateor Khekor / TemperatorBot

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
Biggest sperg on the ‘Farms
The account obviously wasn't me because I don't do similar themes between different socks. I wouldn't have more than one vampire themed account because I'm more creative than he would like to assume. There are tons of vampire and Vlad the impaler themed accounts, some of which changed names. What's funny is he hasn't noticed herp derp and I both do the something something bit.
Reason: The dots are right there but he hasn't connected them.
Fifth ban is pretty high of a number for someone who only got one banned for being confused with someone else and the other one as some nice juicy bait dangled in front of him. None of my accounts were hit. If one was I would have posted about it if the cat really was out of the bag. Sucks for whoever that was. Maybe they can join here instead.
Reason: Triple post, in b4 I'm Cicero
I don't think this needs any preface:
Part one.jpg
Part 2.jpg

Part 3.jpg
He's truly nuts and he threw his bff under the bus too.
They both sort of did to be fair. Whoever said they will turn on each other called it. They probably want to pretend like they are not mad at each other though. Glowie is lying to their face about not being involved. Hopefully they lurk here, see this, and call him on it.
Reason: "not involved" he cries out in denial
So his ultimate plan to show we're obsessed with him was to social engineer his way into a moderation position to learn everything about us.
I don't think he understands the implication here.
And when he realized nobody cares, he had to manufacture some drama.
And when he realized nobody cares, he had to manufacture some drama.
And all that did was get one of them to admit to abusing a child, as a joke I'm sure.
Wait wait wait wait wait wait.
Are you telling everyone, right now, that you have been charged with child-abuse?
I was a spritely 47. Tyquarius was 12, Daykwan was 11 and the one beaten with the pickaninny nunchucks, Nightkwan, was 14. But he was being a real motherfucker, so it's fine
Please point to the (((ironic))) pedo posting, Honey Baby
Maybe I’m late but where did you get the idea he wants to weasel his way into being a janny?
Because he was formerly a moderator. @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt promoted him as a local broom before removing him.

Okay, at this point I have revoked your broom. There are people in my family that are gay and I find it deeply offensive you are labeling them as pedos. I work in a sensitive industry when it comes to marginalized people and I have a nut job in Tennessee that is hellbent on portraying this as a white supremacist website (just the kind of thing that will get me fired). I have explained to you privately on why your directlon for Onionfarms will not work for all the right reasons.
Pico/Gaylord had Ken take the broom from (((them))). That's why Pico/Gaylord/countless other socks to rival Dunnce, is such a butt hurt faggot.
I asked pico about the a.i nulls and he sent me everything, safe to say I never used them and I only stick to my photoshop edits.
I asked pico about the a.i nulls and he sent me everything, safe to say I never used them and I only stick to my photoshop edits.
Yeah best not to download anything he sends you. He has been trying to get me to download malware and Phish me for a while now and passive aggressively tried to see if a faildox on me was legit or not long before the whiteglove incident.