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Kiwifarms Linked Glowie / Internet Safety Professional / Overlord Khekor / Prateor Khekor / TemperatorBot

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Biggest sperg on the ‘Farms
@VAIDS Victim check this out. this is just batshit hilarious.

motherfucker seriously think you're his buddy. also, still no self-awareness like usual. lolcow calling others lolcow is super hilarious.

being the usual desperate losers these insects are, DoNotFeedTheSneed proceed to bump glowie's dead thread. mind you, before DoNotFeedTheSneed necrobumped glowie's thread, glowie's failed thread about me is already dead. it's no longer on the front page. got to love the desperation, really shows how fucking retarded these vermins are.

the fact that these retards still don't know his thread about me is nothing more than a personal army call thread is pathetic and funny.

your friend's thread that got negrated to death and most people who replied to it shit on the OP of the thread is now dead? I know, let's necrobump it! surely, it will work this time and it wouldn't backfire.
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@VAIDS Victim check this out. this is just batshit hilarious.
View attachment 48900
motherfucker seriously think you're his buddy. also, still no self-awareness like usual. lolcow calling others lolcow is super hilarious.
View attachment 48901
being the usual desperate losers these insects are, DoNotFeedTheSneed proceed to bump glowie's dead thread. mind you, before DoNotFeedTheSneed necrobumped glowie's thread, glowie's failed thread about me is already dead. it's no longer on the front page. go to love the desperation, really shows how fucking retarded these vermins are.

the fact that these retards still don't know his thread about me is nothing more than a personal army call thread is pathetic and funny.

your friend's thread that got negrated to death and most people who replied to it shit on the OP of the thread is now dead? I know, let's necrobump it! surely, it will work this time and it wouldn't backfire.
View attachment 48902
translation: let's catalog the least interesting things about a lolcow. that will show the mean baddie arkomia! it will scare him off from socking!

god, these kiwi wannabe redditors are so lame. no, you retarded mongrel, adding shit nobody cares about won't save the thread. the huge fuss about me was already dead 5+ months ago. if you want to do a lolcow thread about me, tough titties niggers because you should've done that months ago,
well guys, looks like the gang of pathetic backseat moderators aren't fucking around with this one. they're so relentless, holy shit :story:.
View attachment 44665
the info:
i present to you, the gang of a-logs:
View attachment 41868View attachment 41869View attachment 41871
with their super a-log powers combined, they form...

A - L O G

View attachment 41872
for your information: they're still trying to hunt me down for 5 months. if this doesn't convince you all that they're just a bunch of lowlifes with nothing better to do than policing socks on a place for reddit rejects then I don't know what will.
my account they've hunted
notice the join date, lmao
back when the fuss is still hot in the water but you people don't.

instead, you morons waited until virtually no one cares but you guys and then proceed to post the thread
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View attachment 48903
translation: let's catalog the least interesting things about me. that will show the mean baddie arkomia! it will scare him off from socking! god, these kiwi wannabe redditors are so lame. no, you retarded mongrel, adding shit nobody cares about won't save the thread. the huge fuss about me was already dead 5+ months ago. if you want to do a lolcow thread about me, tough titties niggers because you should've done that months ago. back when the fuss is still hot in the water but you don't.

instead, you morons waited until virtually no one cares but you guys and then proceed to post the thread
for the lovely retards who still orbit glowie is as if he's a messiah of commiefarms. THIS is how you do a lolcow thread:
if you can't do detailed analysis of someone, their activities, and their personal life. at least do something like this.
notice how the two example threads I've provided barely have any commentary put into them? put your main images outside of spoilers and for irrelevant things, put them in spoilers. good grace, these guys trying so hard to die on a worthless hill that's not worth to die on
View attachment 49175

Thunk provoking, indeed
Bro said Alex Jones but unironically. :story:

No it doesn't make them gay it just mimics the hormones that would normally cause them to change gender on their own when their isn't enough potential mates. Fish do it too and the shit has the same effect. It's a survival mechanism humans don't have. The chemicals do mimic estrogen and we have been aware it causes humans to get cancer and for males to develop feminine traits and fucks with their brain causing them to troon out since the early 2000s. Just use Google search max date before 2012.
glowie on his usual daily a-log and rent-free activity.

turning the onionfarms thread on kiwifarms into his personal blog. it's always hilarious the gargantuan amount of milk this schizo lolcow sped provides if you provoke him just a little bit.

also, watching his attempt at doing a personal army call thread is exceptionally hilarious too. his friends and him still as desperate as ever to beat the dead horse that's 1) dead on arrival and 2) no one gives 2 fucks about :story:
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this pic was posted first in the KF general thread.
watch out, we got a double agent known as times 4 Guillotines a.k.a @pico de Guillotines on this site working with a sherlock homo known as Glowie.
View attachment 49317
according to this genius, I am a zoophile for the crime of pointing out the deletion of that zoophile archive.

that's a very hilarious coping mechanism. ever notice how every time this schizophrenic sped opens his mouth about people he hates, he always projects and accuse people of everything he did? that's because schizos like him are known to be insecure and are willing to project to cover their asses.

no glowie, I didn't have you live rent-free in my head. you did. you keep dragging my name and people you dislike into everything that are absolutely not related. which is hilarious because you managed to have another one live rent-free in your head, @Crimson Fucker.

lmao, imagine resorting to having a tipper giving you info on the people you hate. so hilarious.

kiwitards trying not to project their insecurities to people they don't like challenge (100% impossible)
glowie on his usual daily a-log and rent-free activity.

turning the onionfarms thread on kiwifarms into his personal blog. it's always hilarious the gargantuan amount of milk this schizo lolcow sped provides if you provoke him just a little bit.

also, watching his attempt at doing a personal army call thread is exceptionally hilarious too. his friends and him still as desperate as ever to beat the dead horse that's 1) dead at arrival and 2) no one gives 2 fucks about :story:
I guess he doesn't understand that using juicy extra throw aways as bait to reveal gay ops are afoot is nothing but pawns on a chessboard in a game of cat and mouse. Only surprise is that it took this long for a bite. Still got socks to spy and post uninterrupted. Still signed into two at once.
  • Dumb
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I guess he doesn't understand that using juicy extra throw aways as bait to reveal gay ops are afoot is nothing but pawns on a chessboard in a game of cat and mouse. Only surprise is that it took this long for a bite. Still got socks to spy and post uninterrupted. Still signed into two at once.
what's funny to me is how fucking far he would go just to mess with us and keep kiwifarms free from those damn dirty sockers and ban evaders. relying on someone just to get intelligence about the people you don't like? really? that's got to be a whole new low for rent-free
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what's funny to me is how fucking far he would go just to mess with us and keep kiwifarms free from those damn dirty sockers and ban evaders. relying on someone just to get intelligence about the people you don't like? really? that's got to be a whole new low for rent-free
I've received an urgent notice from my contact over in the Kiwi Department of Penis Management, Glowie, that @Crimson Fucker is in fact an alt of the "FtM" edgelord pooner, Whiteglove.
This was actually a double-op on a pre-op and I've asked Agent Glowie to begin drafting a full summary.
God Sneed 🫡
View attachment 49360
I wonder on a scale of 1-10 how mad boku no pico de guillotines is about his discord butt buddy not being able to keep his mouth shut about their gay ops and reveal their cum soaked hands too early. Premature ejaculation must be awful. Couldn't imagine.