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Meta Gaylord's Retarded Gutterlife

Or: A Ralpamales Journey

Time 4 Guillotines

An Onion Among Onions
I won't be responding via text here but will be uploading little nightly diary entries for those that care to hear about the misadventures of one of the most verbose AND disliked Onions.
Until I get my shit together in a satisfactory way, this will be how I interact with the site.
Why? Who cares? KYS? Niggerfaggot/faggotnigger?
Sneed. Simple as.

Night One:
Reason: >Disabused. What was the word I was actually looking for? Abused, but greatly?

Time 4 Guillotines

An Onion Among Onions
Doubling down, purely because the googly eyed beaner chomo felt the need to gibs "dumb" badge.
Elaine is the Beauty to my Beast. The Lady to my Tramp.
Empresa is the intestinal worm that took industrial measures to rid either of us of him. Not even a footnote, less than a prescription

Crimson Fucker

An Onion Among Onions

Time 4 Guillotines

An Onion Among Onions
After a brief vacation to the grippy socks hotel, I have returned. I am on lithium to prevent manic episodes, Antabuse to make me want to die if I fuck up and drink alcohol again and Klonopin to reduce my anxiety and subsequent tard rage. Meds taken and the gay duck has won.
I only hope that my more stable mood doesn't have a negative impact of the totally epic posts you've all come to expect from me ๐Ÿ˜
I am currently on the bus heading south to Sioux Falls. I plan to get my grind on during the summer and be annoying online during my free time
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Still have Ashley Hutsell Jankowski's Address in my Banner
An Onion Among Onions

Time 4 Guillotines

An Onion Among Onions
you shouldnt take this especially if you may drink again one day its a great way to end up in prison + if you take it too long the withdrawls last forever and can be fatal from seizures
The Antabuse is more than a strong deterrent to keep me from drinking and I know to titrate myself off of benzos if I plan to stop taking them. But yes, generally good advice.
So that's why you act like an overexcited retard. Its because you are an overexcited retard.
Lmao I've been very open about being bipolar. Ain't no shame in my sperg game
Probably. I intend to still bring the bullshit online with just as much fervor while having more control over my IRL.


Still have Ashley Hutsell Jankowski's Address in my Banner
An Onion Among Onions
Pipe down retard, we understand it. You're stupid and can't understand that people use ugly faces (such as your own) as their PFP.


Still have Ashley Hutsell Jankowski's Address in my Banner
An Onion Among Onions
Yawn. I can't see your post so I'm guessing what you wrote was:

"Hi everybody I'm Ashley Hutsell Jankowski. The admin of this website graciously put a stop to my face dox being put on his website. Instead of leaving, I came back to get myself dox and stalked all over again."


Still have Ashley Hutsell Jankowski's Address in my Banner
An Onion Among Onions
Giant fat asshole who wishes to be harassed and look upon her face being used by a stranger.

Retarded woman who wants her IRL name be associated with a site she declares is full of pedophiles.

Worthless intellectual who can't even figure out what she wants from @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

Nothing Ashley Hutsell Jankowski writes will be worth jackshit because, as proven right here, she doesn't even want to leave the stalking and harassing website she cries about. I find doxxing wrong unless its Ashley, which in this case, is a-okay to do. Its okay to dox somebody who doesn't do anything to stop her dox being spread online.