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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Freya's misdeeds and hazing

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
it is how we brown people do things
lol not white.png

You are gyppo which is neither white nor brown but ick.
This is precisely what Freya did on Kiwi Farms; she literally followed others on KF to provoke them but seems she can't take it herself. You don't need to white knight for her, either. For someone who joined last month all I can say is: lurk moar.
Oh so you're going to do the same thing back instead of act with kindness? Highly doubt she ever did anything like that to you. You're stooping to her previous level but atleast you're informing us all about how unwell you are by projecting so hard.
Also lmao you're going to mention my join date now like a true kiwitard? That's the easiest tell to let me know I'm in the right on this one.
Oh so you're going to do the same thing back instead of act with kindness? Highly doubt she ever did anything like that to you. You're stooping to her previous level but atleast you're informing us all about how unwell you are by projecting so hard.
Also lmao you're going to mention my join date now like a true kiwitard? That's the easiest tell to let me know I'm in the right on this one.
WHy are you so mad about a rando kiwi getting their just desserts?
Oh so you're going to do the same thing back instead of act with kindness? Highly doubt she ever did anything like that to you. You're stooping to her previous level but atleast you're informing us all about how unwell you are by projecting so hard.
Also lmao you're going to mention my join date now like a true kiwitard? That's the easiest tell to let me know I'm in the right on this one.
This is one of the worst trolling attempts I have ever read. Do better.
Oh so you're going to do the same thing back instead of act with kindness?
yes, and?

shes going to sock back on there and shes not here in good faith. why should we do anything other than what she did to everyone here?
but unlike her, Lidl, Lurker, Justa and the rest, we arent going to make Kengle ban her for calling us names or disagreeing with us.
if she cant take the banter then she shouldnt have come here
Oh so you're going to do the same thing back instead of act with kindness? Highly doubt she ever did anything like that to you. You're stooping to her previous level but atleast you're informing us all about how unwell you are by projecting so hard.
Also lmao you're going to mention my join date now like a true kiwitard? That's the easiest tell to let me know I'm in the right on this one.
Which one of the BP harridans are you? Let me guess...Jambled Up Whore?
WHy are you so mad about a rando kiwi getting their just desserts?
I haven't seen people on this forum be so needlessly rude before and personal. If you want to call her a null asskiss be my guest but like going after some PL about her mom? That's fucked up.

Also it's a good idea to be nice to people you want insider information from. No wonder you guys think Lidl is nulls sock this entire time. Your autism might be terminal.
I haven't seen people on this forum be so needlessly rude before and personal. If you want to call her a null asskiss be my guest but like going after some PL about her mom? That's fucked up.

Also it's a good idea to be nice to people you want insider information from. No wonder you guys think Lidl is nulls sock this entire time. Your autism might be terminal.
Lol, this is Jambled.