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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Freya's misdeeds and hazing

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
I haven't seen people on this forum be so needlessly rude before and personal. If you want to call her a null asskiss be my guest but like going after some PL about her mom? That's fucked up.

Also it's a good idea to be nice to people you want insider information from. No wonder you guys think Lidl is nulls sock this entire time. Your autism might be terminal.
Dude, this bitch was in DM's doxing other female users and making fun of them for their home life and mental illness. She can make fun of anyone all she wants but we can't throw her own words back in her face? Come on now. Also, hi Jambled! Still trying to engage in life ruination on the forums while your drunk dad is passed out on the couch?
Which one of the BP harridans are you? Let me guess...Jambled Up Whore?
nah she is a BP woman though
all they did was make fun of random users
agenda poster
this user gets an unwarranted amount of hate from null, lidl and lurker for posting his own opinions but you were fine with that as long as you were still in the inner circle.
this is why i think youre not here in good faith and lying when you say you disagree with nulls moderation style.
I haven't seen people on this forum be so needlessly rude before and personal.
Like I said, lurk moar, faggot.
If you want to call her a null asskiss be my guest but like going after some PL about her mom? That's fucked up.
>Post a screenshot of Freya posting horrible takes things on her own mother
>omg why are you posting her awful behavior that's so mean! 😭

Cry moar in you catty DMs with Lidl and your fellow fat BPD gooners, Hambled.
Here is the beautiful Jambled everyone!

Nice bulimic teeth you got there bitch. Still whoring yourself to male Kiwi's and sending them your nudes?