Cowsphere - KF Orbiter Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

Someone who is an orbiter of Kiwifarms and a central figure in the cowsphere.
It's creepier still, when you know she posts on Shitterly Farms.
lamey admits that her 'rents still get shit from the kwiffar. And Sham just sits there.
Correct answer: Harlem Globe Trotters. jk, lamey. We both know you are too scared to have real sex.
Most women would take it as a compliment... lamey wants something Indian Giver style. Unless she's been trying to fare dodge and try and get the junior fare on public transport.
Some Ugandan ticket collector? Oh, and Mr Hilter was off his bonce on meth, and was a nonce. lamey's kinda daddy.
You know it's dani's socks. On whatever forum he chooses to mog you on. Fuh Shame lamey, getting mogged by the male version of you.
She claims to have lidl's dox. It's meant to be some bint from Canada. Not Slatz.
She claims to have lidl's dox. It's meant to be some bint from Canada. Not Slatz.
Looks like fake news
lamey not sure if the person is street legal... so she posts the pic, with fat slut... Another day, another rake stepped on.