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Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.

N-Dub born and bred. She'll never leave.

Remember this vendetta? Funny how Elaine has never done anything about Graf posting a link to her megafile. As his dox is out there (and he's a lolicon) I'm surprised Elaine hasn't contacted the police in Grafs area. It's like she's lying, isn't it?
Lying is Elaine's superpower.
Lying is Elaine's superpower.
Shurely it's only a super power if people believe the lies. Kwiffar aren't people btw, they don't matter, and they don't believe anything, just repeat what they think will get them ass pats and the attention of the broom*. Elaine is Kwiffar in that sense. Her real super power is being able to create Ker-ringe energy sufficient to crack a spine (a la The Tingler).

*TBF to Elaine she did manage to con the Farms into believing she had self harmed the brooms name into her thighs. Even tho a cursory glance at the video even in Kemo Dinlo 2007-scope it was obvious it was make up. Which Elaine was forced to admit. Ofc this doesn't stop the Kwiffar continuing the (refuted) narrative that Elaine carved some fat retard jannies name into her.

It's a small victory, but then you get her posting a pic so photoshopped even Venti would blush... followed shortly by a stream with Oikwinson where you can see that she's got really boney legs (she needs to exercise more, skinny doesn't equal healthy). Swings. Roundabouts. Et la.
*TBF to Elaine she did manage to con the Farms into believing she had self harmed the brooms name into her thighs. Even tho a cursory glance at the video even in Kemo Dinlo 2007-scope it was obvious it was make up. Which Elaine was forced to admit. Ofc this doesn't stop the Kwiffar continuing the (refuted) narrative that Elaine carved some fat retard jannies name into her.
It's an hour long video nigga. What are you on about it's fake?
It's an hour long video nigga
That has nothing to do with it.
What are you on about it's fake?
Ie She didn't actually cut herself. It was make up. On stream with PLodwinson she admitted it. Y'see Elaine is lying. None of it is "deep faked" meaning it's other people doing it and the vid has been altered to make it look like her.

I've known plenty of "Cutters", plus I've spilt a bit of mine (and others) claret. That's not what cutting wounds look like, REAL blood doesn't look like that. Seriously, it's make up (which Elaine admitted, she had to, it's blatantly obvious the cuts aren't real). I don't know what else to say.

I've stated this a few times, I know what I'm talking about and I'm not going to change my mind. Regardless of what narrative you want to believe.
She was lying then, pretty clearly my guy.
Why? It makes zero sense to go from "It's a deep fake" to "It's me, but it's make up"? She admitted it was make up because it is. Blood does not dry red like that. It makes more sense that she is the kind of bint who would fake a cut. I've met plenty of these bints as well as bint who will actually get a knife and stab a 2" gash in their arm. I've talked to the Ambulance staff, the police.
Thas what im sayin
Doesn't change the fact that it's not real blood. You're obviously lucky to have never seen blood in real life, but still, that's not how people bleed, I'm speaking as someone who cleaned up other people blood. As well as seeing lots of horror films. That's the funny thing, anyone retarded enough to actually believe it's real. I don't actually believe you believe it's true either
Correct. She really really did it nigga. you win the prize today dog.
You're entire argument is "No it's not". In the of Palin "The automatic gainsaying of what the other person says is not an argument"

It's clear you want people to believe (for whatever reason) that she cut herself up (despite the lack of any scars, which you would have to admit would be left). I don't. I never will. I have made my argument. Doesn't look like there is anything left to talk about.
It makes more sense that she did really do it. Look at all the kayfabe with Godwinson, she's really bad at acting.

I think kiwi farms knows it's real too. That's why the salt is lacking.
Why? It makes zero sense to go from "It's a deep fake" to "It's me, but it's make up"? She admitted it was make up because it is.
Because she lies constantly and changes her story my G. She "admits" to lots of things that just aren't true.
Doesn't change the fact that it's not real blood. You're obviously lucky to have never seen blood in real life, but still, that's not how people bleed, I'm speaking as someone who cleaned up other people blood. As well as seeing lots of horror films. That's the funny thing, anyone retarded enough to actually believe it's real. I don't actually believe you believe it's true either
That you tryin to push the dumb story that it's fake is absolutely hilarious brobro. Nigga cleaned up some blood stains and watched a few slasher flicks so suddenly he an expert. ok my homeboy, solid reasoning.
It's clear you want people to believe (for whatever reason) that she cut herself up (despite the lack of any scars, which you would have to admit would be left). I don't. I never will. I have made my argument. Doesn't look like there is anything left to talk about.
The white bitch fake jew who applies make up to and filters to cover her super shallow cut scars is probably lying again. Wonder why you pushing this story though? Pretty weird.
Because she lies constantly and changes her story my G. She "admits" to lots of things that just aren't true.
Really, that doesn't hurt my argument
That you tryin to push the dumb story that it's fake is absolutely hilarious brobro. Nigga cleaned up some blood stains and watched a few slasher flicks so suddenly he an expert. ok my homeboy, solid reasoning.
Again, automatic gainsaying of what the other person says. Even if you use jig patios.
The white bitch fake jew who applies make up to and filters to cover her super shallow cut scars is probably lying again. Wonder why you pushing this story though? Pretty weird.
Again, you're just said "No it isn't". And again again, I'm not looking to change your mind, you certainly aren't going to change mine with your cringe as fuck Cowboy writing style. Checked your post history. We really have nothing else to converse about. But funny you got defensive about the CP thing.
Really, that doesn't hurt my argument
No the video hurts your argument my guy.
Again, you're just said "No it isn't". And again again, I'm not looking to change your mind, you certainly aren't going to change mine with your cringe as fuck Cowboy writing style. Checked your post history. We really have nothing else to converse about. But funny you got defensive about the CP thing.
You pushing a story for whatever reason ain't going to make it so my dude. And ongfr I got no clue whatever else bullshit you trying to say just because a nigga talked you into a corner.

N-Dub born and bred. She'll never leave.

Remember this vendetta? Funny how Elaine has never done anything about Graf posting a link to her megafile. As his dox is out there (and he's a lolicon) I'm surprised Elaine hasn't contacted the police in Grafs area. It's like she's lying, isn't it?
I notice Elaine doesn't like to go after men unless they're trannies, or have done something she can't ignore. She finds it much easier to target women....is fragile femininity a thing? If so, she's definitely got it.

Ie She didn't actually cut herself. It was make up. On stream with PLodwinson she admitted it. Y'see Elaine is lying. None of it is "deep faked" meaning it's other people doing it and the vid has been altered to make it look like her.

I've known plenty of "Cutters", plus I've spilt a bit of mine (and others) claret. That's not what cutting wounds look like, REAL blood doesn't look like that. Seriously, it's make up (which Elaine admitted, she had to, it's blatantly obvious the cuts aren't real). I don't know what else to say.
She absolutely did cut herself but they were shallow as hell. Most cutters aren't cutting for superficial reasons, so they go for deep cuts. It also depends on what she used to cut herself too. Knives that aren't professional grade aren't actually as precise and sharp as a razor blade, they make shallower cuts. A razor blade isn't used for sawing, it's got to be sharp to get rid of hairs without leaving razor burn so taking one apart means you've got multiple sharpened blades if they haven't been used. But because they're cut thin, they wear out fast.

If someone who treats a knife like a razor and makes a few little swipes with it, they're gonna be shallow. Cat scratch shallow.
Elaine doesn't like it when people are "making stuff up". First remove the mote from thine own eye, bint.
More lacking the self awareness
Saying it's a faildox is a cope. Again lack of self awareness
Elaine is upset that people have said she looks like a tranny... don't look like a tranny then. Also, Fran unaware of Elaine and Cowboy, or the hacker minor who Elaine linked CP to...
Over three hours... 15 votes. 155 views Better fire up the bots there Elaine.
Onioneers have been mentioned...
Hey, wob eye I'm saying you are a mentally ill bint, who tries to manipulate people but is too stupid to con anyone but the plankton level IQers, the "sektur". You got Peterbrough Paki Punchers sloppies. A guy who got cucked by WARSKI. Give your boney head a shake there buddy.
Plus you made Vordy look foolish. You lied to him. And you tried cozying back up to the broom. Typical cow behaviour. Vordy can be quite the cunt (seriously, check that guy out, he's been accused (credibly) of harassment. He's not above the things you do, well, I doubt the CP spamming, but y'know.
Most people will still believe, or at least say that they do, you carved up your thighs. Like I said, people want to believe what they want to believe, like you pissed yourself on camera, uploaded CP to various sites (btw have you reported Graf to the police yet?) Y'know, everyone still thinks you're a cunt, who tells easily disproven lies (NPD). So... either people will think you are mental, or more mental. Congrats Elaine, you've fucked your life just that little bit more.
"Honest guv, you don't have my dox"
Maya is the low iq tranny who "runs" Metocuck.us with the many voices in (((their))) head.
Selfie can be easier to alter than audio, as filters for pics are much more popular... what with women (and troons) being so vain.

Whose got the deeper voice? Blaine the nonce or Kathleen Turner? Did you see what I did there?
Wob Eye makes catty remark about Admiral Ackbar's daughter.
joshy wants a bit of the BVULTRA, doesn't he? She is a beard after all.
This is yer actual transphobic comment. In past I met a guy who was kicked out some council/probation led meeting for referring to a tranzvolk as it. Several times. Funny thing is he was a wog chink mix. A Sunbug if you will. Is Elaine trying to start a row with the Tranzvolk? I don't think saying that Kerfuffels passes is any kind of a get out of jail free card. And those fuckers are proper Dagenham, you seen Antifart?

@Ashley Hutsell Jankowski how do you feel about Elaine turning out to be a vile nazi transphobe who wants to genocide the trannies? Are you going to call her father and harass him? You have a history of that.
Another dinnycord bites the dust. What's that all about?

Also: Elaine, even tho all your bezzies are nonces, (meaning you probably are) you lack the self awareness to realize this and decide to accuse everyone of being a nonce.

when you need a visa to cross her forehead.
Sounds like Noonans
"Common signs of Noonan syndrome are eyes and eyelids that are unusual, including:
Problems with the eye muscles, such as cross-eye, also known as strabismus."

She got a wob eye...

"Noonan syndrome does not affect the intelligence of most people who have the condition. But they may have:
A higher risk of learning disabilities and mild intellectual disability.
A wide range of mental, emotional and behavioral issues that are usually mild."

She is a tard, and unemotionally unstable.

And she fucks dogs.