Learn to proof read.
The first pillar of Freemasonry is brotherhood. Freemasons believe that all men are brothers, regardless of their background or station in life. They are
1. Brotherhood. She is fairly mannish, I guess. I imagine a lot of people have mistaken her for a male. However, she's not really a team player, is she?
2. Charity..... um... any cases of Elaine doing something charitable? I can't think of any.
3. Education. Ahhhh. She's not well educated, is she?
4. Freedom
"The Freemasons believe in freedom for all people, regardless of their race, creed, or station in life. They are committed to fighting for the rights of the oppressed and working to make society more just and equitable for everyone. Freemasonry teaches that all people are equal in the eyes of God, and that we should treat others with respect and compassion."
Can't say that sounds like Elaine. She's more about hanging out with nonces online.
5. Truth. 0-5.
More Elaine fuckwittery...
Nice non sequitur there Elaine. Gator said "You dox'd me, not Kwiffar", Elaine said "MOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"
Elaine has been "Manic" for the past couple of days. Got to be a crash soon.