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Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
Elaine / Tanuki cross-over (the Embed Media module is shitting itself again, so I'm just giving out the links):

Elaine responds with:

The most feminine man alive. I don’t even care think I could pretend to simp for clout, it’s tough. You’re really forcing the whole “new Pantsu” thing, zero resemblance, regular KF stretch. KEK

Josh Moon please come get your MATI Archivers, they’re simping and negging me again https://youtu.be/RQQH4-19F2k I’m way too cute for Tanuki & Shrike lol. It’s tough. That will be a no from me.

Elaine threatening to 'destroy' Kiwi Farms and then confessing to being mentally ill. Probably trying to set herself up for if Kiwi Farms gets taken down again, to claim she has some hand in it and pretend to be an elite hacker. What a dumb bitch.
View attachment 33727

Elaine threatening to 'destroy' Kiwi Farms and then confessing to being mentally ill. Probably trying to set herself up for if Kiwi Farms gets taken down again, to claim she has some hand in it and pretend to be an elite hacker. What a dumb bitch.
I can't wait to see the unintended consequences of Ralph aligning himself with Elaine.
I can't wait to see the unintended consequences of Ralph aligning himself with Elaine.
What is up with Ethan Ralph, of all people, being a magnet for these insane thots? I guess fatty is still hot as long as he has an internet following.


Apparently Elaine wants to get her thyroid gland ripped out because she 'can't gain weight' on a starvation diet consisting 95% of pasta, bread, and cocaine. Which if she really goes through with that, will lead to hypothyroidism:
Hypothyroidism symptoms may include:

More sensitivity to cold.
Dry skin.
Weight gain.
Puffy face.
Hoarse voice.
Coarse hair and skin.
Muscle weakness.
Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness.
Menstrual cycles that are heavier than usual or irregular.
Thinning hair.
Slowed heart rate, also called bradycardia.
Memory problems.
Have fun with that I guess. Or you could just, you know, stop taking drugs for a start. Yw for the free advice.
View attachment 33727

Elaine threatening to 'destroy' Kiwi Farms and then confessing to being mentally ill. Probably trying to set herself up for if Kiwi Farms gets taken down again, to claim she has some hand in it and pretend to be an elite hacker. What a dumb bitch.
That's typical behavior for people like this. Wait for someone else to do something that gets some attention or notice, then attempt to take credit. She didn't take down lolcow.org directly - as far as I ever knew, that was SIGSEGV fedposting, which was probably going to happen anyway.

Elaine isn't going to destroy Kiwi Farms. If even LFJ, with all of those high-level connections across the tech industry, can only cause KF to lose its hosting and/or upstream for a few days at a time, then someone like Elaine who is far less connected to people who are in any position to deprive KF of any of its resources - despite what she says to the contrary - is not going to be anywhere near as much of a threat.

She inserts herself into internet drama and does/says stupid shit constantly for attention - of course. She's only mad in the ass about KF because her antics have earned her a fairly active thread there, where she can't control the narrative like she can in her usual places.

But hey, at least she can use the situation to get those sweet asspats from her orbiters, right?

Autoandromisia = when a woman hates a man so much, she becomes the man she hates

I can't wait to see the unintended consequences of Ralph aligning himself with Elaine.

People are already shipping The Gunt and Elaine, check this comment underneath hers:


Elaine tweets in Russian to Null's Ukrainian ISP:


STFU Ruskie, leave Null's Ukranian ISP Virtual Systems alone.
Speaking Russian to a Ukrainian ISP while making demands is the behaviour of an evil British Imperialist.

You've watched the stream, then?
someone said she exposed me , so i gave it a look out of curiosity but its the same ol bs.

she's still figuring out how to stream ...

same talking points

lcf gurls hosting cp

BPD girls are are smokers

she doesnt want to dox her house


little late for that
I haven't watched it.
I did watch it, it was a wonderful art stream where Elaine showed off some of her new glitch art:


This new series of glitch art is called Who's Afraid of Grey, Black, White and Pink.

I think Elaine shows potential as a glitch artist.
She should pitch her video glitch art to some art gallery in London that specializes in digital art.
Lil bit o politics... Mordaunt was the bird welding the sword over the weekend. nfn.
Elaine feels like an tiktok NPC.
Princess Flounce-a-rang, there. Also, a bit of non sequitur thinking...

tl/dr People who say "ohhh, I'm not sexual, rather have a cuppa" are homos (S Fry, B George, btw also drug addicts). Some issue during school, no doubt. If Elaine was a man, coming from her background, she'd spend friday afternoons having the shit knocked out of her by some N-Dub middle aged housewife dominatrix. Like Plodderz dad.
Elaine has shared some new digital art the AI has generated for her.

Apparently this is supposed to be an abstract portrait of Null:

Elaine is going to "smoke flowers" to deal with her insomnia:


Elaine, drinking/smoking flowers is not gonna do anything if you don't turn off your phone, lights and computers at least an hour before going to bed. It's the light from your screen that's fucking up your melatonin levels:

Also, if you're going to quit drugs you have to quit smoking too, otherwise you're just replacing one drug with another.
Null just mentioned Elaine during MATI, without naming her.

The chat immediately guessed that it was a reference to Elaine:


He was just asked a superchat question, "Why won't you name Elaine?", and he says it's because Elaine "has literally contacted everyone he's ever talked to to get information about me".

I don't think Elaine is seriously gonna hook up with Ralph. Elaine is just a fangurl who has a bad case of Beauty and The Beast syndrome. She wants a wild unruly beast of a man she can tame as his Belle. IRL, she's not going to leave the comfort of her London home to move to some shack in Mexico.

Here's the part where Null talks about Elaine cyberstalking him and how he would not be able to ignore her if she hooked up with Ethan Ralph, which to me sounds like Null shipping them just because he wants them to be miserable with each other:

Well... I'll tell you this. I am being dead serious. There is someone out there whom I actively ignore. They try every day to get my attention. And I have been ignoring them, almost outright, for 2 years now, despite the fact that every fucking day, they either, like, write me some shit that gets sent directly to my spam. Or try to use, like, contact someone I know to try and get, to talk to me. They send me weird, creepy messages on Telegram and shit, that I block over and over again. And some people may know who this is... but Ethan Ralph has hinted that he might hook up with her. And that would be such a pain in my ass. Because then, I could not ignore her. How am I gonna give up my content cow, Ethan Ralph, for the sake of ignoring his girlfriend? Maybe even wife, mother of his child. So I would really be put in dire straits. I would be so completely epicly p0wned, if that relationship were to happen. And they both have a reason for wanting to, so it just might, it just might, chat. It might just completely, epicly p0wn me. I'll say no more. I've already given this schizophrenic attention whore too much attention as it is.

Naw, that's bullshit. Unless I am reading her wrong, Elaine would never do that. She might appear on a Livestream and flirt with Ethan Ralph for the lulz, but that would be the extent of that.

I do suspect this means Elaine has been in touch with Tesco and Emspex and they perhaps complained to Null about it?
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