Never understood fear of abandonment, like bro just find another person like that person or some shit, or get a hobby? There’s 8 billion people in the world ...
Feeling fearful and abandoned
My worst thing about Americans is how they have zero detailed observation skills. I’ve noticed this with how they talk about accents, for example, they autom...
E-lame sounds like a mong, and even the Septics can tell.
Nice to see pedophile strawberry douche has gone from being swatted daily to openly admitting to watching revenge porn / deepfakes.
BAck to the revenge/deepfake porn. You took a wee on camera, E-lame, deal.
Attention seeking cringe scrote.
That's the thing E-lame takes issue with. Not, like, isn't it strange all those whistle blowers have carked it.
It is NOT a phase, I will in fact, be an edgelord for life.
Edgelord= Terminally online spaz, desperate for attention.
Lidl you are still not getting the fact I’m into edgy people specifically. I don’t want the normal types of men that orbit girls as pretty as I am because th...
Mike was/is a fuckwit. I could go on, but to save embarassment for certain folk, let's just say, E-lame likes wrong uns.
Genuinely think I wouldn’t be here anymore if I was cursed with the appearances, intellectual levels or lifestyles of any of the people I hate.
No filter. lol. Apart from the ones you used to erase most of your face. Why people think you look like a tranny.
If Kiwi Farmers want everyone that has ever associated with a pedophile or “pedophile” dead, they’d have no media to watch.
And E-lame would have no friends
Well this makes all Lidl and Josh’s anorexic comments about me seem ever so … interesting. Negging much.
You're not an asian male (feline or nay) E-lame. GIve it up.