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Suuuuuuuure, lamey. That's what happened.
I'm assuming lamey wants to ally with nonces, therefore she's "bent" her sexuality to fit that.
"Look at me! LOOK AT ME!!"
"CHyat" E-lame steals from PLodz, who was steaking from Creepy Uncle Gym.
1. "Enemies" means the people who mock E-lame for her retardedness
2. You can only sell one kidney
3. Unless it's info that makes you look bad.
E-lame has quoted a shit song (Mick Jagger from 2022, not like the 60s, when they were still a great band*). Ahem...
"I'm not talking about the kind of clothes she wears
Look at that stupid girl
I'm not talking about the way she combs her hair
Look at that stupid girl
The way she powders her nose
Her vanity shows and it shows
She's the worst thing in this world
Well, look at that stupid girl
I'm not talking about the way she digs for gold"
Stupid Girl-The Rolling Stones

She really is stupid.

*I am of the (correct) opinion, the Stones got shit when they started writing their own songs
With typical lacking-any-self-awareness, Lamey reminds us of the times (many many many times) she has denied being dox'd, when she clearly has been. Oh, and I remember her being a fail doxer, don't you? I think Lamey means she has a masochistic thrill every time she says something low IQ, which is every day.
Elame posts Candy's face. Again.

Ofc E-lame thirsts after a nonce.
That's a Monty Python sketch (one of the early really noggin twisting ones before Cleese left).
Chapman could of played E-lame. Need a false nose tho.
She's narked at lidl again. Again.
"Sugardaddys" means the nonces she hangs out with online. And by Signal she means Skidmark Farms.
E-lame thinks that mental disorders (which she has) are... cultural Marxism?
Is this E-lames new squitter? Prolly, as in, if it wasn't, it would be an account taking the piss out of her. And she would let you know.
Links (with archive, cuz history teaches us, E-lame will get flagged on a long enough time line.
There are some usual suspects in there.
@in joshy's shitty tech channel. That's got his Infinity Never Diary thing up there.
"It's a good impression"
The daily pitch to get the brooms attention. Let's see what lidl posts, in an totz unrelated point.
Another E-lame trope, claim to live in the Holy Land.
Maybe one day, the Game Caller, of Nick's Finder's Life, will make him do that. You got to wonder, how much different AF is from those 746 "umbrella" groups.
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Feeling fearful and abandoned
E-lame sounds like a mong, and even the Septics can tell.
BAck to the revenge/deepfake porn. You took a wee on camera, E-lame, deal.
That's the thing E-lame takes issue with. Not, like, isn't it strange all those whistle blowers have carked it.
Edgelord= Terminally online spaz, desperate for attention.
Mike was/is a fuckwit. I could go on, but to save embarassment for certain folk, let's just say, E-lame likes wrong uns.
No filter. lol. Apart from the ones you used to erase most of your face. Why people think you look like a tranny.
And E-lame would have no friends
You're not an asian male (feline or nay) E-lame. GIve it up.
E-lame ignores the point being made, that's she being catfished (not that the caps are fake), and make the sophistic remark "those are his words", yes you Dinny Mare, the catfish is going to tell you what you want to hear, not what is true (joshy likes chinky men)
She doesn't have that kind of money.
Only reason she's not obese? She spends all her dole on vape and doesn't eat.
"Is it me... for a moment?"
Lamey will never understand the reference. Fans of Boon will.
Troon rising.
By lurking her thread 24/7, trying to get the attention of the kwiffar. Which she TOTZ DINDU!!
Plus... yer much taller than him.
Suuuuure, Jan. Ok... finish this handle... Dreamy...
Lamey, not having the intellectual marbles beyond 3rd grade, probably hasn't read The Informers. It's much more apt, in part.
MJH. Remember Clarissa explains it all? It was Blossom, without the over achieving Jewess.
Lol. She has no friends.
12? That prolly means 18.
Tommy Tooter is more sigma, tbf.
Lamey is narked at being dox'd, and the disruption it causes (even over the festive season)
Most women are too stupid, to understand the Cultural Marxism behind mod fem theory. Including E-lame.
Are we meant to think elame's problems stem from her parents criminal activities? Remember when I said there were rumours about her Dad's tax issues?
Lamey is so compassionate. The perverts exploiting minors... they are the real victims. You know who is to blame? "Boomers" (not people born in the Baby Boom Years, you understand, but her Dad. That's what bints mean when they say "Boomer". They are talking about howfuck they wish their Dad fucked them)
Lame gives us some info on the gender break down of online extorting perverts. Have a feelin... most of those "women" aren't really real women.
Did. Too much internet and drugs. That's my guess.