Nektar Geist
An Onion Among Onions
She's done an rant on Drop Kiwi Farms... @Empresa if you can rip the audio for those without Squitter...
Elaine is lonely
"Stop inserting yourself..." If you took the mote out of your own eye first, Elame.
Elaine could be talking about herself there. And you know how she likes to do that.
Elaine attempting an Dunnce redemption arc incoming
Claims she was in the Drop circles. Blah blah blah, revenge porn, Lidl Drip brave and stunning, she's pissed off that other people were only in the "movement" because they cows with threads, and only Elaine is pure enough... blah blah blah... people trying to get her to top herself... She didn't even @ DKF
For no reason other than lolz, I've included some choonage for you to play, maybe take the edge off that voice
"Stop inserting yourself..." If you took the mote out of your own eye first, Elame.
Elaine could be talking about herself there. And you know how she likes to do that.
Elaine attempting an Dunnce redemption arc incoming
Claims she was in the Drop circles. Blah blah blah, revenge porn, Lidl Drip brave and stunning, she's pissed off that other people were only in the "movement" because they cows with threads, and only Elaine is pure enough... blah blah blah... people trying to get her to top herself... She didn't even @ DKF
For no reason other than lolz, I've included some choonage for you to play, maybe take the edge off that voice