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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 21, 2025

Debate the balloon fucker on KF, CP, America, and Onionfarms being a communist website

what makes me unhappy is the way things are going here in Denmark,
Move to Russia. Maybe that's what you need. Whether Russia needs a balloon abuser...
I don't like fresh air
I don't pop Mylar Balloons
I didn't ask you that. If someone were to slash your Mylar harem, would you be upset on an emotional level, or would it just be an inconvenience
I enjoy a Mylar Balloon often before bed time.
You jack off more than once a night.
Yes my mother told me she knew about back when I was 17 but she was okay with it and we just never talk about it
You don't happen to still live with her, do you?
what makes me unhappy is the way things are going here in Denmark, a socialist government that support WEF and going green BS and how we have those stupid indoor climate rules nowadays that force people to have ventilation 24/7 I don't like fresh air. I don't pop Mylar Balloons.
That's interesting. Is there anything else that bothers you about Denmark?
Move to Russia. Maybe that's what you need. Whether Russia needs a balloon abuser...


I didn't ask you that. If someone were to slash your Mylar harem, would you be upset on an emotional level, or would it just be an inconvenience

You jack off more than once a night.

You don't happen to still live with her, do you?
Russia has more Mylar Balloons in stores than Denmark do.
the feeling of cold air on my skin is horrible.
no I live on my own.