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"Hey (not my) kids! You want to hear another story about that time I touched the poo?"
"Mom! Your creepy boyfriend is talking at us again!"
Aaaannnnnd, comparing xerself to Don Quixotes. A guy who is bonkers, and tilts at windmills? Who does he see as his Panza? Is there some poor schmoe of a probation officer who has to decode Dani's babbling. Anyway, if you were to compare Dani to a fictional character, it would be...
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If anyone has seen this show, you kno I'm right. Only Dani doesn't get up to wild and crazy antics. Dude needs to get down Mexico way, and meet gunt. It would be a massive disappointment, as it would be like The Shootist, with gunt as Books/Wayne and Dani taking the role of Rogers/Howard. Plus, if shots are fired (and with gunt, you never can tell), Dani is just going to run and hide in a dumpster.
Ofc. Dani does know (like everyone) Ash's address. She'd rape him, tho
This typical bum behavior involves them claiming to be suicidal or something when it's raining, so that they can get a free bed and a free meal.View attachment 79186
Dani admits to lying about being suicidal to get dubbed up on the rubber room ward.
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And he got molested by some looney. Claims he laughed it off. No doubt, when it gets cold and wet, he'll be on the phone to the looney patrol bleating "I can't go on, I feel so dirty... I need a bed or I'll top myself (and top myself... until he's dead*)"
You need to post more pics. To break up the shit brick of text you just squeezed out there.
*RIP Ryk
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Pool cue would get that out of his weak little hands, then he'd get a beating from a pool cue AND a bike lock.
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That's why this thread has the title it does.
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Meet the plushie, that will go on to goad Dani into killing the Truck Stop Johns he meets. Looks like a Conchita to me. js.
What episode was it?A chain is called a smiley.
What a fucking idiot. Yeah we all saw that episode of law and order SVU, too.
What episode was it?
Back in the day they would just use a chain wallet and a padlock.Season 9, episode 11. "Streetwise"
It's about a socialite girl who gets beaten with a smiley chain (they call it that too) by some bum.
His anger brings me joy.