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What makes you believe that he's larping as being homeless?

If he was homeless I'd doubt he'd have money to spend on Intellus reports, paying whatever phone/internet bill he has, and creating sock accounts on hundreds of website everyday.
If he was homeless I'd doubt he'd have money to spend on Intellus reports, paying whatever phone/internet bill he has, and creating sock accounts on hundreds of website everyday.

We don't know if he's collecting some kind of tug boat. And most of those things are really cheap; he could have an Obama phone. There's also internet libraries. The cheapest phone plan I found was pay as you go, unlimited data, $60.

He's admitted to flying signs for money. Panhandling like this can easily net you considerable profit. We also know he works jobs through temp labor.
We also know he works jobs through temp labor
No. We don't KNOW that he works. No videos of him doing any form of labour. He's never demonstrated the ability to do anything other than make a tit of himself online. But, I do believe he begs. That's the bottom, that's basically the "I've given up, and have nothing to offer society" option. And most beggars aren't homeless, just addicts, who'll get up, go to their spot and beg until they get enough to score.
No. We don't KNOW that he works. No videos of him doing any form of labour. He's never demonstrated the ability to do anything other than make a tit of himself online. But, I do believe he begs. That's the bottom, that's basically the "I've given up, and have nothing to offer society" option. And most beggars aren't homeless, just addicts, who'll get up, go to their spot and beg until they get enough to score.
Do we know how tall he is? If he's tall he probably works security.
No. We don't KNOW that he works. No videos of him doing any form of labour.
He claimed he was working a carnival that's temp labor. Though we only have his word on this.
He's never demonstrated the ability to do anything other than make a tit of himself online.
It's his specialty
But, I do believe he begs. That's the bottom, that's basically the "I've given up, and have nothing to offer society" option.
This In do believe he does because it's the bottom feeder type of behavior Is expect from him
And most beggars aren't homeless, just addicts, who'll get up, go to their spot and beg until they get enough to score.
Same difference he's most likely a seasonal shelter rat