a date with king cobra some drink mixes and setting his kitchen on fire trying to cook
No, I'll probably either buy him a bike or repair his fat tire if it somehow makes the move.
I mostly want to take him out to touch grass, have adventures, cock block the trolls (tmdwu).
I have my own reasons to go back to Casper but if I end up kicking it with Cobes I plan to make it noteworthy. I kind of owe it to him
I'm basically done opining about the three threads here normalfags come for. You know my opinion.
But if people want to talk about the coming adventure, I might as well make the OP now.
I’ve been seeing this frequently on particular threads in Articles and News, but especially in that autistic thunder dome of A&H. I’ve started to notice more and more users are adopting a really toxic ‘holier than thou’ style of posting. Where they act like just because they have the right to shit on a lolcow or someone else’s stupidity of a fandom or forum, it make’s them the smartest person on the internet and everyone should bow down to their beliefs because of it. It’s getting g really grating and kind of ruining this place
I’ve been seeing it happen to this site lot in general, it’s no secret that we’ve become way too politically charged in recent years, the amount of TDS bitching vs those who like Trump has caused the internet to become such a bitter and miserable place whenever any kind of political discussion is now brought up. Thai is place is no exception and even led to a user being banned here I think after they threatened actual violence if Biden was gonna win. It’s really stupid that people can’t be less autistic about their political leanings even here and let themselves get so emotionally charged over silly matters.
Ultimately I see a general toxicity in modern users that seem to genuinely hate and get angry over cows or issues, that’s not what kiwi farms is supposed to be, we used to be able to come to this site and just laugh at cows and find comedy in mocking peoples misplaced faiths in their own egos and abilities. We took the piss out of those who tried to indoctrinate people into their weird online cliques and shot down SJW’s, Tumblrinas, Redditors, Cultural Elitists and those that wrapped themselves up in an air of self- righteousness. Somewhere along the line, we got too egotistical and high off our on farts with mocking every corner of the internet that wasn’t us that we think ourselves as some leader who should judge the internet as a whole, we’re really not.
Ultimately, while it’s corny to say, somewhere along the line we as a community have lost our ability to just have fun and laugh at tards in the internet without getting too angry and heated in political or belief discussion. It’s so hard now to have a conversation with someone and not get railroaded or downvoted not because of any stupid or bad posts but having simply a differing option than someone else.This shitty hivermind philosophy is just making things worse for everyone, and I wish it could stop.
Ultimately, while it’s corny to say, somewhere along the line we as a community have lost our ability to just have fun and laugh at tards in the internet without getting too angry and heated in political or belief discussion. It’s so hard now to have a conversation with someone and not get railroaded or downvoted not because of any stupid or bad posts but having simply a differing option than someone else.This shitty hivermind philosophy is just making things worse for everyone, and I wish it could stop.
Ultimately what I’m saying is taht I feel we need to be less arrogant as a community, we have done a lot of good in warning and educating the masses of the types of dangers of so many of the worst and most degenerate people and communities of the internet. We have disbanded dangerous organisations and even caught and persecuted criminals and even pedophiles who deserve nothing but swift justice. But even so, I wish the people here would stop hailing the farms as something like it’s some final arbiter of truth and judgement of the internet and modern society in general. We are, at its core, a bunch of shitposters in the internet who laugh at tards and that’s all we really need to be. We are not a genius fringe group who are going to revolution society and what it seems to be socially and culturally acceptable.
I simply wish we’d stop all acting like we know what’s best for the world and society and acting like we’re the wisest people on the planet. That is all, thank you for your time and patience, I hope the day treats you well. Thank you.