There's a Third new channel.It appears killabyte has been deleted. He changed it to "hunting for trolls" sometime yesterday and now its gone.
Chance is really branching out the marketing.
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There's a Third new channel.It appears killabyte has been deleted. He changed it to "hunting for trolls" sometime yesterday and now its gone.
Cyraxx was a Premature Birth.Is Cyraxx inbred? Because good lord is he ugly.
Obviously the main appeal of Cyraxx as a lolcow is his personality and antics. Him looking like a goblin is the cherry on top of the cake.Cyraxx was a Premature Birth.
He has had several disabilities for his entire life.
However that is the least funny part about his character and just an extra bonus on top of his Terrible Artistic "Talents" and penchant for grooming children online. Despite Chance's opinion on the Lolcow Community, we would still be interested in him if he was a Calvin Klein Model.
This is not the original Liquid Chris but a very good actor.Liquid Chris is one of the best trolls of all time and him returning has made me happy. Cyraxx is a nasty pedo who needs major dental work.
He's not good enough for Liquid Chris to even pay attention to. Wish Liquid Chris would just troll Chan but he's in jail :(
That is what people have been saying, I just need to keep the dream alive ;)This is not the original Liquid Chris but a very good actor.