So apparently, this one piece of shit named Stargiant Productions/Rebecca (who’s very obviously not a trans woman, by the way) was a former editor of Mr. Enter (Johnathan Rozanski), a well-known lolcow, who he had to fire some time.
Rebecca was already exposed as not just being a shit editor and bad at responding to criticism, and not too long ago, he has been exposed for being a child groomer by Enter and others.
Another person roped into this disgusting drama was N3kopan, who’s also been exposed as a groomer of the pedophile variety.
Mr. Enter dropped a video yesterday (featuring Danganropa music instead of quiet horror music or no music at all, for some reason) basically explaining a bunch of shit that these two predators where involved in, where a bunch of people got roped into in varying degrees, by name in happenstance different dramas, as main guilty parties, and associates.
At some point, Hopeless Peaches and LioConvoy got involved, and basically fucked up the investigation by bullying and not being patient with a clearly mentally disabled person named Rosa Rey Ramsey, who herself also fucked up by enabling Stargiant and N3ko.
Here’s Enter’s video:
The recent Onion Farms thread regarding the guy with the anthropomorphic lion man avatar (Lio), the animu girl (Peaches), and Rose (Rosa):
Here are the main bullet points of varying lengths I should note (mainly from what I gathered from the video, and general outside information):
-N3kopan’s real name is Ariana Timbol
-Stargiant Productions’s real name is Rebeccah Kruleski
-As mentioned before, Stargiant and N3kopan are fucking creeps and should be in jail for their Discord degeneracy, and the same applies to Ray Rants. All three of them are liars, and Stargiant and Ray are hypocrites. Also, N3kopan fucking got away with it and had also been even more inappropriate than simply grooming towards children in Discord
-Mystic Mongrel posted REAL CP that N3ko allegedly had (why would you ever do this? Penguinz0 called this bullshit out years ago in one of MaxMillianMus videos, by the way) as evidence to expose her, which is one of the stupidest and most illegal things you could ever do for a variety of reasons
Important Edit: Mongrel herself is a lolcow and a clear trainwreck of an individual
-Grooming victims completely turn on the wrong people
-Rosa Ray Ramsey is mentally damaged due to multiple factors such as seeming seizures, memory loss, and PTSD, and was an unintentional yet blatant enabler of Stargiant and N3ko, especially N3ko, and should have gotten further help with her issues and get off the Internet for a while. She also harassed MisAnthroPony/Zaid Magenta, apparently. MAP’s an asshole, too, by the way.
-Someone named Dar tried to stop this
-Someone tried to commit suicide to stop this drama (not how it works Jesus fucking Christ this isn’t Romeo And Juliet)
Oh, and Mr. Enter showed an archived video (not even a messaging screenshot) featuring one of the grooming victim’s names censored, so people can easily find it despite Mr. Enter’s efforts. Good fucking job. And no, now that it’s public, I can’t and won’t stop ya’ll from finding the video when you see the title.
As an aside, here’s a random list of entities mentioned in this video:
1.Lily Orchard (lolcow).
2.Schaffrillas Productions/James Phyrillas.
3.Kiwi Farms (This appeared on a ban list Stargiant made than even N3ko found ridiculous. HAHAHAHAHA WHAT).
4.Just A Robot (he’s been involved with drama regarding Hopeless Peaches for some time now. Thankfully, he’s barely involved in this shit).
5.Misanthropony/Zaid Magenta (who actually had a discord call conversation in this video with Rosa).
6.Coyote Lovely (the one guy who flirted with a zoophile).
7.DaftPina (who did kind of change for the better).
8.MamaMax (another lolcow).
Rebecca was already exposed as not just being a shit editor and bad at responding to criticism, and not too long ago, he has been exposed for being a child groomer by Enter and others.
Another person roped into this disgusting drama was N3kopan, who’s also been exposed as a groomer of the pedophile variety.
Mr. Enter dropped a video yesterday (featuring Danganropa music instead of quiet horror music or no music at all, for some reason) basically explaining a bunch of shit that these two predators where involved in, where a bunch of people got roped into in varying degrees, by name in happenstance different dramas, as main guilty parties, and associates.
At some point, Hopeless Peaches and LioConvoy got involved, and basically fucked up the investigation by bullying and not being patient with a clearly mentally disabled person named Rosa Rey Ramsey, who herself also fucked up by enabling Stargiant and N3ko.
Here’s Enter’s video:

Public Figure - Niche - Lio Convoy/Hopeless Peaches controversy: Rosa Rey Ramsey Call
I just want to know whether other people are interested in talking about this.

Here are the main bullet points of varying lengths I should note (mainly from what I gathered from the video, and general outside information):
-N3kopan’s real name is Ariana Timbol
-Stargiant Productions’s real name is Rebeccah Kruleski
-As mentioned before, Stargiant and N3kopan are fucking creeps and should be in jail for their Discord degeneracy, and the same applies to Ray Rants. All three of them are liars, and Stargiant and Ray are hypocrites. Also, N3kopan fucking got away with it and had also been even more inappropriate than simply grooming towards children in Discord
-Mystic Mongrel posted REAL CP that N3ko allegedly had (why would you ever do this? Penguinz0 called this bullshit out years ago in one of MaxMillianMus videos, by the way) as evidence to expose her, which is one of the stupidest and most illegal things you could ever do for a variety of reasons
Important Edit: Mongrel herself is a lolcow and a clear trainwreck of an individual
-Grooming victims completely turn on the wrong people
-Rosa Ray Ramsey is mentally damaged due to multiple factors such as seeming seizures, memory loss, and PTSD, and was an unintentional yet blatant enabler of Stargiant and N3ko, especially N3ko, and should have gotten further help with her issues and get off the Internet for a while. She also harassed MisAnthroPony/Zaid Magenta, apparently. MAP’s an asshole, too, by the way.
-Someone named Dar tried to stop this
-Someone tried to commit suicide to stop this drama (not how it works Jesus fucking Christ this isn’t Romeo And Juliet)
Oh, and Mr. Enter showed an archived video (not even a messaging screenshot) featuring one of the grooming victim’s names censored, so people can easily find it despite Mr. Enter’s efforts. Good fucking job. And no, now that it’s public, I can’t and won’t stop ya’ll from finding the video when you see the title.
As an aside, here’s a random list of entities mentioned in this video:
1.Lily Orchard (lolcow).
2.Schaffrillas Productions/James Phyrillas.
3.Kiwi Farms (This appeared on a ban list Stargiant made than even N3ko found ridiculous. HAHAHAHAHA WHAT).
4.Just A Robot (he’s been involved with drama regarding Hopeless Peaches for some time now. Thankfully, he’s barely involved in this shit).
5.Misanthropony/Zaid Magenta (who actually had a discord call conversation in this video with Rosa).
6.Coyote Lovely (the one guy who flirted with a zoophile).
7.DaftPina (who did kind of change for the better).
8.MamaMax (another lolcow).
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