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Public Figure - Niche CogsDev

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
I don't know what killed it. It might have been by the time of the lockdown, it was pretty much dying out. There was a leak from the old PVCC a few years back with screenshots that were dated around 2012 or so.
I mean when they shut down registrations not covid lockdown.
My theory with CogsDev is as follows , around the time of Bob's death he had to bribe cwc to not wear womens clothes , as evidence of cwcs burgeoning tranny-ness CogsDev slipped further into denial and madness he always denied cwc a spot in the sisterhood out of some alog tendency which grew worse until he tried to nuke the CWCki , yet can1ne / Marvin did not allow.