• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Christory Christian Weston Chandler / “Chris Chan” / Christine Weston Chandler /

The collective souls of all of creation rules above all, all must bow to the actual Pumpkin King of Kings, I am a mere Jester in his court.

> quoted GiBi
> quoted GiBi again
> linked GiBi's YouTube video about this at the very end


> quoted GiBi
> quoted GiBi again
> linked GiBi's YouTube video about this at the very end

what did they mean by this?
What they meant is Kiwi is dead in the water cause they kept me from my biological father.

Combined with Christine, it's officially gonna be labeled a hate site no matter what. I'm shutting it down if I can.

They waited way too long to get their acts straight and the chickens have come home to roost. You can only jerk someone around so much before they develop a righteous fury and Kiwi has been mismanaged to hell.

Either it's a full staff step down. Or the site shuts down. It's too late for me to possibly save Kiwi.

Can't look at lolcows and hide anymore. That was always such a dumb idea. I really am a better person to run that kinda show.
They still have lolcow to go to, granted they'll have to admit they're lower than the users already there and nobody should trust them until they literally pay for it. Like yes, in a fair court system they'd make every user who slandered Christine pay for her treatment and witness protection program.

Expecting anything else is just not thinking about how the internet actually works. Fools don't know it's fucking made for the US military, why do you think China has its own internet?

Think, farmers, think.
Among many other things that trigger CWC subforum people on KF is the existence of The Black Tape. You know the one: Bob had just died, and someone supposedly recorded a call with Chris crying about it. I honestly never gave a shit about it once I learned of its supposed existence, but there are people who want to hear it more than anything for varying reasons especially since the merge, and there are others who screech and kick up a storm about how that tape should be destroyed and anyone who wants to hear it is worse than Satan (though one of those people arguing for its release was Aristrocrat, which was a Hirtes sock, so...).

Does the tape actually exist, or was it only a fabrication of the inner circle of CWC trolls 10 years ago? It would be hilarious to find out it never actually existed, considering people have eaten bans for arguing over it. If it does exist, would you want to listen to it, or simply post it somewhere that people can't easily have it removed so as to trigger chimpouts from them (which is way easier to do than it should be for a forum that was built for laughing at people)?

> quoted GiBi
> quoted GiBi again
> linked GiBi's YouTube video about this at the very end

A sports journalist no less! Perhaps the least accurate and professional subtype of journalist, AND THAT'S SAYING A LOT
Wil Herren is an ABC-7 reporter who covers both news and sports.
>this fat retard used GiBi as his source
The absolute fucking state of journos
Among many other things that trigger CWC subforum people on KF is the existence of The Black Tape. You know the one: Bob had just died, and someone supposedly recorded a call with Chris crying about it. I honestly never gave a shit about it once I learned of its supposed existence, but there are people who want to hear it more than anything for varying reasons especially since the merge, and there are others who screech and kick up a storm about how that tape should be destroyed and anyone who wants to hear it is worse than Satan (though one of those people arguing for its release was Aristrocrat, which was a Hirtes sock, so...).

Does the tape actually exist, or was it only a fabrication of the inner circle of CWC trolls 10 years ago? It would be hilarious to find out it never actually existed, considering people have eaten bans for arguing over it. If it does exist, would you want to listen to it, or simply post it somewhere that people can't easily have it removed so as to trigger chimpouts from them (which is way easier to do than it should be for a forum that was built for laughing at people)?
>please be my personal army, let's trigger non-psychopaths and white knights alike with this audio porn piece I want to add to my collection.
Among many other things that trigger CWC subforum people on KF is the existence of The Black Tape. You know the one: Bob had just died, and someone supposedly recorded a call with Chris crying about it. I honestly never gave a shit about it once I learned of its supposed existence, but there are people who want to hear it more than anything for varying reasons especially since the merge, and there are others who screech and kick up a storm about how that tape should be destroyed and anyone who wants to hear it is worse than Satan (though one of those people arguing for its release was Aristrocrat, which was a Hirtes sock, so...).

Does the tape actually exist, or was it only a fabrication of the inner circle of CWC trolls 10 years ago? It would be hilarious to find out it never actually existed, considering people have eaten bans for arguing over it. If it does exist, would you want to listen to it, or simply post it somewhere that people can't easily have it removed so as to trigger chimpouts from them (which is way easier to do than it should be for a forum that was built for laughing at people)?
It's real, surfshack tito and the other PvCC fags had it, current keeper is Marvin.
Among many other things that trigger CWC subforum people on KF is the existence of The Black Tape. You know the one: Bob had just died, and someone supposedly recorded a call with Chris crying about it. I honestly never gave a shit about it once I learned of its supposed existence, but there are people who want to hear it more than anything for varying reasons especially since the merge, and there are others who screech and kick up a storm about how that tape should be destroyed and anyone who wants to hear it is worse than Satan (though one of those people arguing for its release was Aristrocrat, which was a Hirtes sock, so...).

Does the tape actually exist, or was it only a fabrication of the inner circle of CWC trolls 10 years ago? It would be hilarious to find out it never actually existed, considering people have eaten bans for arguing over it. If it does exist, would you want to listen to it, or simply post it somewhere that people can't easily have it removed so as to trigger chimpouts from them (which is way easier to do than it should be for a forum that was built for laughing at people)?
Yes. I have heard it exists. Personally, I think the tape should be destroyed.
Yes. I have heard it exists. Personally, I think the tape should be destroyed.
Probably for the best tbh. It's one of the few things in Christory where if it gets destroyed/deleted, most people aren't going to care that much. It's not funny, it's not content that has particular value, etc. I had a passing curiosity about it, and that's been satisfied now.
Yes. I have heard it exists. Personally, I think the tape should be destroyed.
I disagree, it only withheld because the troll’s feel so horrible about it and it makes them look like pieces of shit.