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Last Update January 21, 2025

BenjaminBiddix / Benji / Biddex

Nool in regards to benji

Benji, the man who runs /baphomet/, is actually sort of a little joy. He has a large and morbid sense of humor and personality. Stuff like gore is a sight to behold; the world is cruel and it's sometimes sobering to be reminded of it. As for suicide, I support a person's right to death as much as I support their right to life.
He always was the kind of person to leave a impression behind. He that kind of "that guy you never forget" vibe about him. Not too keen on the Suicide part but honestly it makes sense.
Last I spoke to him a few of them were leaving Twitter and made a new social media instead that wasn’t censored.
I can’t remember the name - we speak or something? It was years ago.
I was a mod on the new social by default for being his e girl on Twitter at the time. Ha!

It was a bit over my head so I stepped back. Not sure why I was included, I had to be babied through everything and clearly was not skilled for the job. I appreciated the thought though.

He seemed nice. They all did. Wild reading what happened.
^ I’ll add that I was vaguely aware what baph was. I knew they shared doxxes, but I wasn’t actively on the forums.