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June 1, 2024: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames Biden:
June 1, 2024: Elon Musk plans to hold a livestream event with Donald Trump on
June 1, 2024: Kiwifarms: Uploads are broken:

Movie Night

In the process of being set up

Kiwifarms Associate AnOminous / the old fat lawyer who spends his time posting on kiwifarms all day.

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.

Crimson Fucker

Hellovan Onion
Let's be real, the actual purpose of this thread was because she was desperate and thinks the only way to get the attention of men is to do the whole be mean to your crush thing since her mind never matured past elementary school. She is thirsty for that obese lawyer kiwi cock and thinks he can take care of her with his lawyer money when he's probably one of those broke ones. Pick me femcel behavior.


Josh Moon is Lucas Werner with a shinier soapbox.
Hellovan Onion
Let's be real, the actual purpose of this thread was because she was desperate and thinks the only way to get the attention of men is to do the whole be mean to your crush thing since her mind never matured past elementary school. She is thirsty for that obese lawyer kiwi cock and thinks he can take care of her with his lawyer money when he's probably one of those broke ones. Pick me femcel behavior.
Tweak this ever so slighty and you'd sum up every woman on KF.


Hellovan Onion
There is both good and bad things about Anom however what pushes him over the limit of being a loser are:
1. Carrying water for Jewsh like a lost little puppy
2. Weak bantz, like Null he only relies upon his position on the forum and would be torn to shreds if he wasn't protected by Null orbiters
3. He posts more than I did during summer as a teenager. His wide array of dubious knowledge doesn't hit the same when you consider he uses it to impress a bunch of kissless neets who still somehow manage to get more time outside than he does daily.


Baby Onion
yeah but its a lot of repeat posts its kinda annoying when you see it in action , I really just skim or dont even bother with his posts because when its not this its some long ass boring legalese copypasta'd over from the court site

I often came across him in numerous threads saying the most bland reddit-tier takes you can have. Even after 10 years of being on KF, he still has reddit-tier opinions? He's just a low-IQ fat American man. And like the other KF members probably has a secret trans-sexual/furry/loli pornstash.


Remarkable Onion
it does happen sometimes
Yeah I guess it depends who the mod is at any given time and what board you post in. SFW boards like /x/ claim to have rules against using slurs but I see them there all the time anyway. Kinda arbitrary like any other site I guess. I got banned once on /pol/ for just typing a few goofy, nonsensical replies to people, I didn’t even use any gamer words, lol.

Crimson Fucker

Hellovan Onion
I thought on those occasions is was less about them saying nigger and more about them saying nigger over 9000 times across other threads without any further elaboration.


Hellovan Onion
just a warning for this guy but catch the janny on a bad day and youll get it im sure

Latin X

Its funny how this guy was the biggest Rackets cocksucker and defender, even post bottle in the ass, but once it finally started getting him Reddit downvotes, I mean KF neg stickers, he acts like the biggest Rackets hater who never liked the guy and always knew Rackets and Ty were no good.