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Kiwifarms Linked AnOminous / the old fat lawyer who spends his time posting on kiwifarms all day.

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
He has over 3 pages worth of posts in the relatively new sanctioned suicide thread simping for a website that gives minors and the mentally ill step by step instructions on how to die. He also alogs the parents for DARING to try to get site taken down. By the way according to him and his ilk Ethan Ralph must be in jail for being mean to Jim Metokur, but running a site to encourage suicide is based and free speech.
View attachment 31996
He 1000% has socio/psychopathy and misdiagnosed autism lol
View attachment 36878

Holy fucking shit dude

Also he 1000% is on the socio/psychopathy spectrum and just isn't being open about it
ADD is actually an obsolete diagnosis like Asperger's. They got rid of it in the last DSM so anyone who would've been diagnosed with ADD is now considered on the ADHD spectrum.
Kind of gender stereotyped too, IDK if there is evidence that females are more likely to be ADD. There's definitely boys who had ADD and didn't suffer the H (hyperactivity) part of ADHD.
I do agree about stimulants being overprecribed for ADHD. I don't really consider someone to have ADHD if they don't have the atypical neurological response of being calmed by amphetamines. It's kind of unique to ADHD.
He has over 3 pages worth of posts in the relatively new sanctioned suicide thread simping for a website that gives minors and the mentally ill step by step instructions on how to die. He also alogs the parents for DARING to try to get site taken down. By the way according to him and his ilk Ethan Ralph must be in jail for being mean to Jim Metokur, but running a site to encourage suicide is based and free speech.
View attachment 31996
That was one of the best threads on the site until people started shitting it up.
That was one of the best threads on the site until people started shitting it up.
He's an actual monster. I have no idea how he hasn't burned through other internet subcultures with his anti-social bs considering he's over 50 years old. It's like he just dropped out of the sky ten years ago to start harassing people and saying insane horrific shit on Josh's forum. He has such a distinctive honking aggressive nerd style of early 2000s writing too.
Anonanist thinks that NOT fapping is gay. Ever seen Hardware (1990)? I have a feeling Anomnibus is very much like the character that is played by William Hootkins (plays Porkins in Starwars).
I take it English isn't your first language. Do you even know what this means?

Are you asking for Personal Army Requests over some true and honest shut-in who posts on KF?
Cuz, you seemed to be close to fedposting earlier on.
Hey I understand that like all the other people from the website you are a terrifying dysfunctional shell of a human and post stuff like this in a depressing bid for human attention, but this is literally the opposite of anything I said about this and can you please go away?
Oh, I thought you were asking for a personal army, that'd be based, but you're walking it back.

Now, that's fucking dissapointing.
Hey I understand that like all the other people from the website you are a terrifying dysfunctional shell of a human and post stuff like this in a depressing bid for human attention, but this is literally the opposite of anything I said about this and can you please go away?

But isn't that what you're doing? Your real life can't be as great as you claim it is if you come here nonstop like you do?

"Can you please go away?"

Ashley. Come on. You can't be this oblivious.
View attachment 36878

Holy fucking shit dude

Also he 1000% is on the socio/psychopathy spectrum and just isn't being open about it

"I've seen this when you get a bunch of terminally online people together"

I'm convinced that deep down, KF users hate that they use the site as much as they do and wish they could be normies, because they keep insinuating that everyone else is terminally online when the vast majority of their "lolcows" are only known by terminally online people to begin with. I remember when Josh and company would say CWC is the most documented human ever or some shit like that and yet most people I know, both offline and online, don't even know who he is.
I'm convinced that deep down, KF users hate that they use the site as much as they do and wish they could be normies, because they keep insinuating that everyone else is terminally online when the vast majority of their "lolcows" are only known by terminally online people to begin with.
This isn't an argument, so I don't know why you keep making posts like this. Other than that you're retarded.

Really boring to read.
Grandpa who hates millennials now acting like a 5-year-old. Yep, figures as much.

Like clockwork. I've been crapping on terminally online millennials, not all, but all you can do is "not all millennials, boomer!" in between throwing your tantrum with stickering all my posts. Seems I've touched a nerve. Also, grandpa? Nah, not yet, but I'll save you a spot at the nursing home table when you become one; I'll even give you some of my jello if you promise not to cry that the West still hasn't fallen yet.
I'll even give you some of my jello if you promise not to cry that the West still hasn't fallen yet.
Oh it is falling. They have to smudge the economic numbers because the recession has almost been constant since 2008, except for during a couple years during Trump's presidency. Since, you know, he was one of the few people in the US government recently who has been half-way competent. Which I guess is why scum hate him so much. If I wanted to destroy the US and White people, I wouldn't want Trump in office. He might actually do something decent for once.
except for during a couple years during Trump's presidency. Since, you know, he was one of the few people in the US government recently who has been half-way competent.


I know Ash is just LARPing, but I'll humor this argument just to point out that George Washington was arguably the only good president America has had or ever will have for the sole fact that he told the first Americans not to create political parties, for all they'd do was just divide the country.

"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."

Every single president thereafter might as well have taken a piss on his grave. The man wasn't perfect by any means, but you can't help but think that maybe he was onto something here. And if you want to say "yeah, but there were some good presidents after!" then you could make the case it all ended when Teddy lost to Wilson.

You could give a bone to Ike, whose platform would make him "woke" today, though.

Poor America. Strangled in its crib before it even learned how to walk.