Baby Onion
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
But then, I'm trying to reason with a guy who came here, saw someone calling out his mental gymnastics, and proceeded to go through my posting history just so he could neg-rate everything I've said so far.... because one response offended him. Isn't that what you kiwis call "seething" and "butthurt?" And something you usually make fun of other people for doing?
Quote his exact words, in context.
>bequeathed by creator
>US defines rights
pick one
Fact is the government decides what rights you do and do not have. The fact is that currently the corrupt liberal government says drag queens have the right to twerk half-naked in front of kids, that doctors have the right to mutilate children, and that propagandizing transgenderism to them are sacred civil rights. We need a decent government which restricts all of that, speech included.
It's certainly not, I agree...because under many circumstances you can't buy guns from a store. Even when you can, you have restrictions on what kind, how you use them, etc.
Free speech absolutism is retarded and doesn't exist anywhere, and never has, nor will it ever; neither can you make a good argument for it. Bad speech must be restricted, it just depends on how a society and therefore its government defines good and bad. We see how liberals define these terms, they're inverted.
Spew your childish lolbertarianism some more, it's hilariously cringe.
Stupid indeed, you had to inaccurately paraphrase what I said to erect your strawman. A bad government doing stupid things is not a free speech issue--it's a bad government doing stupid things issue, stupid.
He's also a Kiwi and I recall one of my complaints being that they'll happily do things they would criticize other people for doing. Which is what I was trying to point out to him, but he chose to just project and deflect.He is a redditor of course he loves stickers
To be fair, to an extent I get what I think he's coming from when he says rights aren't inalienable and have always been determined by the government of the time.Governments can't even restrict marijuana sales, they can't stop chinks from getting outside the Great Firewall of Chyna. You are not just morally wrong, you are retarded
I can't speak for right wingers, but a lot of people don't dislike feminism over age of consent. It's because feminist theory is bullshit and often bigoted. Also, what's wrong with free speech absolutism?It's important to keep in mind that righty and lefty are both pedo death cults. Lefty wants gay pedos and righty wants hetero pedos (see Matt Walsh and his pedo rant about how America needs to impregnate more teenage girls.) RWers online often hate feminists and feminism because feminists insisted on raising age of consent. That is the primary reason why Nick Fuentas and figures like him hate women and why incels/MGTOW communities are rife with pedophiles who want to lower age of consent to prepubescence.
As an aside, documenting the pedophilia that runs through most mens rights advocacy groups is something that Kiwifarms is very good for. Their incel and MGTOW threads are actually pretty good and don't attract the same sperging the abortion threads do.
People like SSj don't understand what "rights" are. They are natural rights bequeathed by the universe or the Creator or whatever you want to call it. The only thing the Constitution does is define them and why governments are wrong to oppress rights. Otherwise rights are universal and the definition of a totalitarian government is the oppression of rights. China is a mess right now because they murder civilians in the street for speaking out against covid lockdowns, as well as unjustly imprisoning people who have done no crime and without a fair trial (the Uighurs concentration camps.)
Of course people like SSj don't want to admit that because it completely undercuts their argument and exposes that they don't actually have a clue what "morality" is. They just want to murder and jail their opponents with impunity and anyone who disagrees is labelled "pedophile." In the Bush era, this buzzword was "unpatriotic."
Look at how SSj can't help himself, he refuses to connect the dots between China and Russia's political implosions and their authoritarian nature. He can't even admit that Russia and China are very similar to the US, not just in size but in terms of their sheer racial diversity and their martial cultures. He just kinda....collapses:
Honestly tho this is the smoking gun. Like many terminally online politispergs this dude thinks that "civil rights" are handed out from a Pez dispenser. The actual fact is that the founding documents of the US define rights as universal to all human beings (and in terms of race, Thomas Jefferson himself stated in his letters that slavery would become an issue that would haunt the US and that denying black slaves their natural rights could eventually lead to the crack up of the United States.)
Seriously, look at this. Acting like 2A is something you buy from a store. It reminds me of how trannies think you can buy "womanhood" at a plastic surgeon's office as they chop their cocks off and shove dildos into their stink ditches:
Black people in America have always had 2A but the truth is its a universal right and authoritarianism oppresses this. Imagine how different Italy or Germany or even China or North Korea would be if the the citizens there realized that they had always had the natural right to bear arms and defend themselves against anyone who seeks to do them harm.
Anyway that's enough politisperging from me today, I just think its interesting to see the RWer in action. This is why 1A is important, it exposes the fundamental iniquities in other people that we should all be aware of.
I dislike feminism because it's a human rights issue that was co-opted decades ago by Communist jews as a way to destabilize the Western family unit, something they view as a direct threat to Communism. The Frankfurt School was pretty open about their motivations and plan, so there's no real reason to not understand the semitic roots of the modern feminist movement. I can hate trannies without supporting a bunch of fat lesbians who think their daddy issues are a political ideology.I can't speak for right wingers, but a lot of people don't dislike feminism over age of consent. It's because feminist theory is bullshit and often bigoted. Also, what's wrong with free speech absolutism?
You start.Most people are retarded and need to shut their mouths.
Heh, no.You start.
You say okay, but then go on to not quote him saying "America needs to impregnate more teenage girls." Interesting tactic...?This is dumb but okay.
Same energy as "I'm non-binary" lmfaopoint as I'm not a Europoor or a monkey.
They can and do. How am I morally wrong when you're the one defending the advocacy of child mutilation, faggot?Governments can't even restrict marijuana sales, they can't stop chinks from getting outside the Great Firewall of Chyna. You are not just morally wrong, you are retarded
So you don't actually believe in governmental authority...yet appeal to the U.S ConstitutionOnly if you're a pussy. 3d printer go brrrrr
I'm not making anything up, you're literally arguing with me because you think I'm wrong that certain speech should not be allowed, meaning you're a free speech absolutist.I never advocated for free speech absolutism, only the First Amendment. You keep making things up so you can waste time tilting at windmills.
Must be one of your two moms.I can smell your stinkditch from here...
No I don't, as a Christian I know God gave us inalienable rights, but as a realist I know we're subject to governing authorities. There's no contradiction like you're insinuating.So he believes in objective good and evil. But to do that, you have to believe in inalienable rights since that would be how you know a good government from an evil one.... but he completely rejects that notion.
I can't believe you actually keep crying with paragraphs of seethe over stickers just like I told you towhenever you point out the contradictions, he prefers--again--to project and deflect and then go around awarding stickers, because throwing a hissy fit and shooting the messenger is easier than exercising his braincells.
I'm sure he's gonna award this an "autistic" sticker because in Kiwi lingo, "autistic" means anyone who has more education or thought capacity than a dog (its actually rather telling that they associate intelligence with a mental disorder)... or else use "tantrum" because that's his favorite go-to.
There's very few people who dislike feminism over age of consent, and the majority of people who constantly want to lower it are liberals, not conservatives.I can't speak for right wingers, but a lot of people don't dislike feminism over age of consent. It's because feminist theory is bullshit and often bigoted. Also, what's wrong with free speech absolutism?
There's no contradiction there. the entire idea of the Constitution is it was (in theory) supposed to tell the government "these are things no ruler should be able to do."So you don't actually believe in governmental authority...yet appeal to the U.S Constitution![]()
You ARE wrong, and ironically this is a point that's been made over on KF: the minute you decide its okay to ban certain types of speech, suddenly that means one day YOUR speech could be the one on the chopping block. They often say this to point out how stupid SJWs and their "hate speech" restrictions are.I'm not making anything up, you're literally arguing with me because you think I'm wrong that certain speech should not be allowed, meaning you're a free speech absolutist.
Fair enough.No I don't, as a Christian I know God gave us inalienable rights, but as a realist I know we're subject to governing authorities. There's no contradiction like you're insinuating.
Called it: Deliberate missing the point via projection and deflection.I can't believe you actually keep crying with paragraphs of seethe over stickers just like I told you to![]()
It's still the government granting you something, hence its very existence and the courts which debate the interpretation thereof. If you just had those rights you wouldn't need to cite a document, yet you do.There's no contradiction there. the entire idea of the Constitution is it was (in theory) supposed to tell the government "these are things no ruler should be able to do."
Americans did turn out to be lazy cowards, upon that much we can agree, albeit from differing perspectives as to why.Although you are part-right: in practice this has not worked out so well because part of the idea was that Americans would rally around an ideal and fight down any government infringement, and instead most Americans turned out to be lazy cowards.
I'm not really getting this bit, maybe because I'm not familiar with Captain America at all.Still though, its the same as how you can like Captain America without supporting the American government.
But we ALREADY ban certain types of speech. Threats, libel, obscenity, harrassment, incitement, perjury, unauthorized disclosure of classified information, and many other things which are forms of speech. Sorry to burst your bubble.You ARE wrong, and ironically this is a point that's been made over on KF: the minute you decide its okay to ban certain types of speech, suddenly that means one day YOUR speech could be the one on the chopping block. They often say this to point out how stupid SJWs and their "hate speech" restrictions are.
Absolutism is just NOT logical. Should you be allowed to threaten to rape a woman? No? Then you don't believe in absolutism and have introduced the concept of restricting certain speech. Now we can just argue what speech is bad and how bad speech needs to be to warrant restriction, which is where people will differ.Absolutism is just logical: everyone plays by the same rules and nobody can introduce shenanigans later down the line. It's either all okay or none of it is.
Hm, you have a reasonable bone in your body, I respect that.Fair enough.
I promise not to give you mean stickies anymore, okay? You can stop crying now.Called it: Deliberate missing the point via projection and deflection.
I was even right about you sticking with the "Tantrum" label.
But sure, huff whatever copium you need to.
More specifically, Chrysler does.It's still the government granting you something, hence its very existence and the courts which debate the interpretation thereof. If you just had those rights you wouldn't need to cite a document, yet you do.
Essentially, he's an idealized symbols of American values, but not necessarily an arm of the government (in fact he's opposed the government several times). Basically Captain America fights for what the country should be, not what it is.I'm not really getting this bit, maybe because I'm not familiar with Captain America at all.
... Yes. And with good reason: if someone is legitimately a threat to my wife or daughter or whoever, hearing them open their mouths means I'm forewarned, and forewarned is forearmed. Very often the first sign that someone is dangerous is that they open their stupid mouths. In such cases, speech codes are actually armor for these people.Absolutism is just NOT logical. Should you be allowed to threaten to rape a woman?
The Constitution had a similar purpose and function--just that Cap is purely a symbol, while the Constitution is supposed to have actual legislative power. Again though, hasn't quite worked out in theory (for either of them).
Although you are part-right: in practice this has not worked out so well because part of the idea was that Americans would rally around an ideal and fight down any government infringement, and instead most Americans turned out to be lazy cowards.
Absolutism is just NOT logical. Should you be allowed to threaten to rape a woman? No? Then you don't believe in absolutism and have introduced the concept of restricting certain speech. Now we can just argue what speech is bad and how bad speech needs to be to warrant restriction, which is where people will differ.
I can't speak for right wingers, but a lot of people don't dislike feminism over age of consent. It's because feminist theory is bullshit and often bigoted. Also, what's wrong with free speech absolutism?
You say okay, but then go on to not quote him saying "America needs to impregnate more teenage girls." Interesting tactic...?
Same energy as "I'm non-binary" lmfao
They can and do. How am I morally wrong when you're the one defending the advocacy of child mutilation, faggot?
So you don't actually believe in governmental authority...yet appeal to the U.S Constitution![]()
No I don't, as a Christian I know God gave us inalienable rights
I'm not making anything up, you're literally arguing with me because you think I'm wrong that certain speech should not be allowed, meaning you're a free speech absolutist.
Must be one of your two moms.
He's also a Kiwi and I recall one of my complaints being that they'll happily do things they would criticize other people for doing. Which is what I was trying to point out to him, but he chose to just project and deflect.
To be fair, to an extent I get what I think he's coming from when he says rights aren't inalienable and have always been determined by the government of the time.
The problem I have is that then he says things like "its a problem of evil being in power." So he believes in objective good and evil. But to do that, you have to believe in inalienable rights since that would be how you know a good government from an evil one.... but he completely rejects that notion.
But as you said, this dude is a redditor and redditors don't have any sort of consistent, reasonable structure of beliefs, but rather just a headache-inducing hodge-podge based on knee-jerk reactions (just look at how he defines "bad speech" as any speech advocating for something he doesn't like... much like SJWs do), and whenever you point out the contradictions, he prefers--again--to project and deflect and then go around awarding stickers, because throwing a hissy fit and shooting the messenger is easier than exercising his braincells.