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United States News and Drama Abortion Might Be a Winning Issue — Even in Florida: An architect of the ballot initiative to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution speaks out.

Biden should be cruising to defeat right now
Nah, he's not even worried, it's rigged and we all know.

It turns out lots of Republicans are perfectly fine with raping and impregnating children and they are completely fine with pedophile illegal aliens sex trafficking their own children to other pedophiles. Republicans do not see a single thing wrong with any of this. If they did then they would have gotten outraged about it. Instead, what did they get outraged about? That the 10 year old pregnant girl had an abortion.
Nonsense. And that didn't even happen, Republicans weren't outraged about the abortion, because it was deemed medically necessary, which every reasonable person carves out exceptions for on both sides. The outrage was about the fake news saying the case didn't qualify as an exception and that she needed to go out of state, it was propaganda and they used that poor girl as a pawn.

they just whined about muh abortion instead of going "hey wait a minute, we should use this to point out to voters that our southern border is a mess!"
All you'll get in response is "REEEEEEE not ALL undocumented migrants!!!1!"
Most Republicans are about states rights when it comes to abortion. Even Trump just came out and said it:

Every four years the Democrats come back to this abortion scare mongering to get some votes. Don't worry whores, nobody is going to take your baby murdering away, you'll just have to possibly take a road trip to do it.

Personally I don't like abortion but if it came down to a compromise I'm willing to negotiate for first trimester only. And that's what politics are all about: compromise.
Personally I don't like abortion but if it came down to a compromise I'm willing to negotiate for first trimester only.
Most defects can't be detected til the 20 week anatomy scan at anywhere from 18-21 weeks. First trimester only lasts til the 12th week. I guess you really like making people have babies with Potter Syndrome and Trimsomy 18 (both conditions are incompatible with life).
Most defects can't be detected til the 20 week anatomy scan at anywhere from 18-21 weeks. First trimester only lasts til the 12th week. I guess you really like making people have babies with Potter Syndrome and Trimsomy 18 (both conditions are incompatible with life).


And you're lucky you're getting that out of a Roman Catholic.


And you're lucky you're getting that out of a Roman Catholic.
Well that's a dumb opinion that shows you know nothing about fetal development. 12 weeks (the end of the first trimester) is 12 weeks before fetal viability and ability to feel pain.
Sounds like a problem that takes care of itself 🤷‍♂️
It's useless to make a woman carry a baby like that to full term. They should be allowed if they want to but no one should be forced to carry a futile pregnancy.
Well that's a dumb opinion that shows you know nothing about fetal development. 12 weeks (the end of the first trimester) is 12 weeks before fetal viability and ability to feel pain.

Well your face is a stupid opinion (it's been so long I told somebody that their face was something lol) and you're right I don't know anything about fetal development because I'm not an OBGYN. I do however know about public opinion, and the vast majority of people want abortion to be legal only in the first trimester.

You got a problem with that write your congressman.

You got a problem with that write your congressman.
There's no restrictions on abortion before 24 weeks in my country and no legal penalties for it at any stage. After 24 can still be requested for health reasons like the mother's health or fetal anomaly.
Abortion in Canada is legal throughout pregnancy and is publicly funded as a medical procedure under the combined effects of the federal Canada Health Act and provincial health-care systems.[1] However, access to services and resources varies by region.[2] While some restrictions exist,[1] Canada is one of the few nations with no criminal restrictions on abortion.[3][4] Abortion is subject to provincial healthcare regulatory rules and guidelines for physicians.[5][6] No provinces offer abortion on request at 24 weeks and beyond, although there are exceptions for certain medical complications.[7][8]
It seems to work well because our abortion rate is pretty low at about 10 per thousand women.
There's no restrictions on abortion before 24 weeks in my country and no legal penalties for it at any stage. After 24 can still be requested for health reasons like the mother's health or fetal anomaly.

It seems to work well because our abortion rate is pretty low at about 10 per thousand women.

Aren't you guys the country who are trying to get euthanasia for people who have mental illness and depression?

Aren't you guys the country who are trying to get euthanasia for people who have mental illness and depression?
Also if you're old, disabled, or complain about their lack of options. I also remember they wanted to make kids be able to sign the consent forums without parents so the school can euthanize spergy kids without parents permission. Sounds based to me. That's why when they have word filters or auto removal for telling people to kill themselves I just default to "get Canadian health insurance" and people usually get the meaning. If they are too stupid to get it and still reply I tell them to ask for the euthanasia option.
Reason: Also terminally ill people can opt for a quicker death.