• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

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  1. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    I think he underestimates, or fails to appreciate, how much reactions drive engagement.
  2. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    He already word filters out "touch the poop" so I don't see why this would be much different. This middle-manager blogpost is some of the gayest bullshit I've read, followed closely by the "I guess it's not a le free speech site anymore sorry guys" post he made later in the thread. It never...
  3. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    I would just like to point out the hilarity of the kwiffar that are going rabid over Elon being "Adrian Dittmann" while turning a blind eye to the exact same thing happening with Null/Lidl on their very own website, in the very same thread.
  4. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    Can we go ONE mention of prison without talking about nigger rape? Please?
  5. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Lay it on thick now, Null. We'll all be waiting to shove it back in your face once you're in the states.
  6. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

    Not to mention with how much Lidl and the bp hags whine and scream "stop saying white women fuck dogs!", you'd think that these... comments about horses would be avoided.
  7. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    It actually baffles me that people go to Josh's stream to get information about the world. He's such a half-informed retard, you'd be better off going to McDonald's and asking the hobo in the corner what he thinks. Might be easier to listen to, too. Null has no right to criticize Nick, knowing...
  8. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    uh oh, is another non-lidl female user interacting with Josh too much?
  9. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    He does one thing different: be mean to poor Joshy boy and the users he likes.
  10. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Circumventing a ToS violation, you say? Circumventing a SUSPENSION, you say?? How very curious @kiwifarmsdotnet AKA permanently banned user @xjosh
  11. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    this is pretty awesome. And true. I've spoken to several users who were more than happy to help "the owner of Kiwifarms"... until they interacted with him. I wish I could see all the bridges he's burned. I wish he could see it.
  12. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

  13. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    This is a Josh Opinion Mantra that users parrot to show they fit in.
  14. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Kind of like when Null is asked why Lidl gets a free pass to start shit. Or when Lidl is asked why Null is the exception to his feminist hardline.
  15. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

    I don't know what you're talking about. The radfems abstaining from interacting with men sounds fantastic. Of course, since they subsist entirely off of trying to get a reaction from men, it won't last long if at all.
  16. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    He's allowed to do that. He's also allowed to let someone else take over the site. Will he? no. Hey, wait a minute, why doesn't anyone like me? I'm fucking ATLAS holding up this ROTTING WEBSITE and you're all MAGGOTS CRAWLING ON ITS CORPSE!!
  17. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    Also, have you ever looked at Dyn's profile and noticed it saying "Seen a moment ago - managing account details"? that's what it says when a mod is in the mod menus.
  18. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    In my opinion Lidl Drip started out as a Dyn sock that he used after requesting his original account to be deleted following the email leaks. Afterwards, he "rejoined" on his current account and since then Dyn and Null have shared the Lidl account, barely using it until the current gender hate...
  19. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    Josh's autism regarding images is just another piece of grit on the sandpaper of interacting with him. "Use my broken attachments or else! I DON'T CARE THAT GIFS DON'T WORK, IT WORKS ON MY MACHINE DIE FAGGOT DIE DIE DIE" el em ayy oh.
  20. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    This is exactly what it's going to turn into (and if you consider the women already ousted from the Farms, it's already there, just with too many men).
  21. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Reminder to report his account for ban evasion. It's a bit tricky to do but you can go to the X support page (the 3 dot menu on the account doesn't give you this option), select to report for harassment, and it'll give you an explanation box where you can put that he's ban evading.
  22. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

    You're finally starting to get it.
  23. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    Social stratification.
  24. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    Probably thinks (knows) josh is too dumb to remember, or, is visibly distancing himself from it now to avoid a banhammer.
  25. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    >You know we can see your post history, right? Really not beating the redditfarms accusations with that one.
  26. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    Dyn is Dyn minus the funny.
  27. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Freya's misdeeds and hazing

    I know that you're a pathologically lying hobo and that I'm not. I don't think there's much else that needs to be said.
  28. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Freya's misdeeds and hazing

    who said anything about clout? We know you're just looking for a way to have power over someone, anyone, no matter how minuscule or meaningless that power might be.
  29. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    I've said people who have twitter accounts need to report it. I want to see it happen.
  30. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    RIP. I enjoyed his posts.
  31. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    The kicker is that he sees nothing wrong with holding both positions. He's allowed to be a megalomaniac, and everyone else has to let him do whatever he wants.
  32. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    once it actually spreads that "kiwifarms harbors pedophiles" I think it will do a lot of damage pretty quickly. One person making a compilation image easily digested by twittertards and sending it to people interested in taking down Kiwifarms could probably instigate that. hint hint.
  33. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    Wow. lmao.
  34. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    Kiwis can't resist the urge to nitpick retarded shit to death, it's the only thing they know how to do.
  35. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt
  36. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    >I don't like girl cut shirts because I'm fat and they hike up on my bingo wings so badly people think I'm wearing a tank-top
  37. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    Lmao no shit. That's like saying your car would be worth $20k if the engine wasn't blown.
  38. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    We did it, reddit!
  39. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    Please understand that we didn't buy that any of those accounts weren't you for even a fraction of a moment.
  40. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    I've noticed a lot of people I dislike on the internet turn out to be hispanic or indian. I think it's interesting that I start disliking them even before learning what race they are.
  41. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    It was always subversive Jewish trash, lmao.
  42. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

    Noooo! not my heckin' celebrity! Null is such a fuckin' fag.
  43. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    "Dyn is funny" is just a 'truism' that people who follow Null take on as a show of conformity. He's not funny, and most users ignore his posts, usually resulting in one-on-ones with him and Lidl in the middle of whatever thread it might be.
  44. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    Heh, that's probably where all that bile and fantasizing about men dying from pancreatic cancer comes from, her subconscious acknowledgement of her own shortened life.
  45. Zephyr

    What is Onionpedia?

    If it's fun then you do you, I suppose. It's not what i use this site for.
  46. Zephyr

    What is Onionpedia?

    You all go on for a billion pages, about nothing. It's like the concept of disengaging a circular argument doesn't exist or something.
  47. Zephyr

    What is Onionpedia?

    I don't get what all this shitflinging is about. Is it really that hard to not kill each other over a forum? All this time wasted could've been spent helping each other out and making both this place and that place nicer than KF.
  48. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

    Did anyone post her hairy unshaven legs? I'd also like to point out the 0% chance of Josh barging in and banning Lidl for "infighting".
  49. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    Josh trying to beat Ken at making shitty looking merch
  50. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    "Women need their online safe space and it is I, Joshua Moon, a man, that will make it happen! No, no one asked me to do this, made this decision for these women myself! I know what they really want, after all." Heh, and I honestly think this might work. It'll be like 40 people, but they'll do...
  51. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Don't ever feel bad for things you do to annoy Josh. You'll never get anything for it.
  52. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    iirc Meowthkip pooned out, there was a thread about it a bit back.
  53. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Even though he has (had) literal tranny jannies, lol.
  54. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    I counted at least 3 deranged radfems in that thread. A lot of people were there bemoaning the overall quality of the thread as well. Users are beginning to notice how degraded the quality of discussion has gotten on KF, with most posters in the thread shouting about how "the shooter was...
  55. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Putting the white all over "white knight" if you know what I... Oh wait, he can't, nvm. He's just being a faggot.
  56. Zephyr

    Chase / Chase663

    Quit responding to him.
  57. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    It would be nice if this thread stayed on topic. @MagnesiumCorp @kiwifails please take this slapfight somewhere else.
  58. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Internet girls literally CANNOT stop telling unprompted embarrassing personal life stories.
  59. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Because up until then, they were basically on the same side, and still think in similar ways.
  60. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    I know this is Ashley so it's a bit silly responding, but in case anyone was curious: Gamergate had literally zero impact on my life. In fact, it was only after it was mostly over that I learned about it, because I saw people posting stuff online about how they had voted for Obama or whatever...
  61. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    From an outside perspective: "former" liberals always carry a certain stink with them wherever they go, and it's fairly obvious to those that were never one. It infects everything from their rhetoric to the very way they think. I'm personally of the opinion that the difference between a...
  62. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Soniker? oh boy.
  63. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Linked Haley Joy Thomas/JambledUpWords/redoniblueoni/Numerous Other Socks

    Your responses to the accusation are weird but as far as I can tell you're right, and there is no hard evidence.
  64. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    The overlap between megalomaniacs wanting to run a niche webforum and good UX programmers is apparently quite slim.
  65. Zephyr

    Public Figure - Niche RangerBoo / Paladinboo / Rebecca R Rheaume

    if I reply to this does that mean I took the bait
  66. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    DSP farmers need to get the hell off KF. Null's an entitled fat fuck who thinks that he's the king of discussing retards on the internet. I wish I could grab him by his 4XL t-shirt and hold him up to his own posts and make him see what a whiny hypocrite he is. Of course, I'm not Arnold...
  67. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Sorry, that's just his IQ showing.
  68. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    One below whatever is required to understand NPM package versions, I assume.
  69. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    >And not in an enjoyable way like Dynastia Holy shit, these guys do not stop sucking cock.
  70. Zephyr

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Josh is, once again, writing something that perfectly describes himself.
  71. Zephyr

    Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Daniel Lopez mega thread

    Because Null is a self-described nigger
  72. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    https://www.onionfarms.com/threads/kiwi-farms-moderators.600/ She looks quite Jewish to me.
  73. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

    He is male because the question was asked and answered. BP still hates him.
  74. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Linked Haley Joy Thomas/JambledUpWords/redoniblueoni/Numerous Other Socks

    lmao for real. There weren't nearly enough spelling mistakes, and way, WAY too much punctuation.
  75. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Freya's misdeeds and hazing

    You're not owning anyone right now.
  76. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Freya's misdeeds and hazing

    Or his account merged.
  77. Zephyr

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Freya's misdeeds and hazing

    Frothing at the mouth over something that matters so little isn't a good look.