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Search results

  1. C

    Canada News and Drama GTA Skinny Dippers: Skinny Dipping Club All Ages

    Are we truly reposting (((LibsOfTiktok))) stories now? Is the supreme janny of the Onionfarms having a gay affair with Null?
  2. C

    Joseph Biden: President of the United States

    You'd have better luck in Europe. Europe outside UK doesn't have a de-facto two party system where you only get two choices of a socially liberal and socially conservative party. You have all kinds of flavours of left and right leaning parties with all kinds of different social, economic and...
  3. C

    Joseph Biden: President of the United States

    No, because we will happily do that to right wing lolcows as well. Nobody is safe.
  4. C

    Joseph Biden: President of the United States

    https://theracket.news/p/did-joe-biden-really-threaten-to-throw-my-phone This is from that same journalist. I found it very sus that (((Libs of TikTok))) was among the bigger promoters of this story.
  5. C

    Israel News and Drama Israel is Pissed Off Over Ireland, Spain, Norway's Decision to Recognize A Palestinian State

    You would be surprised how compatible the two can be. Of all people, Ayn Rand seems to have been the only high profile person to acknowledge that atheism works best with free market capitalism. Here's a funny thing: without Reagan, we wouldn't see all the corporate diversity promotion. That's...
  6. C

    United States News and Drama Abortion Might Be a Winning Issue — Even in Florida: An architect of the ballot initiative to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution speaks out.

    Not even that! As Poland showed, they barely even made an impact! People will just stop fucking and probably have even less babies as a result. If it was allowed you'd have someone "Oh well, worst case scenario abortion exists" and then potentially go, with their own choice, "Maybe kids ain't...
  7. C

    Israel News and Drama Israel is Pissed Off Over Ireland, Spain, Norway's Decision to Recognize A Palestinian State

    Blanket banning porn is communism. And Quora is not the most credible site, it is infiltrated by commuchingchongs.
  8. C

    Israel News and Drama Israel is Pissed Off Over Ireland, Spain, Norway's Decision to Recognize A Palestinian State

    Well, FrP seems to be getting more popular in Norway. Another Sandniggeristan being recongized by Norway makes me want to marry some Norwegian waman just to get citizenship so that I can vote for FrP. Is that too autistic, though?
  9. C

    Israel News and Drama Israel is Pissed Off Over Ireland, Spain, Norway's Decision to Recognize A Palestinian State

    Holy shit. Dem potato in mouth speakers really do be an odd bunch, if this is true. What the sauce tho? Gibe sauce. No sauce, no happen and fake news you are.
  10. C

    United States News and Drama Abortion Might Be a Winning Issue — Even in Florida: An architect of the ballot initiative to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution speaks out.

    Banning abortion is useless anyways. It didn't do shit to fix Poland's fertility rates. It barely increased them by 0.1-0.2 kiddos per waman. From 1.3 to 1.5.
  11. C

    Israel News and Drama Israel is Pissed Off Over Ireland, Spain, Norway's Decision to Recognize A Palestinian State

    I wonder if this will make the Progress Party (FrP) more popular. I imagine that if they got into power, they'd immediately pull back their recognition of Palestine. Funny how Taiwan didn't get recognized by the same countries. I guess the islamo-sino-communist lobby is the real thing, not the...
  12. C

    Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Daniel Lopez mega thread

    Ma superpotenza mondiale, i terùn, sto cazzo! Veneto superpotenza mondiale 2030! Forsa Veneto, dio can! Chi non xè veneto, xè de n'altra nasion, dio boia!
  13. C

    Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Daniel Lopez mega thread

    Czy ty jesteś rosijską kurwą albo 56% Amerimuttem? Poland is also about to overtake Britbongistan in purchasing power.
  14. C

    Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Daniel Lopez mega thread

    The thread name is Voodoo general, so don't direct your autistic tantrums at me for posting something off-topic. I can out-autism you with ease regardless.
  15. C

    Announcement Catministrator announcements

    Fuck it, I'm just gonna make a truth social account to take the piss.
  16. C

    Announcement Catministrator announcements

    Why truth social...who tf even uses truth social...
  17. C

    Man dumps 80,000 pennies on ex-wife’s lawn as last child support payment

    How does one even get their hands on so many pennies? Also, not sure about Amerimuttistan, but in Europe it's apparently more expensive to mint 1 and 2 cent coins than they're worth. In theory, you could get an infinite money glitch with it.
  18. C

    Hobbies Educational websites for programming

    https://www.nesdev.org/wiki/CPU_unofficial_opcodes nesdev wiki has some useful resources for NES programming. Here's one such page.
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    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    If loli is indeed illegal, why is it so easy to find Loli hentai on the clearweb using Google, an Amerimutt search engine? While kiddie porn is indeed available sometimes on the clearweb, it is 99% of the time the soft type of porn with some reasonable doubt about it something innocent (if you...
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    Opinion/Blog Random Pics & Gifs

    La Zanzara (an Italian talk radio show) invited some pro Putin Russian immigrant woman on the show to discuss the death of Navalny...what ensued next is a complete trashfire.
  21. C

    Hobbies What are you Currently Playing?

    Need For Speed Most Wanted 2005
  22. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

    Holy shit guys! Looks like Jewsh was right all along! Near is alive after all, and is now posting some unfunny reddit story type of videos and shitposting in his community tab! Troons BTFO! Fr tho, we should send this screenshot to ppl on Kiwifarms and see if Jewsh and the jannies will bite the...
  23. C

    Russia Targets the Baltics: Officials Added to Russia's Wanted List

    So the Gypsies were the ones who really orchestrated everything! Not the Jews, not the Illuminati, not China! Gypsies orchestrated everything so that they could get a lot of scrap metal!
  24. C

    Opinion/Blog Random Pics & Gifs

    Looks like 8kun is coming back. I looked up Genchink Impact communist just for the lulz and stumbled across an 8kun result on the first page.
  25. C

    Animes that don't suck

    Kate and Julie aka Dirty Pair It's an anime from 1985 and it has two wahmen with tits as protagonists. We got first exposed to it in 1990 when it aired on Italian TV. Funnily enough, you can watch the entire Italian dub on YouTube, as it somehow hasn't been shoah'ed by copyright. The Italian...
  26. C

    Russia Targets the Baltics: Officials Added to Russia's Wanted List

    Nice try, russki glowie. Honestly, fighting for the west is very much worth it, so long as it means eliminating Ruzzians and Serboniggers. Serbia is the best coochie, the more you fuck it, the smaller it becomes. Hopefully Russia will also become like that soon enough. We could always get...
  27. C

    Russia Targets the Baltics: Officials Added to Russia's Wanted List

    Within the next decade? Bruh, will Putin's regime even last that long? Once Putin gets busy in the west, China and Japan will just sneak in and divide the Russian far east amongst themselves. And Japan will suddenly start plundering all the vodka supplies and marking them up to high hell in...
  28. C

    Trump Derangement Syndrome Donald Trump General Discussion

    Does her husband even know that she's willing to give up US influence to Russia just to save single digit percent of US budget? But well, this is Trump. Perhaps if her husband served in the Армия РФ he wouldn't have said something like that. And this, Amerimutts, is why you don't elect a NYC...
  29. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

    I think the alt right part varies from board to board. Different boards will give you different reactions and replies for the same political opinion. The General Discussion board tends to be less schizo and more reasonable so long as you yourself are like that. Then there's the news related...
  30. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

    But Byuu wasn't trans...he himself distanced himself from the non binary community after some time. CIA Nigger specifically mentioned the furry community as a response to some question regarding Byuu. Not the transformer community.
  31. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

    I still believe that blaming Kiwifarms on his suicide is a stretch. Byuu was already in a toxic environment to begin with, as CIA Nigger himself has confirmed. IMO It's more likely that CIA Nigger himself orchestrated attacks against him, as they did have some beef. CIA Nigger saw his personal...
  32. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

    What. I had a stroke reading this. Anyways, BSNES and ares are both, to my knowledge, open source, so that other people can also contribute to them.
  33. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Zoosadist Content Hosted on Kiwi Farms

    Wdym 8chan is dead, it's still alive under the name 8kun.
  34. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Zoosadist Content Hosted on Kiwi Farms

    What a fucking nigger, I barely ever interacted with him or mentioned him in any shape or form! I will point out that I'm in Europe, so maybe it's region specific too. In the meantime I went on Kiwifarms.st and it works just fine. I don't think I got shadowbanned after all. I mean, I'm more or...
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    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Zoosadist Content Hosted on Kiwi Farms

    Oh, LMAO, looks like Kiwifarms is down in the meantime. I wonder if it's connected with what's mentioned in the thread.
  36. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Zoosadist Content Hosted on Kiwi Farms

    But Jewsh is supposedly in Serbia isn't he?
  37. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Zoosadist Content Hosted on Kiwi Farms

    I find it odd that zoosadist content is illegal but Liveleak sandnigger and cartel decapitation videos are legally probably a-OK. I suppose that, in Jewsh's defence, perhaps zoosadist content isn't illegal in many places.
  38. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

    Holy shit, no wonder Byuu is/was a furry when his parents bred like cockroaches (assuming it's just one mom).
  39. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

    LMAO, there are still retards on the farms that fell for it! For context, around mid 2021 one user on kiwifarms changed his username to "Byuu" and the pfp to Byuu's fursona. The ident thing below the username was set to they/them. People were seriously believing this was really Byuu and others...
  40. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

    IIRC that's literally what Terry Davis's family did. They did post some proper conclusive evidence of his death. Someone in here mentioned that Byuu's family members are all dead. As far as the doxxing is concerned I'm not so sure if Kiwifarms as a whole is really responsible for that. As we...
  41. C

    Somalia - Somaliland News and Drama The Twitter Feud Between Somalia and Somaliland

    You know, fuck this shit. Why doesn't Ducessa Meloni get busy and retake Somalia? Then again, if terrunians step their foot on Somalia they'll turn it into an even more of a failed state than it already is...eh fuck it, we need to bring back the Venetian republic and have Somalia be a Venetian...
  42. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

    Not always. I've had experience with suicidal people and they sent pics with the means to do it, much to my absolute horror, causing me a sleepless night or two. They indeed went through it. Fortunately, their suicide attempts failed. IIRC most suicide attempts are not successful.
  43. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

    I honestly doubt this was Kiwifarms to do it. This is something more in line with what 4chan /pol/ tards would do. Though, apparently there was an influx of 4channers on Kiwifarms at one point, with even Null complaining about some people hotlinking to /pol/ threads. I find it unlikely that...
  44. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

    Bruh, I looked at his thread and it seems that the rabbit hole goes a bit deeper. Byuu emailed Jewsh to take down the thread way before the game ending took place. It seems like Byuu's situation was basically a perfect storm of a toxic friend group, mental illness, online stupidity and...
  45. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

    Something just occurred to me. Byuu's thread was created by a guy called CIA Nigger, who in the meantime got his own thread on Kiwifarms. He used to be a moderator for the Animal Control section of Kiwifarms until he tried to delete Byuu's thread...
  46. C

    Kiwifarms Linked Keffals / Lucas Roberts

    Keffals is probably being a businessperson doing business. Political weirdness and grifting is very profitable nowadays. But it can indeed be taxing. Perhaps Keffals found some greener pastures.
  47. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

    Kiwifarms claims this urn was some Aliexpress shit that wasn't a real urn with real ash. Apparently the lighting from the reflection also doesn't match with the place where the urn would be seen. I dunno. Perhaps we really need some real journos talk to real people who know/knew Byuu with real...
  48. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

    That's literally what he should've done. And he was in Japan for crying out loud! The Japanese, even if they don't touch grass, respect people's boundaries and only yell at someone when they're really, really angry and that someone is chimping out. He wouldn't be harassed irl! How much Japanese...
  49. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

    That explains the persistently low birth rates and a shrinking population while also being very anal about migration and mixing. Japan is literally genociding itself for...reasons that are rationally unknown.
  50. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

    He was in the public spotlight before Kiwifarms even discovered him, though. The first time I saw any drama related to Byuu was actually on Reddit. I'm now entering armchair psychologist territory, so I could be full of shit; perhaps he was indeed also autistic and maybe expected the internet to...
  51. C

    Diet coke holics anonymous

    If California is communist, then all of the EU is communist, even more communist than California. California is as neoliberal as it gets. It is only marketing itself as some super left wing state outloud, while quietly still being very attractive to economically more right wing billionaires...
  52. C

    Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights The Suicide of Near

    I believe that Jewsh accepting the shekels wouldn't have made a difference honestly. It would've triggered a Streisand effect where a 13 page thread would suddenly become very notable because of it missing. And Byuu would've been even more harassed as the conspiracy theories would go rampant. I...
  53. C

    Wot’s in the shots? - Graphene oxide? Nanobots?

    But I like coochie...and am vaccinated...does that mean that I'm actually a tranny? Y'all got Keffals' contacts on DIY transformer meds?
  54. C

    Random videos

    This is the first time I heard about Hector Martin since the Byuu Kiwifarms dumpster fire back in 2021. I almost forgot about him omegalul.
  55. C

    Wot’s in the shots? - Graphene oxide? Nanobots?

    The chemicals that turn the freaking frogs gay
  56. C

    Western Europe Ireland Considers "Hate Speech" Bill

    Libs of Tiktok, the most credible source! Here's my take. Thing is, in Ireland, unlike ching chongistan, people can VOTE! If the bills ends up being as retarded...don't worry, next elections will be given to someone who will add more free speech. If not...well, fuck it, Irish people want less...
  57. C

    Israel News and Drama Palestine versus Israel

    Why isn't the link there? Did jannies remove it or did it remove itself?
  58. C

    Israel News and Drama Palestine versus Israel

    Just WTF is going on here. This is Candace Owens from Aliexpress on steroids.
  59. C

    Public Figure - Niche Meet Justine Ang Fonte (Porn Literacy Educator for Elementary School Children)

    Nigga what? They don't teach about hrt in biology. I finished high school in 2019 and trannies were only briefly mentioned by our biology teacher as people who exist and that they don't feel like their gender.
  60. C

    Public Figure - Niche Meet Justine Ang Fonte (Porn Literacy Educator for Elementary School Children)

    I think both parents and teachers should educate the children on these things in such a way that each side complements each other. I also think that the best way to teach sex education is to do it in a relatively dull, perhaps scientific way. As said, we were taught some basic sex education in...
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    Public Figure - Niche Meet Justine Ang Fonte (Porn Literacy Educator for Elementary School Children)

    I went to a normal school in a Slavistan (though it was an Italian language school) and we were taught basic sex education during nature/biology class around 11 or 12 years old. About that woman, I believe she got hired because of the school's incompetence. Don't attribute to malice what can be...
  62. C

    Public Figure - Prominent Individual Chaya Raichik: Far-Right Activist and Founder of Libs of TikTok

    Oh LMAO, it gets better. (((Chaya Raichick))) is actually Jewish herself! Orthodox Jewish, I may add. She'd be lynched by the KKK, I'm sure. And then cry that the KKK are actually the libs' controlled opposition.
  63. C

    Public Figure - Prominent Individual Chaya Raichik: Far-Right Activist and Founder of Libs of TikTok

    She might as well sue any left leaning news outlet or similar resource at this point. Took her a long while to notice it though.
  64. C

    Random videos

    This dude is such a lolcow. I believe he deserves a thread on the farms. All the time he appears on TV he ends up yelling and swearing. He's also a big settebandiere. He has changed parties 15 times! Any Italians in here willing to make a thread about him?
  65. C

    Ronald Reagan / Ronnie Reagan

    Hold up. So Reagan was being Biden before Biden? Bruh.
  66. C

    What are you listening to right now?

    The Italian opening theme of Gordian
  67. C

    Israel News and Drama Palestine versus Israel

    I have a conspiracy theory. This was all orchestrated by Russia to distract the west from Ukraine, but without Russia having to do the dirty work. With another special military operation in their existing ex USSR terrorist separatist pseudorepublics. or creating new terrorist pseudorepublics in...
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    Hunter Biden Son of President Joe Biden

    Anyone got any better source than that RadarOnline garbage and Fox News? Especially RadarOnline. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/radaronline-bias/
  69. C

    Eastern Europe & Caucasus Ukraine President and Donald Trump

    On Italian radio it was reported that Zelensky also said that if Trump knows that formula, he should share it with all of us.
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    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    Bald and Bankrupt: Ну чё, я тебя шутка что ли? (What, am I a joke to you?) You'd be surprised how many retarded anglofag sometimes redpill/manosphere adjacent sex tourists do exactly that. Gattsu and Ironically living in Europe both did videos on that exact topic. It's become kind of a recent...
  71. C

    Far East and Oceania North Korea is Giving Russia Military Assistance in its War Against Ukraine

    LMAO, you know your currency is little more than monopoly money when even North Korea doesn't want it. I think even some dollars and other desirable foreign currencies (perhaps the Swiss Franc, we all know where everyone launders their money) might be involved here. On another note, if that...
  72. C

    Far East and Oceania North Korea is Giving Russia Military Assistance in its War Against Ukraine

    2nd army in the world is asking help from fucking North Korea...a country whose people are worse off than niggers in apartheid South Africa. Actually, this might not be what it seems. I have a feeling that China is actually trying to send arms to Russia and using North Korea to "launder" the...
  73. C

    Hobbies What is your favorite retro console/game?

    Daimakaimura is one game worth playing on the SuperGrafX. But the best part about the SuperGrafX today is...you can now make homebrew games to give the system better justice! Cartridge space is a non issue nowadays, so you could easily use 512 pixel graphics for the main gameplay without...