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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Search results

  1. OnlyGemsDoe

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    yeah hopefully it does survive because if it doesnt were fucked
  2. OnlyGemsDoe

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    i hope kf survives so that of has an eternal source of self hating spergs to laugh at
  3. OnlyGemsDoe

    Auspies creations

    nigga this is schizobabble make it clear and coherent also send that sextape
  4. OnlyGemsDoe

    Debate the balloon fucker on KF, CP, America, and Onionfarms being a communist website

    sorry forgot you only care about child molestation
  5. OnlyGemsDoe

    Debate the balloon fucker on KF, CP, America, and Onionfarms being a communist website

    <baiting cordtranny <admits to have a cord account <"dont give my child grooming account in public" neck self lol
  6. OnlyGemsDoe

    Debate the balloon fucker on KF, CP, America, and Onionfarms being a communist website

    discord username and 4 digit identifier, sister.
  7. OnlyGemsDoe

    Debate the balloon fucker on KF, CP, America, and Onionfarms being a communist website

    <central european timezone whats your cordtag sister
  8. OnlyGemsDoe

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    onononononono kiwisisters not like this
  9. OnlyGemsDoe

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    a) renaming and rebranding everything is not needed and won't help given troonsquad can just sniff out anything he does and screech for additional bans b) as far as hardware ddos mitigation goes it is certainly not the be all end all and josh can't afford the sort of mitigation hardware he'd...
  10. OnlyGemsDoe

    Announcement Catministrator announcements

    nigga this isnt bad idea, albeit i think it already exists and the fact that these people have to search for it provides a good natural selection barrier
  11. OnlyGemsDoe

    Kiwifarms Linked Keffals / Lucas Roberts

    lolwut? holy assumption, nigga a) not obsessed with keffals, i dont even read the 'arms anymore outside of reading status updates b) if i were a chaser i wouldnt fuck keffals because he is post op, even now i wouldnt fuck him because he is pretty damn ugly, just like you. some of the post op...
  12. OnlyGemsDoe

    Kiwifarms Linked Keffals / Lucas Roberts

    you obviously won't admit it, but I think you are, given the fact that you dilate 24/7 on an irrelevant website for "old losers" just to feel superior over someone
  13. OnlyGemsDoe

    Kiwifarms Linked Keffals / Lucas Roberts

    i actually agree. this, so much this. the interview images truly showed man ogre thing, even more so the cnn documentation of pc return sniff
  14. OnlyGemsDoe

    Kiwifarms Linked Keffals / Lucas Roberts

    yes, le heckin autistic rate me even doe nigga keffals objectively does look like mediocre tier woman in terms of womanness actually surpasses biological woman ashley hutsell jankowski this doesnt make him a woman doe, albeit it is true
  15. OnlyGemsDoe

    Kiwifarms Linked Keffals / Lucas Roberts

    tbqh i agree with ashley here. keffals does pass as a woman, and i think even the voice sounds decent even doe everything else about xer is retarded and its a pathological child grooming niggerfaggot narcissist and liar
  16. OnlyGemsDoe

    Gaming What make you hate the modern AAA gaming scene?

    i suppose this is where we differ, I just like to be able to play the game in different ways. lets take the aforementioned bf4 for example, support running ammo crate and ucav is going to play wildly differently than a guy with xm25 smoke and an MP-APS. same with for example squad, while the...
  17. OnlyGemsDoe

    Gaming What make you hate the modern AAA gaming scene?

    nigga its simple lack of content in game all of it is either nu-art faggot niggercattle goyslop heckin deep single player story or washed up shooter with 3 guns i want bf4's 70+ guns and myriad of gadgets to explore and try, not 2042's paltry portion of generic weapons
  18. OnlyGemsDoe

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    holy self victimisation
  19. OnlyGemsDoe

    Opinion/Blog Random Pics & Gifs

    i know it was on purpose to elicit reply i e bait style but what you posted is bituminous vantablack coal and i am genuinely surprised you manage to find this horrible coal
  20. OnlyGemsDoe

    Remove my Dumb Fuck badge.

    you're a nigger albeit, a fucking nigger at that.
  21. OnlyGemsDoe

    How autism and a coincidence of wants empower stupid forum concepts

    nigg there is a big difference between saying "niggers who write black box code are retards" which is true and "if you cant do it in c you cant do it" which is not
  22. OnlyGemsDoe

    How autism and a coincidence of wants empower stupid forum concepts

    nigger you are living dilator at this point why regurgitate retarded memes like this? 2000 python programmers write usable programs on the daily. do they not know shit about memory? yes. do they not know that their array of strings which are just numbers but string for easy manipulation could be...
  23. OnlyGemsDoe

    How autism and a coincidence of wants empower stupid forum concepts

    many people constantly dilate over languages to make self feel superior and valid and heckin cute even doe they usually shit out solutions like that terrible linux apple m1 graphics driver thing also writing C is time consuming and wont get fast results which is usually what keeps newbies in...
  24. OnlyGemsDoe

    How autism and a coincidence of wants empower stupid forum concepts

    <muh skill nigger dilating over languages is retarded and for faggot fizzbuzzers that have 0 thinking skills and ability to invent so they religiously learn specifics of language meanwhile average math man that can into actual problem solving happily uses python and writes skillfull algorithm in...
  25. OnlyGemsDoe

    How autism and a coincidence of wants empower stupid forum concepts

    <built with rust it is the year 2045. the tech industry lives under RUST rule. all C and C++ projects are RUSTED. legacy C++ projects only serve to help rewrite other pieces of code into RUST
  26. OnlyGemsDoe

    Kiwifarms Linked Liz Fong-Jones / Elliot William Fong,

    this nigga could've been le chang instead of trooning out and fuck decent looking women instead of a crippled snake retard that cant even give him a handjob but no he had to get the progressivity points and lol @ using advent of code as a metric of skill jajajajaj
  27. OnlyGemsDoe

    Announcement Catministrator announcements

    who cares about .net jajaja
  28. OnlyGemsDoe

    sassy savage goddess

    and what is funny about this?
  29. OnlyGemsDoe

    Christory Chris Chan is Being Released on Probation

    zased as fuck, allah be blessed
  30. OnlyGemsDoe

    Onionfarms Drama Reviving the Onionfarms

    The "altdentifier" discord bot is also laughably easy to screw over, albeit most spammers will go away in search of an easier target. Its supposed to inconvenience and slow down the spammer, and even sometimes provide the dox provided the spammer is niggercattle. I agree that making throwaway...
  31. OnlyGemsDoe

    Onionfarms Drama Reviving the Onionfarms

    a) being a kiwitroon style website that collects shit on people paints a target on your back. if josh removed email, thus making logins and account creation much easier because you don't need to bother with spammails and allowed people to log in from tor his site would get spammed by cp hard and...
  32. OnlyGemsDoe

    Onionfarms Drama Reviving the Onionfarms

    what a nice guide on how to get your site spammed with cp, consequence free.
  33. OnlyGemsDoe

    Catgirl Otherkin VS Zealous Trannyhunter slapfight thread

    I don't fuck with no nascoal, only gems doe spamming nucob in the catalog let janny clean it up whats up nigga, nice to see another soyteen on oxen boiling and cubing site
  34. OnlyGemsDoe

    Catgirl Otherkin VS Zealous Trannyhunter slapfight thread

    <i don't groom children how will cobsisters ever recover?
  35. OnlyGemsDoe

    Onionfarms Drama Reviving the Onionfarms

    given that I spent only about 5 minutes on cattle boiling and cubing site I don't know all of faggotry behind exodus of users. it certainly seemed more active here back when i first checked doe, even when compared to lolcow.org (rest in penis) if its true that naught is niggerfaggot who drove...
  36. OnlyGemsDoe

    Onionfarms Drama Reviving the Onionfarms

    This site faces quite a wide array of issues, hence why it's dead. Examples being: being styled as a 'arms splinter is offputting to both normalfags and people in the cowsphere (and those which don't find it offputting are just gonna be kiwifags) those who get past this initial point see that...
  37. OnlyGemsDoe

    Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Joshua Moon Megathread

    what you fail to realise is that free speech has to entail being a cunt otherwise its not free i hate niggershua trooner coon as much as the average onionfarmer but criticising jewsh over posting shit that hurts people's fee-fees? there should be websites that host outlandish and repulsive...
  38. OnlyGemsDoe

    Catgirl Otherkin VS Zealous Trannyhunter slapfight thread

    ching chong nigger you're retarded and predictable, invent some new insults before you open your mouth
  39. OnlyGemsDoe

    Public Figure - Niche "Ross Ferrow" / Mapface

    <i am a baby fucker axaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa
  40. OnlyGemsDoe

    Catgirl Otherkin VS Zealous Trannyhunter slapfight thread

    holy coal fgt just troon out already if you're going to sperg out like this
  41. OnlyGemsDoe

    Public Figure - Niche "Ross Ferrow" / Mapface

    <take 30 minute break <thread renamed to horrorcow <admin leaks kidfuckers' id axaxaxaxa onionfarms gems it up again
  42. OnlyGemsDoe

    Public Figure - Niche "Ross Ferrow" / Mapface

    oh my fauci it's an actual pedo then lol
  43. OnlyGemsDoe

    Public Figure - Niche "Ross Ferrow" / Mapface

    if you continue this faggotry i guarantee people will see you as an idiot and rightfully so the "lol guize I support shitty position x i am master of deception" is basically a shorthand for "i am considering the idea of supporting position x for reals"
  44. OnlyGemsDoe

    Public Figure - Niche "Ross Ferrow" / Mapface

    I suggest the latter Yeah that's obvious bait if you know who you're dealing with but I don't blame those kiwiniggers for confusing you with a real pedo You took it too far and tbqh kiwitroons moralfagging you is probably not very lulzworthy, unless you're into the lowest common denominator trollan
  45. OnlyGemsDoe

    I use arch (btw) btw

    that's true, I completely missed that. thanks for the reminder
  46. OnlyGemsDoe

    Reminder for Kiwifaggots:

    <kway lost the NSS is going to have a word with you soon
  47. OnlyGemsDoe

    Reminder for Kiwifaggots:

    oh my heckin sciencerino!!!! you go sister, show these chuddies that xwe are heckin' cute and valid y'all!
  48. OnlyGemsDoe

    Public Figure - Niche "Ross Ferrow" / Mapface

    pretending to be one for the lulz is not brilliant given every community who pretends to believe in x gets overrun by people who actually believe in x 4cuck's pol is a good example
  49. OnlyGemsDoe

    I use arch (btw) btw

    privacy concerns are hardly relevant given you own a phone and your computer is hardware backdoored, the level of protection needed to evade a cyberbullying investigation is windows, proxy and a secured browser and glowniggers will dome you at all costs only reason to use arch is to tinker...