The case is closed. The release process is beginning.
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
Or he has no choice.....are we sure? I can't find anything online.
That was over a month ago, so he's surely out now right? I guess he finally learned to stay off of the internet after this ordeal.
Chris Chan has gone dark. I think the saga is overKengle what the hell? Give morw info pls.
I just did. According to the Vinelink, he is still in jail. But he has not responded to me or anyone else that I am aware of. I think Chris has claimed up on his lawyer's advice. If there are any wiki spergs here please get in touch with me about planning a new wiki because to be honest I think reviving the CWCki is basically beating a dead horse.Why don't you try searching it i'm sure his release is public record. If not the tards over on Kiwi can find him.
Yeah at this point he's just a delusional mess I felt bad, but now I just feel he's better to just vanish then try to keep his whole delusion he's a danger to himself and Barb.Ok he is keeping his head low and i hope for his sake he does it for a long time.
zased as fuck, allah be blessedI want my cock inside barb's asshole so fucking bad
a truly based and redpilled Christorian narrated your posts in this thread about cumming on barb's face.I wanna eat out barb so much i'm actual so jealous of chris
barb fucks pigsI want my cock inside barb's asshole so fucking bad
The duality of manIs this guy a farmer or a lolcow?