• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Tried asking random strangers on the web? Maybe they have a "patch".
Josh would always sperg at people for trying to give him help so to see him resort to asking strangers for so much the past few months has been entertaining.
didn't even think of that. its even worse because someone that whines about opsec like him would presumably only pull this shit because he thinks he can use his fame to get people to respond sooner.

Seriously, there are/were thousands of forums out there, he couldn't bother just asking in a more specialized place his questions about how to maintain his? he just admits to his vulnerabilities outright, you'd think he'd have bothered using some alt on bleeping computer or other tech help sites instead.
It's worse than you thought...
He's openly invited all the users to @ him over a regular occurrence. This is him with screwdriver, heading to the fuse box and saying "Let me know if the lights go out".
i think Josh said something incredibly stupid because he is an unuckable incel in a /pol hugbox because He thinks free speech equals being a cunt. And I stand by what I said.

I don’t see how is that “fedposting”. I couldn’t give two shits about Alex Jones one way or another.

But the fact that many of you think critiquing Josh incel worthy takes equals being a Lib that hates Alex Jones and free speech makes me realize this shithole wasn’t that different from Kiwifarms in the end.
what you fail to realise is that free speech has to entail being a cunt otherwise its not free
i hate niggershua trooner coon as much as the average onionfarmer but criticising jewsh over posting shit that hurts people's fee-fees?
there should be websites that host outlandish and repulsive content like say the christchurch shooting, and the owner should be able to tell the NZ police to fuck off without any repercussions
josh, like it or not, is a canary in the coal mine and if his site goes down it is only a matter of time before crackdowns on sites like onionfarms happen as well
It's worse than you thought...
View attachment 22299
He's openly invited all the users to @ him over a regular occurrence. This is him with screwdriver, heading to the fuse box and saying "Let me know if the lights go out".
Aren't we onionbros lucky to have a site that more or less works 100% of the time.

God.. we have a .com domain and our site functions properly; Onions stay winning, such sad for kiwiplebes.
Oh, and you don't need to have javascript enabled just to view the site lmao.

Look at all the juicy data Josh (and the 3rd world shithole service Josh is using as DDoS mitigation) has access to by virtue of not allowing you to use the site without surrendering it

Imagine handing your GPU make and model information over to Jersh just for the privilege of being allowed to say mean things about DSP and Ralph (or else)
Kiwifarmers, our website is in grave danger.
503 errors are after us and we need your help.
Post your full name, the last four digits of your credit card and its expiration day.

Oh, and you don't need to have javascript enabled just to view the site lmao.
View attachment 22386

Look at all the juicy data Josh (and the 3rd world shithole service Josh is using as DDoS mitigation) has access to by virtue of not allowing you to use the site without surrendering it

Imagine handing your GPU make and model information over to Jersh just for the privilege of being allowed to say mean things about DSP and Ralph (or else)

View attachment 22387
These people would tell joshy their mother's maiden name and the name of their first pet if the broom asked.

Kiwifarmers, our website is in grave danger.
503 errors are after us and we need your help.
Post your full name, the last four digits of your credit card and its expiration day.
View attachment 22411

imb4 Kiwifaggots screencap all of these for another epic win :soy:
No reply so far. Considering how quickly he replies to @'s and considering he spends most of his time browsing the site, instead of brooming, he should have gotten back to him by now.