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Opinion/Blog The Crack Shack (vent about shit)

Vent, Tweak, Cry, Piss Fit, Shit, Vent About Shit
Normie women are so fucking annoying. They are so out of the loop with having sense in the world. Emotional train wrecks I don't understand sometimes. It's crazy to me dudes with alpha genes would want to reproduce with such down syndrome shit walking creatures. These basic stupid white women my age driving mini coopers drives me up the wall. They wear aviators like their are 10/10 while going to college while on birth control. It makes me very ashamed of my generation. I couldn't be with females like this especially around their friend group. They are the type to sing out loud in a library, obsess over the new phone and have period mental episodes. At this point we should enslave these retards. I mean goddamn they are fucking annoying. I wouldn't even rape any of them, I'd just drive them off of a cliff while bailing out before the bus reaches the edge. Typical basic white women in their 20s shit man, why fuck these creatures? If I'm going to drain my balls into a women, she has to have a functional brain. And if it's going to be "friends" they will also have to be my girlfriends. Not fucking annoying retards that want to force me to go to T-Mobile Phones stores and shit so they can upgrade. I don't want to hear about how their fag friends assholes work either. Please shut the fuck up you down syndrome bitch. Please just give it up already. You aren't funny, you are not cute, you talk all of the fucking time. If you're going to open your mouth so fucking much, then suck my fucking dick and gargle my semen you stupid bitch. Fuck you and your bath & body coupons. Your pussy isn't some golden relic from the heavens. Other women have the same thing you do to my knowledge in 2025. Stupid fucking bitch. Kill yourself.

Then you have women like Vicky. A real piece of fucking work. BPD as they come breaking hearts all of the time. Every time I splatter my shit into the toilet I see her. Pretentious, self centered, fucking liar, shit walker that needs to overdose already. If I'm going to make a porno, it will be unlisted and private. It will be me fucking my goth mamas. Doing real sick shit to each other on the bed and I'm going to proudly send it to vicky in DMs so she can call me a monster. Literally, I want my goth mamas to spit in my mouth, give me a sloppy blow job and use their assholes as tunnels. And I'm going to send it to that stupid bitch so she can off herself. She tries to be edgy because she's a seething whore that didn't get enough attention. She loves talking about niggers so much but she hangs out with niggers. She loves talking about faggots so much, she hangs out with them. She loves hating on humans but she is a complete disaster that abandoned me for her drinking problems. She should have fucking died in that accident stupid fucking bitch endangering lives because of her issues. Bitch should have swerved off the road and went off of a bridge because no one would give a shit. Man I really wish I never met this bitch because thanks to her I have such a burning forest inside of me with rage and resentment. Fucking really was my boiling point with her. It's okay though because when I have my goth mountain cave of the most freakiest you can find, the most disturbed, deranged but sweeties imaginable. I will celebrate by having orgies with them all of the time. Not because it feels good but because it's chemistry that people such as Vicky will never understand. A act of love and soul bonding. No strings attached. No BPD recycled "ima kill muh self" bullshit I had to put up with for two weeks. The only time this whore wanted to talk is to cry about her problems then ditch me for her trashy female friends. It would be so amazing to me to know this bitch died. I would have on and off powerful erections for a week thinking about it.

Finally, women such as Savannah. Oh brother. Yes her. Fucking snakes and hideaways from playing a poor game of fetch with me. So glad that twig fucking gave up. Wasting away playing steam games. Then is going to rock a nirvana pfp. Gave up on her band dreams to waste away playing Beam. NG. real winner I must say. They enjoy crying about having depression, having no friends, claiming they are being stalked but when they get caught in the act they are quick to back pedal and play pretend like they did nothing. Seriously had to do this to herself for attention and approval. What she doesn't understand is, that there is more to life than crying in a room all day because your dad left you. You claimed to have a job but every time I check her steam on various times of the day she is online wasting away. Her safe space is some faggity discord server. You know, even after everything I tried to be the bigger person in the situation to try and reach to her to see if she was in fact a victim of extortion. I was blocked of course. So that says a lot about her that she was indeed behind her shit. No impersonation, no extortion. Just a block. People like her give themselves such as bad name because of the way they act. Grown adult acting like how a kid at the toy aisle does. Can't own up, can't admit they were wrong just goes back into their shitty life of playing video games. It's okay because like I said I should solely make a porno to send to these retards to get under their skin to show them what romance is, something they will never achieve in their wasteful lives. They act like no one else has any problems, like it's always just them, no one else. But yet, they are beating the system, getting hand outs and just wasting away. Who else would have time to Psy Op for a whole fucking year? Then they just collapse then retreat. Was it really worth it to just beat down on someone else for attention? Then has the fucking puss move to just block me after trying to investigate.

Really can't wait to buy that emo site. I'll have so much troubled pussy coming my way baby.
Normie women are so fucking annoying. They are so out of the loop with having sense in the world. Emotional train wrecks I don't understand sometimes. It's crazy to me dudes with alpha genes would want to reproduce with such down syndrome shit walking creatures. These basic stupid white women my age driving mini coopers drives me up the wall. They wear aviators like their are 10/10 while going to college while on birth control. It makes me very ashamed of my generation. I couldn't be with females like this especially around their friend group. They are the type to sing out loud in a library, obsess over the new phone and have period mental episodes. At this point we should enslave these retards. I mean goddamn they are fucking annoying. I wouldn't even rape any of them, I'd just drive them off of a cliff while bailing out before the bus reaches the edge. Typical basic white women in their 20s shit man, why fuck these creatures? If I'm going to drain my balls into a women, she has to have a functional brain. And if it's going to be "friends" they will also have to be my girlfriends. Not fucking annoying retards that want to force me to go to T-Mobile Phones stores and shit so they can upgrade. I don't want to hear about how their fag friends assholes work either. Please shut the fuck up you down syndrome bitch. Please just give it up already. You aren't funny, you are not cute, you talk all of the fucking time. If you're going to open your mouth so fucking much, then suck my fucking dick and gargle my semen you stupid bitch. Fuck you and your bath & body coupons. Your pussy isn't some golden relic from the heavens. Other women have the same thing you do to my knowledge in 2025. Stupid fucking bitch. Kill yourself.

Then you have women like Vicky. A real piece of fucking work. BPD as they come breaking hearts all of the time. Every time I splatter my shit into the toilet I see her. Pretentious, self centered, fucking liar, shit walker that needs to overdose already. If I'm going to make a porno, it will be unlisted and private. It will be me fucking my goth mamas. Doing real sick shit to each other on the bed and I'm going to proudly send it to vicky in DMs so she can call me a monster. Literally, I want my goth mamas to spit in my mouth, give me a sloppy blow job and use their assholes as tunnels. And I'm going to send it to that stupid bitch so she can off herself. She tries to be edgy because she's a seething whore that didn't get enough attention. She loves talking about niggers so much but she hangs out with niggers. She loves talking about faggots so much, she hangs out with them. She loves hating on humans but she is a complete disaster that abandoned me for her drinking problems. She should have fucking died in that accident stupid fucking bitch endangering lives because of her issues. Bitch should have swerved off the road and went off of a bridge because no one would give a shit. Man I really wish I never met this bitch because thanks to her I have such a burning forest inside of me with rage and resentment. Fucking really was my boiling point with her. It's okay though because when I have my goth mountain cave of the most freakiest you can find, the most disturbed, deranged but sweeties imaginable. I will celebrate by having orgies with them all of the time. Not because it feels good but because it's chemistry that people such as Vicky will never understand. A act of love and soul bonding. No strings attached. No BPD recycled "ima kill muh self" bullshit I had to put up with for two weeks. The only time this whore wanted to talk is to cry about her problems then ditch me for her trashy female friends. It would be so amazing to me to know this bitch died. I would have on and off powerful erections for a week thinking about it.

Finally, women such as Savannah. Oh brother. Yes her. Fucking snakes and hideaways from playing a poor game of fetch with me. So glad that twig fucking gave up. Wasting away playing steam games. Then is going to rock a nirvana pfp. Gave up on her band dreams to waste away playing Beam. NG. real winner I must say. They enjoy crying about having depression, having no friends, claiming they are being stalked but when they get caught in the act they are quick to back pedal and play pretend like they did nothing. Seriously had to do this to herself for attention and approval. What she doesn't understand is, that there is more to life than crying in a room all day because your dad left you. You claimed to have a job but every time I check her steam on various times of the day she is online wasting away. Her safe space is some faggity discord server. You know, even after everything I tried to be the bigger person in the situation to try and reach to her to see if she was in fact a victim of extortion. I was blocked of course. So that says a lot about her that she was indeed behind her shit. No impersonation, no extortion. Just a block. People like her give themselves such as bad name because of the way they act. Grown adult acting like how a kid at the toy aisle does. Can't own up, can't admit they were wrong just goes back into their shitty life of playing video games. It's okay because like I said I should solely make a porno to send to these retards to get under their skin to show them what romance is, something they will never achieve in their wasteful lives. They act like no one else has any problems, like it's always just them, no one else. But yet, they are beating the system, getting hand outs and just wasting away. Who else would have time to Psy Op for a whole fucking year? Then they just collapse then retreat. Was it really worth it to just beat down on someone else for attention? Then has the fucking puss move to just block me after trying to investigate.

Really can't wait to buy that emo site. I'll have so much troubled pussy coming my way baby.
can I be a mod on your site when it release?

I wanna be the cameraman. We'll make this shit look like a Kubrick movie!
can I be a mod on your site when it release?
I could anoint you a broom....
I wanna be the cameraman. We'll make this shit look like a Kubrick movie!
Reason: You would have to film my reality show based around my harem of Catgirls
For the most part in most things in my life I had to do everything. Carry the team, put up with getting the most of the load. Never fails. Then people wonder why I get erections when there is a terrible event. For example. I had a science project to do one time. I had two other people working with me on it. I was stuck with doing all of it since one of my project classmates waked the other one upside the head and broke the laptop screen so then I had to be called into the office to give a testimony about what happened when I could be working on the science project. I had to do it all by myself, the project banner, the public speaking, the gathering research. Every fucking thing while the others got A+s for my hard work. Then yes there are plenty of times I had to do other peoples jobs but this one nigger I couldn't stand that was hired had mental breakdowns to the point he called 911 on himself three times. This was 3 years ago but to this day I hope to see this nigger dead or some shit. One time I came into work, dude was on his nigger ass crying and having a mental breakdown so he called 911 on himself and I was stuck with doing his job. Dude would have his pants down, playing gospel music every morning and having mental breakdowns. Worthless piece of shit. I really wished he just off himself on the job so I can cry laughing in the bathroom. Fucking waste of space. Then the faggot that caused a suicide in the friend group expected to do everything. When there was a discord server that he wanted filled up with randoms, he wanted me to grind to where I had it filled up and it also part of a competent loyalty test. Now I'm not going to rip on my friend or was friend for not helping because he's sped but I was still stuck with doing all of the work when in the beginning it was still a team effort. And then... well I don't want to say anything but man it just erks the shit out of me sometimes it really does. It doesn't take a fucking genius to understand taking precautions in life. I feel like sometimes I talk to a fucking wall and I mean well but damn it can very stressful sometimes to get through to people you care about. I really hope when I get my endless flow of goth badies I won't have to deal with this, but lets face it, women are women. Their attack power is very high during period week and it's most likely I would have to deal with ultra BPD. That's why when you have one annoying one, you get your dicked from the other one. When you have one you don't want to deal with, you go cuddle the other one. It's not womanizing, it's playing it smart. But I ponder if I win the lottery will I still have to do everything? And resort to hiring indians to do everything? I mean, damn I'm not perfect but what the fuck am I on the short bus by mistake? I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling as was just 20 minutes ago really contemplating life and the people I surround myself with. I get we have problems but holy fuck I can only do so much and I'm afraid if I go into my paradise land and dance in the flowers, somehow I come back and I'm being interrogated for shit I had nothing to do with. With todays technology, anything can be impersonated and photoshopped. Maybe I should just let it go and die alone because you can only take so much until you really start hearing voices in your head. I can't win. I'm scraping chalk on the chalk board because I just feel like breaking shit and I'm trying to stay calm and not go off on anyone because I can really have psychotic rage and say shit I don't mean.

Honestly man why can't I be with my babes already why is it taking so long. I want to play some Nintendo 64 and watch sad shit together. Sometimes I masturbate not because I'm horny but because I get so pent up with emotions. You really start to feel like your building a rocket ship when you shouldn't feel this way. Some days it just brings me down to my knees and I'm just in shock as to why things have to be this difficult. I get up I'm grumpy in the morning not because I'm not a morning person but because I'm not raising a glass to another day of absolute bullshit and bullshit people. March can't get here quicker. I need to be more with nature and flutter in the wind. Maybe I just need a punishing routine of hiking and taking in earths glory. This shit has been having me on edge. Paranoia comes around and drives me so crazy. I worry so much because there is always someone trying to get their way with fucking with me. Maybe all of this pain will come with the harem I have always dreamt of. The amazing feel of divine vagina, the touch of a humanoids feelings the nurturer of their blankets. Motherfucker, I need to be on that Zelda shit so bad and get lost in that series so I starts nerding out again. Anymore, I enjoyed it. But whatever I'm just tired, my stomachs killing me I have to enslave myself again today. Who knows, a forest humanoid female creature will need a ride and when I get to the house I have an amazing blowjob performed on me and she becomes the gate keeper of my garden and during moon nights I have amazing sex with this mysterious women under the stars. I'm so over it right now dude.
The world doesn't stop for anyone. My greatest fear in life when it comes to losing someone and yet the world still continues is my wife. No I don't have a wife but I would hate to be a widow of one. Crazy things are going to happen to unique & extraordinary people. Getting Global Moderator was never in my notebook a year ago for a site for Public Discussion ran by a relic such as Ken. Doesn't mean just because he's old he can't bowl but in 2025, who would have thought? Hateful things were exchange yesterday resulting in actions to be taken. My mental well being continued to tank. Now we are in a weird phase of moving forward from this conflict between parties. With the events that have became, as today is a new and we merge into a new month I try to have a positive outlook on this situation. The best thing I can do is come to the round table to form ideas. I have no experience in back end work, Hardly even to this day do I know most of the moderator features. It's not that guidance has been neglected but because of the fast moving plans, the constant chaos, & now this. One of my wishes is to be a person to provide unlimited funds, turn this into a part time thing & break test new material for internet users hoping to have tight relationships with specialists and information technology philosophers that come in rarity but when found can turn this website into a God of a social system. One can only dream big without the tools. Still regardless the force of motivation & optimism still guides from behind. Just because I'm retired staff for now doesn't mean I refuse to use this site. Everyday I come here to express who I am even under fire. Because writing in a diary, keeping a notebook of desires, even when I used to draw my dream girls I was still very alone. Here, people from anywhere can view my world from how I express myself in also hopes of a bright women to accompany me that is my other half. This place is more than a forum, it's a vehicle with so much potential with a great deal of users. As some one with power I try to be fair and approach situations with swiftness and different perspectives. It does put a target on my back because when I was young I would hate being swept. So I get the pride aspect of having your stuff jannied away and getting banned.

Politics will always be a part of most things you do in life. Seeing what everyone is saying, how Jack feels about the situation. It's a mess. Even to today I don't hold any grudge against Kiwi but he attempted to ruin my friendship with Rose. He acts as if doing that will prolong the life support of his new policies when in reality I could have taken the approach that Gargamel did or even worse be someone with serious mental problems causing even more problems. But like his wife said, "be the bigger person". So I'm going to take her advice on that and be the bigger person than Kiwi because this isn't about what he just tried to do with me and Rose, this is about how we can come together to move forward. Yesterday on stream jack was unloading everything about his personal life to me and it devastated me. The guy has some loose screws but now I know why and why he takes the stance he does with having his thread constantly fucked with by Kiwi. And Rose, me and her are just only closer now after the truth was revealed about my sock accounts. The other mods feel the same way me and jack does while Rose just wants this to end. I already Apologized about making the remarks I did about Kiwi's wife but she needs to know her place. Them two can break my balls about my virginity and my choice of women but for her to act like she knows my life when she doesn't is out of this world to me. She will probably label me as a narcissist when it's not that I have a pride problem with my demeanor, it's that, I hate when there is a false narrative made about me just because you studied psychology for a year. To me that sounds like a mental problem. Throwing false narratives about people which is something narcissist tend to do and because of her overriding Kiwi's choice making, it sounds like the vulnerable kind. I don't know their marriage and I don't care to. I'm totally for her having Kiwi's back. That means she's always going to. I don't expect for her to apologize because now I feel as if her perspective of me just sets a precedent. For sure she's reminding him to stay void of me or be careful of me because of my comments yesterday so with that I said I will also make some notes to be aware of her since she wanted to bookmark me for something I am not. And like kiwi I hold no grudges because it will get the website nowhere.

With all of that, when I get back into high gear I want directory under Ken until the policy transition, website change & mod team organization is finished. This isn't a power move or a step over Kiwi but until this blows over I'm only taking instructions from Ken since there is still going to be a conflict of interest. I can tell Kiwi is a good guy, I talked to him a lot but I don't understand what goes on in his head and the last thing we need is another dispute.
The world doesn't stop for anyone. My greatest fear in life when it comes to losing someone and yet the world still continues is my wife. No I don't have a wife but I would hate to be a widow of one. Crazy things are going to happen to unique & extraordinary people. Getting Global Moderator was never in my notebook a year ago for a site for Public Discussion ran by a relic such as Ken. Doesn't mean just because he's old he can't bowl but in 2025, who would have thought? Hateful things were exchange yesterday resulting in actions to be taken. My mental well being continued to tank. Now we are in a weird phase of moving forward from this conflict between parties. With the events that have became, as today is a new and we merge into a new month I try to have a positive outlook on this situation. The best thing I can do is come to the round table to form ideas. I have no experience in back end work, Hardly even to this day do I know most of the moderator features. It's not that guidance has been neglected but because of the fast moving plans, the constant chaos, & now this. One of my wishes is to be a person to provide unlimited funds, turn this into a part time thing & break test new material for internet users hoping to have tight relationships with specialists and information technology philosophers that come in rarity but when found can turn this website into a God of a social system. One can only dream big without the tools. Still regardless the force of motivation & optimism still guides from behind. Just because I'm retired staff for now doesn't mean I refuse to use this site. Everyday I come here to express who I am even under fire. Because writing in a diary, keeping a notebook of desires, even when I used to draw my dream girls I was still very alone. Here, people from anywhere can view my world from how I express myself in also hopes of a bright women to accompany me that is my other half. This place is more than a forum, it's a vehicle with so much potential with a great deal of users. As some one with power I try to be fair and approach situations with swiftness and different perspectives. It does put a target on my back because when I was young I would hate being swept. So I get the pride aspect of having your stuff jannied away and getting banned.

Politics will always be a part of most things you do in life. Seeing what everyone is saying, how Jack feels about the situation. It's a mess. Even to today I don't hold any grudge against Kiwi but he attempted to ruin my friendship with Rose. He acts as if doing that will prolong the life support of his new policies when in reality I could have taken the approach that Gargamel did or even worse be someone with serious mental problems causing even more problems. But like his wife said, "be the bigger person". So I'm going to take her advice on that and be the bigger person than Kiwi because this isn't about what he just tried to do with me and Rose, this is about how we can come together to move forward. Yesterday on stream jack was unloading everything about his personal life to me and it devastated me. The guy has some loose screws but now I know why and why he takes the stance he does with having his thread constantly fucked with by Kiwi. And Rose, me and her are just only closer now after the truth was revealed about my sock accounts. The other mods feel the same way me and jack does while Rose just wants this to end. I already Apologized about making the remarks I did about Kiwi's wife but she needs to know her place. Them two can break my balls about my virginity and my choice of women but for her to act like she knows my life when she doesn't is out of this world to me. She will probably label me as a narcissist when it's not that I have a pride problem with my demeanor, it's that, I hate when there is a false narrative made about me just because you studied psychology for a year. To me that sounds like a mental problem. Throwing false narratives about people which is something narcissist tend to do and because of her overriding Kiwi's choice making, it sounds like the vulnerable kind. I don't know their marriage and I don't care to. I'm totally for her having Kiwi's back. That means she's always going to. I don't expect for her to apologize because now I feel as if her perspective of me just sets a precedent. For sure she's reminding him to stay void of me or be careful of me because of my comments yesterday so with that I said I will also make some notes to be aware of her since she wanted to bookmark me for something I am not. And like kiwi I hold no grudges because it will get the website nowhere.

With all of that, when I get back into high gear I want directory under Ken until the policy transition, website change & mod team organization is finished. This isn't a power move or a step over Kiwi but until this blows over I'm only taking instructions from Ken since there is still going to be a conflict of interest. I can tell Kiwi is a good guy, I talked to him a lot but I don't understand what goes on in his head and the last thing we need is another dispute.
Why don't you tell them what you did?
The world doesn't stop for anyone. My greatest fear in life when it comes to losing someone and yet the world still continues is my wife. No I don't have a wife but I would hate to be a widow of one. Crazy things are going to happen to unique & extraordinary people. Getting Global Moderator was never in my notebook a year ago for a site for Public Discussion ran by a relic such as Ken. Doesn't mean just because he's old he can't bowl but in 2025, who would have thought? Hateful things were exchange yesterday resulting in actions to be taken. My mental well being continued to tank. Now we are in a weird phase of moving forward from this conflict between parties. With the events that have became, as today is a new and we merge into a new month I try to have a positive outlook on this situation. The best thing I can do is come to the round table to form ideas. I have no experience in back end work, Hardly even t this day do I know most of the moderator features. It's not that guidance has been neglected but because of the fast moving plans, the constant chaos, & now this. One of my wishes is to be a person to provide unlimited funds, turn this into a part time thing & break test new material for internet users hoping to have tight relationships with specialists and information technology philosophers that come in rarity but when found can turn this website into a God of a social system. One can only dream big without the tools. Still regardless the force of motivation & optimism still guides from behind. Just because I'm retired staff for now doesn't mean I refuse to use this site. Everyday I come here to express who I am even under fire. Because writing in a diary, keeping a notebook of desires, even when I used to draw my dream girls I was still very alone. Here, people from anywhere can view my world from how I express myself in also hopes of a bright women to accompany me that is my other half. This place is more than a forum, it's a vehicle with so much potential with a great deal of users. As some one with power I try to be fair and approach situations with swiftness and different perspectives. It does put a target on my back because when I was young I would hate being swept. So I get the pride aspect of having your stuff jannied away and getting banned.

Politics will always be a part of most things you do in life. Seeing what everyone is saying, how Jack feels about the situation. It's a mess. Even to today I don't hold any grudge against Kiwi but he attempted to ruin my friendship with Rose. He acts as if doing that will prolong the life support of his new policies when in reality I could have taken the approach that Gargamel did or even worse be someone with serious mental problems causing even more problems. But like his wife said, "be the bigger person". So I'm going to take her advice on that and be the bigger person than Kiwi because this isn't about what he just tried to do with me and Rose, this is about how we can come together to move forward. Yesterday on stream jack was unloading everything about his personal life to me and it devastated me. The guy has some loose screws but now I know why and why he takes the stance he does with having his thread constantly fucked with by Kiwi. And Rose, me and her are just only closer now after the truth was revealed about my sock accounts. The other mods feel the same way me and jack does while Rose just wants this to end. I already Apologized about making the remarks I did about Kiwi's wife but she needs to know her place. Them two can break my balls about my virginity and my choice of women but for her to act like she knows my life when she doesn't is out of this world to me. She will probably label me as a narcissist when it's not that I have a pride problem with my demeanor, it's that, I hate when there is a false narrative made about me just because you studied psychology for a year. To me that sounds like a mental problem. Throwing false narratives about people which is something narcissist tend to do and because of her overriding Kiwi's choice making, it sounds like the vulnerable kind. I don't know their marriage and I don't care to. I'm totally for her having Kiwi's back. That means she's always going to. I don't expect for her to apologize because now I feel as if her perspective of me just sets a precedent. For sure she's reminding him to stay void of me or be careful of me because of my comments yesterday so with that I said I will also make some notes to be aware of her since she wanted to bookmark me for something I am not. And like kiwi I hold no grudges because it will get the website nowhere.

With all of that, when I get back into high gear I want directory under Ken until the policy transition, website change & mod team organization is finished. This isn't a power move or a step over Kiwi but until this blows over I'm only taking instructions from Ken since there is still going to be a conflict of interest. I can tell Kiwi is a good guy, I talked to him a lot but I don't understand what goes on in his head and the last thing we need is another dispute.
Discord ID


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The post above is a prosecution tactic by your Admin Onion Users. This person is mentally unstable and should be examined for Administration. If you speak out against ethos and abuse of power. You will be censored and Psy Opped. This is against Onion Farms format and Kiwi needs to be disciplined for this censorship. Jack is a victim of abuse by Kiwifails. An Iraqi veteran with PTSD btw.

Above posts undeleted for Observation.

On the other hand. being abused has made me jerk off a couple times today. Kiwi has made me shoot ropes onto my computer.
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Here is an interesting way of observing the vast mountains. Don't lie to me. It comes at a time of it's ultimate change. Not in the event of what is well known. This isn't what I am hinting of. That era, it's own chapter is a way past. Of the night before this composer I have dug up some old relics of poetry. Art of it's unique. Uncanny because it's a truth I have over skimmed. Then you go on to question what is around you. Secrets so ugly they refuse to reveal what the actual providence is? Again. Again. Again.

Of it's own communion. A disadvantage for me. Who am I? What am I doing here? The imperfection can speak louder to me at my realization. Soon to be a madness comes to me. It is my house. Soon the madness is going to be greeted with kindness and it will be welcomed into my house. And the guest will stay until the time has told me or persuade me otherwise.
Here is an interesting way of observing the vast mountains. Don't lie to me. It comes at a time of it's ultimate change. Not in the event of what is well known. This isn't what I am hinting of. That era, it's own chapter is a way past. Of the night before this composer I have dug up some old relics of poetry. Art of it's unique. Uncanny because it's a truth I have over skimmed. Then you go on to question what is around you. Secrets so ugly they refuse to reveal what the actual providence is? Again. Again. Again.

Of it's own communion. A disadvantage for me. Who am I? What am I doing here? The imperfection can speak louder to me at my realization. Soon to be a madness comes to me. It is my house. Soon the madness is going to be greeted with kindness and it will be welcomed into my house. And the guest will stay until the time has told me or persuade me otherwise.
This has nothing to do with my previous statements.

But I think their is something very wrong with me.

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