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Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
Who could she mean?
The best planet... and best bit o Psych a Billy.
What could have set this off...?
Urotsuki-pissminge. And I bet Weeblaine doesn't have a clue.
Can get you a pink triangle tho. Swings n roundabouts, innt?
This reads like drunk posting. Was posted at 8am or so, so... yeah... that's the Stella talking.
I don't doubt that there are some skinny bitches on Commie Farms, in fact we've seen the face dox. Just that blokes like a bit of cushion for the pushin'
All I said was she has a big nose. And she does. She does have a very big nose.
You're right lamey, dog isn't being friendly, it's pressin' you, psychin'you out, and you just stand there. Well... what are you going to do about it... whitey. Classic line.
She has made the big decision
She's gonna try to nullify her life
It's her wife... and it's her life.
Another cultural ref someone will have to explain to lamey
She really won't have a clue.
As lamey hasn't squitted for a week...
She must of caught another ban.

Ok, Zoomer.
lamey wants you to know she posts on "MAP*" forum. Plus, I haven't heard this for a bit, and I prefer it to the Count 5 song.

*Dirty philfee nonces.
I haven't a clue who Tim is. It's a another glib comment, along the lines of "I know you are, you said you are..."
It's usually Voltaire (someone lamey will NEVER read) that's falsely attributed to these meme quote things. But I did quickly search Tim Burnell.
One result was for a City AM journo, and another was for an "solutions architect" working for Greene King (shit pub chain).
Actual Lego. I guess it keeps her off the skag.
Her squitter got binned (for the nth time). Strangely enough, she resquitted Sham Collywobbles.
Oh and...
If you search for the article Sham wrote about lamey, (remember that smug pic?)...
And if you search trollcow...
This pops up
E-lame's channel is mentioned. Sham doesn't mention how lamey likes to threaten to swat people, and once dox'd the people she went to school with (got the stream yeeted).
Lamey caps known wife and child abuser Isaac Flores, who ran a grooming server, to try and get back at her true and lost love @Rez (nee Emp). And tries to white knight for self confessed nonce naught. She likes her revisionism, don't she? Oh, and she posts on loli luvin Shit House Farms.
Unless they are nonces. She simps for them.
Does she mean... this is what I do, while gouching out, after sending CSAM to nonces in return for them for committing crimes on my behalf.
Lamey caps known wife and child abuser Isaac Flores, who ran a grooming server, to try and get back at her true and lost love @Rez (nee Emp). And tries to white knight for self confessed nonce naught. She likes her revisionism, don't she? Oh, and she posts on loli luvin Shit House Farms.
This gave me a good chuckle , up there with single handedly dozing and swatting me, surprised she doesn't tag me on yt I know she watches my shitty videos . As usual the scum she associates with it are fine because they're her only friends at this point.
That's, no doubt, going to be very consoling to AP.
As Tikka Masala (Indian food for literally Britbongs, invented in Scotchland, ims, due to a bong wanting some "gravy"), it is so mild, like Korma is the only milder curry, I think e-lame didn't mircowave it properly, and gave herself the shits.
e-lame decides to jump on the dog pile. Anything to distract from the financial woes of her family.
Who could she mean?
How desperate for attention?
lamey did admit abusing co-codamol, prolly just liver damage from that. She really shouldn't drink alcohol, which she prolly does, like most junkies.
lol. Poor. And stupid for wanting a blue tick.
We know, lamey. We've all seen it. Sadly. But I still say she's still too scared to ever have sex.
ANd you aren't a chinky cat boi. It is what it is.
lamey cribbing notes from @Crimson Fucker, there.
Ginger, tho.
Ok, time to put the pipe down, lamey. The is considerably more people who know your dox than you know theirs. Think on.
Both hands on the keyboard fishy fingers. I've told you before.
I think you mean, you are Judy coded. Only without the talent. But with the substance abuse problems. Ofc, the reason Judy was a pill popper, was cuz the Studio got her hooked as a kid.
Ok Zoomer.
Duuuuude. He's a bunter because he's a glutton. He grew up with an emotionally (and prolly physically) abusive mother. He eats to deal with the pain.
Plus, you are skinny because you are a (poor) junky bint. A rich junky is a fat junky.
Strange. Considering how much lamey simps for scum...
I've heard, on the grape vine, that a certain architect is looking to torch their property for the insurance. Due to certain tax problems. And that's how you do that.
"Clouse's official website describes her as a 'lifelong resident of Thurston County' and Army veteran who served as a Military Intelligence Analyst.

After leaving the military, Clouse returned home to help manage her family's businesses.

She subsequently obtained a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Washington Tacoma.

Clouse's political interests include helping rehabilitate young offenders and support for homeless people."
Yeah, but this bitch got a degree, and Military Intel background. lamey didn't finish school and has scabies
Someone, after reading some of my posts, is trolling lamey, and she (not bovvered) falls for it.