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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Josh loves to strawman arguments in regards to NewProject2. Josh says, "I didn't break up with Dick over NewProject2. I broke up with him over Digibro." The thing is, Digibro was ALWAYS a guest of Dick Masterson, but when did Josh decide to break up with his edaddy over it? After NewProject2 was gone when there was no longer an incentive to being friends with Dick. Digibro is still around to this day making content, but Josh doesn't have a vendetta against him so his thread sees little activity.


I legit posted nothing, just gave a few negrates. Accounts older than the drama he stirred up the other day even.
Josh's histrionics around his weight and diet just prove Dick Masterson right. He's a sperg who can't take any criticism.
"I kind of don't really see how it's a problem that you can't just ignore people on your forum that don't like how you're running it. Isn't that what you tell other people to do?" - Dick Masterson
"Because that's my support base and if I lose that i lose everything that I've built." - Josh

It's the same reason he cannot allow a serious thread about himself. Just like other lolcows, he has to read every negative thin said about him. He even reads this forum. Josh is a lolcow.
Greetings strange onion folk. I can't stand any more fat incel tantrums, jealousy and hypocrisy on the gay New Zealand bird forum. If I wanted to sift through femcel safe spaces, furry ERP and estrogen-filled "men" losing their minds over people using sites differently than they do, I'd just go to reddit.
Or Musk-o-book. (twitter/X)

And yeah, welcome. Come join the place and make sure it to never be known that Howard Gay been puttin' in ye little gay.
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Null continues going after Sam Hyde, criticizing his use of Gumroad (even though I'm positive Null has/had a Gumroad account) and getting attacked by uppity forum users for something involving Dick Masterson paying him to defend him.

This is such revisionism.

Chain of events

1. Dax creates NP2, that enables Josh and Jim and other's to get money. And, not coincidentally, make him the man holding their purse strings
2. PPP and Godwinson throw a bunch of bullshit to chum the waters because the actual facts of NP2 weren't getting the morons attention
3. Josh absolutely swept for Dax, the highlight being him claiming Dax lived in a mansion. Dax's crack shack was doxxed and it was not a mansion.
4. Josh, like he does, faced mounting pressure from his board due to Dax and Ralph shitting on Kiwis, while at the same time NP2 was getting into trouble.
5. Josh was fine with Digibro until Digibro contacted Josh (he's on stream at the time saying this) telling him Josh wasn't welcome after saying it was time for Dax to sacrifice Ethan Ralph to the Corn.
6. Josh then got taken in by PPP/Godwinson, who were more interested in using him against Ralph.
7. PPP sold his soul for the KC, so after a long time, he stated he was full of shit. Godwinson too has admitted he didn't have the goods. That was more the outrageous claims about NP2, not Josh sweeping like a bitch. Or the fact he was on record as originally having been kicked out by Ralph and passive aggressively by Dax via Digibro. He's just trying to retcon things so he wasn't a bitch in the affair.
not Josh sweeping like a bitch.
To be fair to the Peterborough Paki Puncher, at least one of PPPs vids was him with a dusty pan and brush, just saying "Sweep it up, Janny!"

And it was joshy's fault NP2 went down, if it weren't for him Sham wouldn't have used his influence to have it taken down. It went down, because it was bent as fuck. C'mon, EVERYONE INVOLVED WAS A SKEEVEY POTHOLE.

btw, PPP sold out went he did Death Note reviews for money.
5. Josh was fine with Digibro until Digibro contacted Josh (he's on stream at the time saying this) telling him Josh wasn't welcome after saying it was time for Dax to sacrifice Ethan Ralph to the Corn.
It's actually more retarded than that. Digibro NEVER contacted Josh. It was Riley, Dick's "producer." Riley was bullying him in The Dick Show discord and Josh has this paranoid idea that he was sent as a hitman by Dick to bully him out of the server. Josh wanted his edaddy to protect him from the evil bullies, but Dick had the false notion that Josh was a grown man who doesn't need coddling.
It's actually more retarded than that. Digibro NEVER contacted Josh. It was Riley, Dick's "producer." Riley was bullying him in The Dick Show discord and Josh has this paranoid idea that he was sent as a hitman by Dick to bully him out of the server. Josh wanted his edaddy to protect him from the evil bullies, but Dick had the false notion that Josh was a grown man who doesn't need coddling.

My bad, I get the trannies mixed up.

Dax may very well have passively aggressively shoved him aside. Josh's site clearly pissed him off. The fact that Josh couldn't handle interpersonal relationships or understand why suggesting essentially they knife Ralph in the back would upset someone speaks to how incredibly sheltered he has become.
his cope is the OP is trash cause they copy pasted it from here but I've seen plenty of shit OPs untouched with many pages because everyone knows most of the lore already , its just an excuse .
No, he says it himself in that image. He does not want to use a website where he is at risk of mockery he can't ban. It's why he doesn't allow reaction images or gifs.
No, he says it himself in that image. He does not want to use a website where he is at risk of mockery he can't ban. It's why he doesn't allow reaction images or gifs.
oh my bad he's given out many excuses they all kinda blend in for me now . back in 2021 he said he would make it public if someone would "fix" it but no one bothers , instead they just give him asspats if they do post in it , Idk the state of it havent seen it since 2022 , hes a discount loltax to me .