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  • Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
null posted on my profile mad that I posted a couple full images in the coronavirus thread but thumbnailed images never work for me on that site and I thought he wasn't still super autistic about thumbnailing. I think maybe he was really mad I posted an onion farms link in that thread.

null posted on my profile mad that I posted a couple full images in the coronavirus thread but thumbnailed images never work for me on that site and I thought he wasn't still super autistic about thumbnailing. I think maybe he was really mad I posted an onion farms link in that thread.
View attachment 46648
He spergs about thumbnails a lot, including insisting that people use thumbnails in the "post random images" thread. Ordinarily you might say "Oh well that's just a minor foible no harm done" but for a huge proportion of last year the thumbnails either didn't load at all, or they did load at a very low resolution and then trying to click through to the full image was either broken or else so slow that it might as well be a broken link.
Haha, Josh is very mad at the OP of a thread claiming the lawsuit is unwinnable, implicitly accuses him of being an Onion Farms user ("someone who was called a niggerfaggot or something like 6 years ago and hasn't gotten over it"). That's how he talks about Onion Farms without mentioning it.

I personally thought the OP was pretty nice because he basically said null is oppressed by globohomo and that's why he won't win and not that he's a grifter and it would just be a bad lawsuit if he ever did it.
then trying to click through to the full image was either broken
Mine is still like that most of the time on clearnet. I don't see why people can't post the full sized image if the thumbnail doesn't work when you click on it.
the guy literally admitted it and didnt even care what people thought
Even right in that damn thread, and they STILL defended him because he's their genius, anti-vax scienceman savior.
Cult qualities:
1. The group displays an excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader, and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.

2. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.

3. The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel (e.g., members must get permission to date, change jobs, or marry—or leaders prescribe what to wear, where to live, whether to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth).

4. The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and its members (e.g., the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity).

5. The group has a polarized, us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.

6. The leader is not accountable to any authorities (unlike, for example, teachers, military commanders, or ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream religious denominations).

7. The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (e.g., lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).

8. The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and control members. Often this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.

9. The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.

10. Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.

11. The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave—or even consider leaving—the group.
In case you were wondering whether or not the Lowtax comparisons have been getting to Josh,
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The answer is yes. Yes they have.

Lowtax reproduced before he killed himself. We should be thankful that Null never managed this because it means he will not leave behind innocent children who were depending on him for support when he finally offs himself.

Rip Lowtax, I wish you'd been better.
Lmao Null you stupid bitch I got you now. Null was lying about being in Serbia as of September 2022 if not the whole time and I have proof.

Today the MATI archive channel posted an audio only recording from September 2022 that was formerly only on his gumroad.
View attachment 46638
local video archive:

note: this is a .7z (7zip) file. if you are on windows, mac, or linux then use their official software:
for android users:

edit: looks like @VAIDS Victim already archived the stream.
Here's an archive in case it gets deleted:
oh well, this post right here serves as a local archive. just in case if preservetube ever goes down for good.


null posted on my profile mad that I posted a couple full images in the coronavirus thread but thumbnailed images never work for me on that site and I thought he wasn't still super autistic about thumbnailing. I think maybe he was really mad I posted an onion farms link in that thread.
View attachment 46648
odd possum posting W on the daily basis. I think he's /ourGuy/ 😎
wrongthink 1.png
wrongthink 2.png
User Hasky makes a thread that says Null is going to fail in his lawsuit because the people he's fighting against are too powerful. KF users respond predictably by accusing him of being an angry /pol/tard lashing out at Null for calling them a retard on Twitter because he has a history of saying the site needs to stop attacking trannies and trying to do lawsuits.
trannys win.jpg
ban message.png
Hasky made this ban message his background profile image.
wrongthink 3.png
wrongthink 4.png
Null denies ever banning anyone over the reason listed in the message and claims it's photoshopped.
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View attachment 46663
User Hasky makes a thread that says Null is going to fail in his lawsuit because the people he's fighting against are too powerful. KF users respond predictably by accusing him of being an angry /pol/tard lashing out at Null for calling them a retard on Twitter because he has a history of saying the site needs to stop attacking trannies and trying to do lawsuits.
View attachment 46664
View attachment 46665
Hasky made this ban message his background profile image.
View attachment 46666
View attachment 46667
Null denies ever banning anyone over the reason listed in the message and claims it's photoshopped.
I doubt that shit is photoshopped, that nigga lying about it being photoshopped
Haha, Josh is very mad at the OP of a thread claiming the lawsuit is unwinnable, implicitly accuses him of being an Onion Farms user ("someone who was called a niggerfaggot or something like 6 years ago and hasn't gotten over it"). That's how he talks about Onion Farms without mentioning it.
1708925015550.png I personally thought the OP was pretty nice because he basically said null is oppressed by globohomo and that's why he won't win and not that he's a grifter and it would just be a bad lawsuit if he ever did it.

OK, here is the post that pissed off Null, let's go over it:

Consider yourself lucky if you actually see this thread as he's undoubtedly going to have a tantrum and delete it. Pat yourself on the back if you're patient enough to have the reasoning explained to you by someone smarter than myself. Very few will choose to listen.
Direct link:

The link is to some video called "A Message To Nationalists From Nick Griffin - Spring 2020", I don't have the time for any Natsee drivel today.

There is no systemic solution to Null's woes.

I agree 100%. Null's paranoid fantasies about gay people wiping out the white race are purely mental issues, and since he refuses to seek help for his paranoia, there is no systemic solution to this problem. Null has a right to be delusional about gay people wiping out the white race, and he has a right to dedicate an entire forum to his paranoid delusions. If would be better for Null to follow the example of Elon Musk and have 10 white children with a couple of white BPD hoes that he serially impregnates, but Null has decided to enter the Culture Wars.

Forget what you think you know about the law or law-makers.

No actually, I'm not gonna forget what I know about the law. I know Null's lolsuits are not viable because I think I know the law just a little bit better than he does. I know enough about the law to understand that you can't go into court and demand that your ISP sacrifice their bank account because you need to host "fair use porn" on your forum for the sake of your Righteous Quest against the LGBT. That is completely ridiculous.

Behind closed doors Kiwifarms has been deemed right-wing. Nationalist. A threat.

Behind closed doors, Null had a backroom deal with Brian Royce to violate Epik's ToS with impunity. As soon as Brian was gone from Epik, Null was expected to abide by the same ToS that everyone else on Epik is expected to respect. But Null thinks he's above the rules, and he just has to fill his forum to the brim with fair use porn in the name of fighting the LGBT and saving the white race, so he wasn't gonna subject himself to no silly ToS. As soon as Epik realized that Null was violating their ToS in a million places, they blocked his domain.

You're not a threat because of some inherent "sacred truth" facet of your ideology, but because you persistently and loudly relent.

How does Null "relent"? Epik told him to fuck off but Null insists that Epik owes him shit for telling him to read the ToS or GTFO.

When you relent in this way you disrupt the ongoing mass hypnotizing signal of those who collude and monetize the various industries, groups and causes one may easily categorize as "progressive."

Oh, I get where this is going. No thanks.

When someone is shouting information contrary to what the big machine would like everyone to mindlessly go along with, that someone will be silenced to ensure the machine may continue producing efficiently.

What "Big Machine"? The "Big Machine" needs a lot of cheap white slaves to "continue producing efficiently", so keep having those white Amerimutts. (If you really think they give a fuck about the colour of their slaves.)

The people who Null believes attack his website don't do so for the sake of their ego. They stopped involving themselves a long time ago.

Not true, this is an ego thing for TRAs. Which why I fear they won't do what's easy - bite the bullet, fund Null's comeback to the US and deny him his martyr complex by denying him his day in court. I fear that the TRAs will allow this bullshit to go to court, and keep it there endlessly, because it is a Pride issue for them.

They blew the whistle. Now Null has to deal with the organizations and individuals they rub elbows with. People with considerable influence in policy (he's seen examples of it; every ISP plays this game) and pockets deep enough to pay for the constant disruption of Null's preferred interests.

That's what I said, which is why I listed all the big TRA organizations that Caraballo is involved with from his leaked e-mail. Caraballo isn't going to be some impoverished pro se self-representing litigant like the ones Null is used to. Null has never been to court with someone who has real money, real connections and can afford the best lawyers money can buy.

They have engaged with this in court countless times and understand how to tip jurisdiction in their favor. All that's going to happen is Null ends up in court where he will be formally introduced to every knot of rope that's destined to hang Kiwifarms.

Agreed. Which is why really I hope this all ends ASAP with either a couple of out-of-court settlements, or just a couple of anti-SLAPPs being filed and upheld.

2024 is going to be a vile year. It's going to teach a lot of people a lot of unfortunate realities about how the world around them actually works.

Perhaps Kiwis need that wake up call. And that wake up call is: don't post porn on an ISP that already told you in their ToS they don't want any porn, because it will cost them their bank account. Apparently this needs to go court to be understood by KF.

User Hasky makes a thread that says Null is going to fail in his lawsuit because the people he's fighting against are too powerful. KF users respond predictably by accusing him of being an angry /pol/tard lashing out at Null for calling them a retard on Twitter because he has a history of saying the site needs to stop attacking trannies and trying to do lawsuits.

Wow, so they really have turned into a cult of personality, where you're not even allowed to discuss the viability of his lolsuits?

Then I guess this person is about to get banned too:

On the flip side, if the new [Epik] "owners" don't have any ideological stance against the kiwifarms, it would be very easy to exchange a few emails between lawyers, and then agree to issue a retraction blaming it all on the old employee.

This is a situation where both Josh and the owners would appreciate having an easy out and NOT having to take this to court. This would also free up time and funds for Josh to address the next few defamers down the list.

Retractions are cheap, and insanely practical for a for profit company. Standing by your slander is incredibly expensive. Just take a look at Nick Reiketa. How much has he spent for a lawyer? All because he wanted to stand by calling a guy a pedophile who hasn't touched any kids, and who's worst crime was putting forth a crappy self made movie.

But Epik didn't call Null a pedophile. Null kinda sorta pretends they did, but they really didn't. Epik pointed out that they had received a CP report, which they believed to be credible (hence why "US Authorities" got involved), and they said they don't want to do business with a website that violates their ToS by allowing random users to upload pornography and obscenity onto a web forum. You can't compare that statement to Rekieta calling someone personally a pedophile. An ISP explaining its policies isn't the same as a personal ad hominem attack.

I love this take:

Presumably Null's lawyer should demand that this retraction include a public confession that the allegations were made up bullshit. Which then becomes useful in convincing platforms not to deplatform us.

Do they really think that any ISP out there will agree to host any aspect of KF now that they've seen how vindictive, unreasonable and litigious Null is?

No ISP is going to risk losing their bank account by hosting Null's forum full of porn.
If Null thinks showing porn - literally uploading a pedophile's entire back catalogue of trannie porn in threefold, as in Orion's case - is so indispensable to his Righteous Quest against the LGBT, then he can find an ISP that's OK with porn.
That's really all there is to this.
OK, here is the post that pissed off Null, let's go over it:

The link is to some video called "A Message To Nationalists From Nick Griffin - Spring 2020", I don't have the time for any Natsee drivel today.

I agree 100%. Null's paranoid fantasies about gay people wiping out the white race are purely mental issues, and since he refuses to seek help for his paranoia, there is no systemic solution to this problem. Null has a right to be delusional about gay people wiping out the white race, and he has a right to dedicate an entire forum to his paranoid delusions. If would be better for Null to follow the example of Elon Musk and have 10 white children with a couple of white BPD hoes that he serially impregnates, but Null has decided to enter the Culture Wars.

No actually, I'm not gonna forget what I know about the law. I know Null's lolsuits are not viable because I think I know the law just a little bit better than he does. I know enough about the law to understand that you can't go into court and demand that your ISP sacrifice their bank account because you need to host "fair use porn" on your forum for the sake of your Righteous Quest against the LGBT. That is completely ridiculous.

Behind closed doors, Null had a backroom deal with Brian Royce to violate Epik's ToS with impunity. As soon as Brian was gone from Epik, Null was expected to abide by the same ToS that everyone else on Epik is expected to respect. But Null thinks he's above the rules, and he just has to fill his forum to the brim with fair use porn in the name of fighting the LGBT and saving the white race, so he wasn't gonna subject himself to no silly ToS. As soon as Epik realized that Null was violating their ToS in a million places, they blocked his domain.

How does Null "relent"? Epik told him to fuck off but Null insists that Epik owes him shit for telling him to read the ToS or GTFO.

Oh, I get where this is going. No thanks.

What "Big Machine"? The "Big Machine" needs a lot of cheap white slaves to "continue producing efficiently", so keep having those white Amerimutts. (If you really think they give a fuck about the colour of their slaves.)

Not true, this is an ego thing for TRAs. Which why I fear they won't do what's easy - bite the bullet, fund Null's comeback to the US and deny him his martyr complex by denying him his day in court. I fear that the TRAs will allow this bullshit to go to court, and keep it there endlessly, because it is a Pride issue for them.

That's what I said, which is why I listed all the big TRA organizations that Caraballo is involved with from his leaked e-mail. Caraballo isn't going to be some impoverished pro se self-representing litigant like the ones Null is used to. Null has never been to court with someone who has real money, real connections and can afford the best lawyers money can buy.

Agreed. Which is why really I hope this all ends ASAP with either a couple of out-of-court settlements, or just a couple of anti-SLAPPs being filed and upheld.

Perhaps Kiwis need that wake up call. And that wake up call is: don't post porn on an ISP that already told you in their ToS they don't want any porn, because it will cost them their bank account. Apparently this needs to go court to be understood by KF.

Wow, so they really have turned into a cult of personality, where you're not even allowed to discuss the viability of his lolsuits?

Then I guess this person is about to get banned too:

But Epik didn't call Null a pedophile. Null kinda sorta pretends they did, but they really didn't. Epik pointed out that they had received a CP report, which they believed to be credible (hence why "US Authorities" got involved), and they said they don't want to do business with a website that violates their ToS by allowing random users to upload pornography and obscenity onto a web forum. You can't compare that statement to Rekieta calling someone personally a pedophile. An ISP explaining its policies isn't the same as a personal ad hominem attack.

I love this take:

Do they really think that any ISP out there will agree to host any aspect of KF now that they've seen how vindictive, unreasonable and litigious Null is?

No ISP is going to risk losing their bank account by hosting Null's forum full of porn.
If Null thinks showing porn - literally uploading a pedophile's entire back catalogue of trannie porn in threefold, as in Orion's case - is so indispensable to his Righteous Quest against the LGBT, then he can find an ISP that's OK with porn.
That's really all there is to this.
nice analytical response there
Looks like I made that fat fuck extremely butthurt with my comment on his profile. Luckily I made sure to screenshot it because I figured he'd sperg out and ban me based on the behavior I've seen from him so far. The comedy is that my account really wasn't a sock - it's my first and only account on KF. Oh I am laughing.


  • nulldunk.png
    22.4 KB · Views: 151
  • bannedkf.png
    12.3 KB · Views: 149
Looks like I made that fat fuck extremely butthurt with my comment on his profile. Luckily I made sure to screenshot it because I figured he'd sperg out and ban me based on the behavior I've seen from him so far. The comedy is that my account really wasn't a sock - it's my first and only account on KF. Oh I am laughing.
Lol get fucked Null as we now know conclusively that you are malding in mommy's spare room.
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Null says the uptick in attacks against him by KF users are from a cabal of homosexual men.
He's displaying more and more schizo traits as time goes on. According to him, everyone who criticizes him is a sock (which is how he justifies banning anyone who annoys him enough while disagreeing with him). Now everyone who disagrees with him is a faggot too?

I'm an extremely right wing straight male who has fathered children. I despise homosexuality and transgenderism. Josh is an idiot.