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What timeline are we a part of where these are real Courtroom Exhibits

Take that off the god damn Internet! Subforum
This subforum is where Josh posts every legal request he recieves as well as his response to it. For “transparency” and totally not to encourage the dox and harassment of people who don’t like him.
The subforum is broken up into 4 indicators. Undecided, rejected, approved, and lawsuit.

Kiwi Vs the Kiwis
DailyMail said:The founder of an American far-right chat board has lashed out at New Zealand police after they requested information on posts linked to the Christchurch shooting. An email exchange posted on Kiwi Farms on Monday, reveals New Zealand Detective Senior Sergeant John Michael had asked the site to preserve any relevant email and IP addresses to aid their investigation
Null said:Is this a joke? I'm not turning over information about my users. The person responsible for posting the video and manifesto PDF is myself
Null said:I feel real bad for you guys, you've got a quiet nation and now this attack is going to be the first thing people think of for the next 10 years when they hear the name New Zealand, but you can't do this.
Null said:Tell your superiors they're going to make the entire country and its government look like clowns by trying to censor the Internet. You're a small, irrelevant island nation barely more recognizable than any other nameless pacific sovereignty.
Null said:You do not have the clout to eradicate a video from the Internet and you do not have the legal reach to imprison everyone whose posted it. If anyone turns over to you the information they're asking for they're not only cowards, but they're fucking idiots.
Police confirmed in a statement they had contacted the site, but would not comment further.
The email thread on Kiwi Farms show police allegedly contacted the site on March 17 saying:
I am hoping that you can help us with an investigation the New Zealand Police are working on.
At around the time of the shooting there were a number of posts and links posted on relating to the shooting and Tarrant.
We would like to preserve any posts and technical data including IP addresses, email addresses etc linked to these posts pending a formal legal request.
Josh went on to sign off his email saying:
Null said:I don't give a single solitary fuck what section 50 of your faggot law say about sharing your email. Fuck you and fuck your shithole country.
Litigation History
Scott v. Lolcow LLC (2017)
Null said:[It] was our first lawsuit. Melinda Scott attempts to sue my company after her stalker used the Kiwi Farms to talk about her in a thread that was about only himself. The case is dismissed without trial.
subject: Legal Action will be taken against you (from Kiwi Farms)
from: Melinda Scott <>
reply-to: Melinda Scott <>
The following message has been sent from Melinda Scott <> (IP: 2601:846:c201:2909:5c52:bd51:f601:48ee) via the contact form at Kiwi Farms.
Legal Action will be taken against you
To whom it may concern:
You currently have a Blog post that uses my name, links to my business, and information regarding a Stalker.
This is a formal notice to you that if you do not IMMEDIATELY remove all content regarding my name, you will sued for slander, co-conspiracy with a Stalker and damages. This is your only and final notice.
Melinda Scott, TCO
from: Null <>
to: Melinda Scott <>
It's four in the fucking morning and my contact lenses aren't in and you can't even give me a fucking link in your bullshit threat. Maybe think before you go popping off at the fucking mouth to the guy about some Internet bullshit. I'm not omnipotent this is a forum with two million fucking posts.
from: mscottw <>
to: Null <>
You're breaking the law running a ridiculous Blog but you want to correct me? Maybe you should THINK before you go posting.
The attached letter should clear things up for you. I made sure your Corporate got a copy and they'll be hearing from me too on Monday.
from: Null <>
to: mscottw <>
I would strongly advise you read this.
First thing's first, I don't even have to reply to this letter. Your notice is not even signed under penalty of perjury and was sent over email so I don't have to care. I have no idea what you're referring to by "corporate". Who's corporate? Me? I own the container company behind the forum alone. Actually, I googled "302-575-1642" and it's IncNow, the company that registered the Lolcow LLC entity. They're not my corporate, you fucking moron, they're a group of lawyers who file papers for people for a small fee. They're not liable for anything.
Your notice in general is embarrassing. Your signature looks like you pulled it off one of those signature generators you can find on Google. Slander is spoken defamation, libel is written defamation. "Co-conspiracy to stalking" is not a crime that exists, it's some shit you made up. You've also still not managed to include a URL, which is fucking incredible, considering I specifically asked for one last time you sent me your dumb bullshit. At least this includes a title, so I can theoretically find what thread the offending posts belong to, but I'd never know specifically what posts within that thread are "slandering" you.
Second, on the subject of liability, the Kiwi Farms is a forum, not a blog. My posts belong under one account. The rest are owned by individuals. As per 47 U.S.C. § 230 and the footer on every single page of the site, the content belongs to the people posting it, not me. You are screaming into the void and blaming the wrong people. If the Andrew person is violating his restraining order against you by using the forum to talk about you, you could have him arrested for stalking or use that as evidence against him for a more permanent injunction.
Third, regarding Andrew: prior to you sending me this pathetic, impertinent letter of grievance, I was asking my people within the forum how we could use the thread to help you protect yourself. Andrew has stringently laid out plans to ruin your life in public. Here is communication between me and a more knowledgeable person regarding this situation:
It's amazing how if you had taken thirty seconds to not be a fucking banshee you'd have all the sympathy and help you'd need, but now I am not doing shit for you and nor am I obligated to. There is no law in the United States of America that prevents my website from having your real name present on it.
God knows what he saw in you because you're one dumb bitch.
Finally, as you have been stalked by Andrew I'm sure the following words are familiar to you:
You are not permitted to use my website or contact me again. Any further communication will be considered harassment and a threat to my life. The police will be involved.
Govern yourself accordingly,
Scott v. Wise County Commonwealths (2017) - Case 2:17-cv-00023-JPJ
Null said:[It] was a follow-up by Melinda. Unsatisfied with the court's prior judgement, she then sued the county alongside my company in an attempt to force them to arraign me with criminal charges. The district court throws out the complaint in the same day the clerk receives it. Who says Government isn't efficient?
Scott v. Moon (2017)
Null said:[It] was Melinda's third attempt. This time, she sues me as a person. I didn't respond to the lawsuit and it was thrown out at the first hearing.

Scott v. Carlson, et al (2018) - “Melinda Leigh Scott v. Andrew Carlson, Joshua Moon, Sherod DeGrippo”
Null said:[It] was the fourth lawsuit from Melinda, this time thrown out within days for being totally baseless and legally insufficient.
Scott v. Moon, et al (2019)
The entire case can be found here Scott v. Moon, Case No. 2:19CV5 (W.D. Va. Jan. 24, 2019)
Greer v. Moon, et al. (2020) was a copyright infringement and defamation claim against the Kiwi Farms.
Null said:
- Greer had a meltdown over my choice of counsel and published a tantrum to the court.
- It was dismissed with prejudice.
- He has appealed the decision. As of September 2023, he has waited 2 years for a response.
Tomlinson v. 60 John Does (2021)
Null said:[It] was an attempt to collect user data from the Kiwi Farms by a well-known SciFi author. Tomlinson was met in court.
- In January 2022, he voluntarily dismissed his lawsuit after spending over $100,000.
- He was ordered to pay $23,739.25 in damages to co-defendants.
- After delaying payment, he eventually paid $32,709.80 with accrued interest in August 2023.
- He still owes at least $18,304.42 in damages to other defendants.
Scott v. Wise County Department of Social Services, et al. (2021)
Null said:[It] was the 6th attempt from Melinda. She alleged that a phone call to child services was a malicious act by a forum user and I was personally liable for it.
- We retained counsel and it was dismissed with prejudice in August.
- She attempted to appeal the judgement and lost. Injunctions against her were sought.
- Melinda Scott is now unable to file against the Kiwi Farms without filing for pre-approval from the court.
- She was ordered to pay awarded damages, which were received and cashed on September 23rd, 2023.
Lolcow Litigation and Josh v Epik
The TRUE and HONEST hero Joshua Conner Moon has decided to sue EVERYONE for your rights to MUH FREE SPEECH.

Russell Greer
Since 2019, Russell Greer has been suing the Kiwi Farms for contributory copyright infringement, alleging that because people had shared his creative works on Google Drive, I have somehow personally encouraged it. He seems to believe that by wrapping his unrequited love letters for various celebrities in copyrightable mediums, his work will become immunized to criticism thanks to copyright law. This is not reality.
His lawsuit originates from a materially deficient and rambling complaint that has only troddled along for as long as it has thanks to pro bono representation from the Digital Justice Foundation, a morally bankrupt group of media rights scalpers taking on cases to score wins for some of the largest and most evil media companies to ever exist. The District Court appeals decision is confusing and contrary to established case law and will be appealed to the Supreme Court.
Greer's lawsuit has been an enormous waste of mine and the court's time and resources, but compromising with a deranged pro se litigant like Greer would only encourage more people to do the same. Fighting it as vigorously as possible is the only logical action.
Epik, LLC & Alejandra Caraballo
During #DropKiwiFarms, Epik (under the direction of Brian Royce) permitted us to stay with them as their registrar for over a year after leaving Cloudflare. Historically, it has been extremely rare for any domain registrar to interfere in their client's business for anything less serious than emergencies and law enforcement orders. Domain registrars, especially large ones like Epik, are perceived as neutral and professional entities.
When Epik, a year later and now under new management, put a hold on, it took significant social media pushback to compel them to allow me to transfer to a new registrar. This ended the issue and I was happy to move on and away from Epik.
However, a month later after extended silence, Epik's official Twitter account sprung to life and began replying to now month-old comments about the Kiwi Farms. In doing so, Epik made two actionable statements of defamation:
Epik had put a hold on the Kiwi Farms by order of law enforcement, and then
Epik had put a hold on the Kiwi Farms because it hosted child abuse material.
Both of these claims are false, and demonstrably so because Epik also admitted as much in public. Epik confessed they had received no law enforcement order to remove the site, and the evidence they posted of child abuse material was watermarked with dates which conclusively proves the person in it was over 19 years old when he took the photos of himself.
However, the damage is done, and tens of thousands of people saw and shared these messages. In particular, Harvard cyberlaw professor Alejandra Caraballo, who has been invited to speak before Congress, explicitly claimed the Kiwi Farms "hosts child sexual abuse material (CSAM)", which is a strictly legally defined term that a Harvard law professor absolutely knows the meaning of. This claim is a stronger, more serious, and distinct claim from Epik's.
These claims are false. The Kiwi Farms has never hosted any child abuse material. The speakers of these false claims are respected members of the industry and they constitute per se defamation. Allowing Epik and Alejandra to get away with these knowing, deliberate lies threatens the long-term prospects of the Kiwi Farms. Their lies will be propagated both as rumors in the industry and directly referenced into complaints sent to service providers we rely on.
Note Epik LLC threatened on 𝕏 that they would use discovery in a lawsuit to target Kiwi Farms users. You should know that contributions to this fund go directly to an IOLTA account and all records are secured under the management of an attorney, which allows us to protect your privacy. Our attorney is bound by the rules of professional conduct as well as by the attorney work product doctrine and the attorney-client privilege, and will take maximum steps to ensure your privacy.
Liz Fong-Jones & Honeycomb
Jones is an ex-Google employee who has since joined as Field CTO of, a relatively large Silicon Valley startup. Jones enjoys considerable financial backing and support from his company, and uses his work credentials to scare providers, fund his campaign against the Kiwi Farms, and launch frivolous litigation.
In 2022, Jones launched a defamation lawsuit in Australia against Vinnie, a friend of mine. Jones alleges that Vinnie is personally liable for defamation against him because ...
Vinnie owns Flow Chemical Pty Ltd (Queensland), which leased IP addresses from APNIC,
Flow leased its IPs to 1776 Solutions, LLC (my company, in Wyoming),
1776 Solutions, LLC leased some of those IPs to Lolcow LLC (my company, in West Virginia),
Lolcow LLC runs the Kiwi Farms, and
Anonymous users of the Kiwi Farms had archived and discussed Jones's "consent accident".
Vinnie is a normal person who does not understand the kind of evil that Liz Fong-Jones is. Despite my warnings, he incorrectly assumed that the courts of Australia would see this lawsuit as the absolute trash that it is and dismiss it without him entering an appearance. A first generation Chinese immigrant, he is weirdly patriotic about Australia and firmly believed with genuine good faith the system would take care of him.
As a consequence, he now has a default judgment against him for more than AU$400,000, which he has to fight in court in order to avoid losing his entire life's work. Neither of us, having looked for months, have been able to find a barrister to help.
More importantly to the forum, Jones's barrister is using this default as if it were a court order and is attempting to convince ISPs that they are obligated to take the site offline. It is one of many things he has added to his arsenal to try and trick providers into thinking censorship is a foregone conclusion.
Jones has continuously personally participated in trying to deplatform the Kiwi Farms for years, beginning in 2017 with Trans LifeLine, a charity he supported whose founders were removed for embezzling more than US$350,000 of charitable funds.
Since 2022 and #DropKiwiFarms, he has ramped up his efforts. It appears Jones now bankrolls 'activists' to send emails every day, has used his Silicon Valley ties to get 20-year senior Network Engineers at T1 ISPs to act on his behalf, and abuses foreign legal systems to get default judgments. This appears to be an effort to accomplish one thing: removing incriminating information about him on the Kiwi Farms off the Internet.
Through the Lolcow Litigation Fund, Josh has already allegedly raised nearly $150,000 in only a few days.

How has Josh accomplished this? He rallied behind the mantra that “you are deprived of essential liberty” and that he’s fighting for “your right to exist.”
Bold of you Josh, for a self acclaimed “madman.”

Here is the message you see after donating.

Let us talk about the patent-pending Josh code bugs, that he’s so well known for. Some users are able to donate again while others are not, and Josh still has no idea why and is totally oblivious as to how any of this works.
Sorry kiwibros, but the best Josh can give you is “I hope”
And don’t you DARE let your faith waiver for even a moment! Trust in the grand fuhrer’s plans.

Oh, and crypto donations don’t count to the total. That goes straight to Josh’s pocket!

Josh is seething that his sites are getting blocked for the grifting scams that they are.

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