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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
null is lowtax.png
Do not compare Null to Lowtax.
Do not compare Null to Lowtax.
Is it the suicide, you think? Or the fact that Richard did what he did....
From Wiki (so it might not be that accurate)
"In addition to administrating Something Awful, he also owned the movie publishing company Awful Video, which released the first and second DVDs of the computer and video game-themed show Mega64. In addition to that, he owned and operated City Name Sports Team, a clothing line that mocked sports fanaticism and team loyalty; and released his first CD of original music under his ARC moniker, which he derived from his email address at university.[5] He later added Moofwear to this list, a second clothing line featuring drawings by SA frontpage writer and forums member Tom "Moof" Davies. In November 2005, Lowtax released the DVD of Doom House, a horror movie parody he and fellow SA writer and Internet personality Kevin "Fragmaster" Bowen created in 2003."

....before he was 30... and the broom is that now... and he's just stuck with an "Niche Internet Gossip Forum" around his neck. I guess he won't leave kids wondering why he killed himself. The Soda and Goyslop must have made him a Jaffa by now.
I listened to the Oct 31 MATI.

Josh doesn't know how to pronounce renisance. Chat jumped on his ass and he eventually used google to pronounce it. We aren't talking about a hard word here. I have no idea someone gets through even public school without knowing how.

He revealed serious white trash ancestry by saying that America doesn't have good cheese. Then he said, "Most people buy their groceries from Walmart and they only have different varieties of cheddar". Chat jumps on him again and says that not everyone can access Whole Foods. Then he shows a pic of Walmart's shredded cheese section. The problem with this is that the regional chain of grocery stores in Florida, Publix, has a wide variety of good cheese. Even Walmart has decent/good, unpasteurized cheese.

He also didn't know what the white circular stickers on cars meant. The ones with a distance ran like a marathon or half-marathon (26.2 or 13.1). Then he asked what the three-letter stickers mean. Someone in the chat convinced him that they were country codes. They're the three-letter abbreviation of an area you dummy. Like a PDX for Portland. We truly are seeing the results of someone raised entirely by the internet.
I listened to the Oct 31 MATI.

Josh doesn't know how to pronounce renisance. Chat jumped on his ass and he eventually used google to pronounce it. We aren't talking about a hard word here. I have no idea someone gets through even public school without knowing how.

He revealed serious white trash ancestry by saying that America doesn't have good cheese. Then he said, "Most people buy their groceries from Walmart and they only have different varieties of cheddar". Chat jumps on him again and says that not everyone can access Whole Foods. Then he shows a pic of Walmart's shredded cheese section. The problem with this is that the regional chain of grocery stores in Florida, Publix, has a wide variety of good cheese. Even Walmart has decent/good, unpasteurized cheese.

He also didn't know what the white circular stickers on cars meant. The ones with a distance ran like a marathon or half-marathon (26.2 or 13.1). Then he asked what the three-letter stickers mean. Someone in the chat convinced him that they were country codes. They're the three-letter abbreviation of an area you dummy. Like a PDX for Portland. We truly are seeing the results of someone raised entirely by the internet.
You cannot tell me that listening to MATI doesn't make you dumber. I listened to a half an episode once and I almost took the covid vaccine.
Bro must never have had munster cheese. Great American cheese that is similar to mozzarella and little ceasers uses it and mozz on their pizzas. If you get a stuffed crust its actually pretty good. Quickly melts perfectly for pizza and grilled cheese. Higher to mid moisture content. It's an Americanized version of a french cheese iirc like us did with parmesan. Real parmigano reggiano is only made in certain parts of Italy. Also American cheese is not cheddar so don't let cheese snobs hear you say it's the same. Here is the cheese, cottage cheese is also American iirc.
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I listened to the Oct 31 MATI.

Josh doesn't know how to pronounce renisance. Chat jumped on his ass and he eventually used google to pronounce it. We aren't talking about a hard word here. I have no idea someone gets through even public school without knowing how.

He revealed serious white trash ancestry by saying that America doesn't have good cheese. Then he said, "Most people buy their groceries from Walmart and they only have different varieties of cheddar". Chat jumps on him again and says that not everyone can access Whole Foods. Then he shows a pic of Walmart's shredded cheese section. The problem with this is that the regional chain of grocery stores in Florida, Publix, has a wide variety of good cheese. Even Walmart has decent/good, unpasteurized cheese.

He also didn't know what the white circular stickers on cars meant. The ones with a distance ran like a marathon or half-marathon (26.2 or 13.1). Then he asked what the three-letter stickers mean. Someone in the chat convinced him that they were country codes. They're the three-letter abbreviation of an area you dummy. Like a PDX for Portland. We truly are seeing the results of someone raised entirely by the internet.

It's giving tranny vibes
Yeah I don't get this rant that he posted on KF about no fresh meat or cheese. I don't go to Walmart for groceries. I get mine at Stop & Shop. There is supermarket called Market Basket and it is huge. Want fresh baked bread? We got lots of family bakeries here. Want fresh seafood? Go down to the docks in Narragansett.
The only thing i partially agree with is the meat thing but not even entirely. You can get fresh meat easily in the us you have to just go to a butchers. The supermarket meat is not as fresh but it's good enough even with the red dye for red meats. It's just that it doesn't have a lot of variety outside of normal farmed animals due to import restrictions. The land of the free can't even import a kangaroo steak at an affordable price because they want to monopolize the ones doing it. Last time i looked you can only get it from specific producers which raises the demand more than the supply so they end up costing around 200$ for a pound.
This is the good cheese section at my supermarket. A regular supermarket.
View attachment 41266
My supermarket also has a good cheese and cheap cheese section. I can't do fake cheese. But it doesn't have to be fancy either. I will occasionally treat myself with something good though and try new ones. America has a lot of good food. My only disappointment is that you can't get a lot of good overseas products that have meat without smuggling for an affordable price. But we have plenty of local stuff too that isn't the standard or common farmed meat. Gator is pretty good for example. Most of the interesting imports that pass like ostrich are usually jerky though. I just wish there were more farms here with foreign animals that are not your typical live stock. You usually have to do a lot of searching to find interesting new meats to try. But by no means does it mean there isn't variety or options. Us has plenty, they just make it difficult to find things that are more common in other places. So when people move here they have to make it themselves. Which occasionally starts new businesses because locals want it too. So there is sometimes a benefit.
The Cheddar War: Prove to me the USA has meat, cheese, and bread.

Has he never been to a local bakery or farmer's market? Eating a vegetable and WATER instead of pop never killed anyone either. How in the world is there more than 30 pages?! The level of obesity is incalculable.

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Null is a living amerimutt meme holy shit.

Neets like him only know how to eat microwaved tendies, use they phone, and lie on the internet.

Last time I went to a farmers market they had stuff like wild edible mushrooms they figured out how to cultivate that you can't normally find it in chain supermarkets like chicken of the woods, i bought some truffle asiago, they also had stuff like fresh milk and butter, other places had stuff like different kinds of eggs, purple artisan tomato, hot local food you can't find at a chain restaurant like tacos bbq and asian style, i bought some more delicious hummus, those bomb ass steam buns you see in anime but frozen and basically ready to eat with some re steaming that i absolutely had to buy several fillings of, yellow watermelon i got one time, corn dogs they dip in batter and deep fry right in front of you carnival style are confirmed delicious, multiple fresh meats and jerky, even had organic pet treats, vegan stuff, and carmel apples the size of the Andre the giant's fist with random toppings like Snickers bar or other candies. Null would shit himself. It was heaven. I spend way too much whenever i go. But it's ok because it supports local farmers and businesses.

Local butchers ALWAYS have the best cuts.
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Does anyone have a twitter it would be funny showing Rekieta the blocklands thread. It would show the blatant hypocrisy of Josh "free speech" Moon banning all discussion that reflects poorly about himself. Josh is an ultimate lolcow CHEESEGATE proves it this man has been living on ramen noodles and pure junk for the past 30 years that he doesnt even know real food exists. Though when you have to seethe about Ethan Ralph and Nick Rekieta for hours on your dying website you wouldnt have time to cook.

Josh Moon's blood feud with Rekieta for being a degenerate is just laughable given what we know about Josh. Of course Rekieta is an actual degenerate, but Josh is far worse in nearly every aspect. At least Rekieta isnt a paedophile, and necrophile who wants to kill his mother.
Null is a living amerimutt meme holy shit.

Neets like him only know how to eat microwaved tendies, use they phone, and lie on the internet.

Last time I went to a farmers market they had stuff like wild edible mushrooms they figured out how to cultivate that you can't normally find it in chain supermarkets like chicken of the woods, i bought some truffle asiago, they also had stuff like fresh milk and butter, other places had stuff like different kinds of eggs, purple artisan tomato, hot local food you can't find at a chain restaurant like tacos bbq and asian style, i bought some more delicious hummus, those bomb ass steam buns you see in anime but frozen and basically ready to eat with some re steaming that i absolutely had to buy several fillings of, yellow watermelon i got one time, corn dogs they dip in batter and deep fry right in front of you carnival style are confirmed delicious, multiple fresh meats and jerky, even had organic pet treats, vegan stuff, and carmel apples the size of the Andre the giant's fist with random toppings like Snickers bar or other candies. Null would shit himself. It was heaven. I spend way too much whenever i go. But it's ok because it supports local farmers and businesses.

Local butchers ALWAYS have the best cuts.
Even at big chain grocery stores that all have vegetables that are cheaper than tendies (we are talking between 80cents to a 2.00 for a pound of vegetables). Most have various types of meat, and if you dont like their meat you can get beans and rice for a very low price. Him acting like grocery stores dont have real food is absurd. Just because he always goes to the tendies isles doesnt mean you cant buy fruits, vegetables, rice, beans, and meat (usually for a cheaper price per a pound than the tendies).

That isnt even mentioning farmer's markets that sometimes have stuff cheaper than store price and should be fairly frequent in the county he lives in.
Null is a living amerimutt meme holy shit.

Neets like him only know how to eat microwaved tendies, use they phone, and lie on the internet.

Last time I went to a farmers market they had stuff like wild edible mushrooms they figured out how to cultivate that you can't normally find it in chain supermarkets like chicken of the woods, i bought some truffle asiago, they also had stuff like fresh milk and butter, other places had stuff like different kinds of eggs, purple artisan tomato, hot local food you can't find at a chain restaurant like tacos bbq and asian style, i bought some more delicious hummus, those bomb ass steam buns you see in anime but frozen and basically ready to eat with some re steaming that i absolutely had to buy several fillings of, yellow watermelon i got one time, corn dogs they dip in batter and deep fry right in front of you carnival style are confirmed delicious, multiple fresh meats and jerky, even had organic pet treats, vegan stuff, and carmel apples the size of the Andre the giant's fist with random toppings like Snickers bar or other candies. Null would shit himself. It was heaven. I spend way too much whenever i go. But it's ok because it supports local farmers and businesses.

Local butchers ALWAYS have the best cuts.

Josh is a retard faggot who dug his own grave and cant move his agoraphobic slovenly ass to a farmer's market for the good shit. if you can bend over and touch your toes, have a job, and go outside then your life is officially better than Joshie's
Even at big chain grocery stores that all have vegetables that are cheaper than tendies (we are talking between 80cents to a 2.00 for a pound of vegetables). Most have various types of meat, and if you dont like their meat you can get beans and rice for a very low price. Him acting like grocery stores dont have real food is absurd. Just because he always goes to the tendies isles doesnt mean you cant buy fruits, vegetables, rice, beans, and meat (usually for a cheaper price per a pound than the tendies).

That isnt even mentioning farmer's markets that sometimes have stuff cheaper than store price and should be fairly frequent in the county he lives in.
Exactly. It's way cheaper to get raw meat you have to season your self and a bunch of seasons to go on it like the obvious salt pepper combo and stuff like chives cumin onion garlic and bullion powder msg etc. And fresh onion potato garlic green onion is also cheap. Both dry and fresh are great for different things. Eating pre packaged food doesn't work for me anymore it always needs something extra like seasoning at least if not more. Like boxed mac and cheese. Probably the most effort he puts into food and he probably doesn't even add milk or butter or if he does it's probably margarine and 2%. Whole milk real butter and some extra melty and stringy cheeses and real bacon broken up and the grease with it or even chopped ham or chicken of your preference. That's just typically one part of the dish because you can do a lot with a vegetable dish to go along with it. Some fresh fruit and actual water with it is also ideal.