Daniel Stevens Cum Guzzler
Baby Onion
Reluctant protagonist is an Elaine alt. Ask Elaine expert @Empresa Elaine has like half a dozen Twitter alts she uses all the time
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
Reluctant protagonist is an Elaine alt. Ask Elaine expert @Empresa Elaine has like half a dozen Twitter alts she uses all the time
The only place where my doxx is "mirrored" right now is KF.
"Because the matter was undefended, an interlocutory judgment was made against Flow Chemical and Zhen in July and Fong-Jones was awarded damages of $445,000 plus costs this week."
Imagine losing 1/2 million dollars cause some tranny filed some frivolous lawsuit against someone else cause you didnt bother to show up. Australia is incredibly cucked and should just sink beneath the ocean; Sydney's skyline would make a nice new reef.
Stream today at 5pm ET / 11pm EU.
My schedule may be completely thrown off for the rest of the year. I will let you guys know as soon as I know if my times will be different or if I have to cancel.
No idea but all these niggas are fags over stupid ass shit. We know Null won't listen to shit, Liz is a faggot who sucks cock up his mouth and Vincent is a bitch ass nigga who's friend is a piss-loving shotacon retard. Why are we even feeling sorry for Null when the nigga has never had pussy or kids once? Null lies about shit. Lies about living in another country. Even lies about being in one that is fighting with Russia right now. The nigga lies so much you could make a book on how liars get away with lying about shit. If Null loses his fight? That is on him and him alone. The nigga can't even take the advice of moving his IP servers to fucking North Korea. That is how fucking weak null is. At least North Korea won't listen to trannies or pedos if they ask them to take down shit. Null would love North Korea given they hate the West just like Null. But you know? Null is a retard who listens to cum babies that cum in his tiny ass. He is once a Florida man always a Florida man. Fuck his ass and hope he gets raped in prison for many years to come. He did this to himself. And his coding fucking sucks too.Null's MATI stans are crying in the MATI thread because Null won't be Livestreaming this week, presumably because he is too busy getting Vincent a lawyer - that Vincent, despite his infinite life wisdom that he bestowed upon Null, couldn't be bothered to get on his own:
It's amazing to me how these MATI people who run their mouths about everything and everyone under the sun still have no idea how the legal system actually works. What do these ignorant MATI people think a "harassment lolsuit" is? The very purpose of a harassment lolsuit is to force the defendant to go into court and waste money and time in order to explain the freaking obvious to a judge: "Judge, this lolsuit is forum shopping libel tourism by an American plaintiff who decided to sue, not the website owner himself who is also an American and protected under 1A and Section 230, but rather to sue a business associate of the website owner in Australia, because Liz Fong-Jones knew he couldn't sue the website owner himself or get him prosecuted in the US. Liz Fong-Jones knows he cannot have this Australian verdict re-inforced in the US because of the SPEECH Act barring such foreign jurisdiction libel tourism verdicts from being re-infored in the US. This is plainly a bad faith lolsuit and the verdict is legally moot because it cannot be used against KF or Null in the US, so please throw out this bullshit lolsuit. Oh, and please make Liz Fong-Jones pay for my legal fees, because we know on the basis of public court documents that Liz Fong-Jones received a golden parachute from Google when he sued his former employer over more bullshit, so Liz has the money to pay for my legal expenses that came out of forcing me to respond to his bullshit harassment lolsuit.".
That's what you have to do in response to a harassment lolsuit. If judges could decide lolsuits on their own, we wouldn't have a legal system.
I am still perplexed that Vincent was apparently served but supposedly didn't tell a soul about it, not even Null.
How can you trust someone who receives a wholeass subpoena, in which you and your company are brought up over and over as the impetus for the lolsuit, and doesn't even tell you about it?
Personally, this is all the proof I need of Null's very poor judgement of people.
Edit: Now Null says that he might still Livestream... or he might not. What a freaking mess:
BTW, why has Null begun spelling his name as "Dzhosua"? Is he ripping me off because I spell "Jews" as "Dzooz"? I do that to make fun of antisemites who believe that (((Dzooz))) run everything, it's a spelling that I myself stole from Encyclopedia Dramatica so it's not even an original joke. Correct me if I'm wrong but AFAIK, ED were the firsts to spell Jews as "Dzooz" on their Wiki articles, and they used that spelling in order to make fun of online antisemites who think Dzooz are the NWO. So why is Null, an antisemite, stealing a joke that was meant to ridicule antisemites like himself?
Ironically gays is the only one i blocked to try and see if it helped with the loading. Only slightly but i still have him blocked because 90 percent of the scrolling on the pages are usually from his posts that are as long as a page from the old Testament. It saves me the effort since i barely read anything he posts unless its short anyway. I can just press show hidden messages if i care enough to look.Worlds smallest violin. Gays is too stupid to think "hhmmmmm, I block everybody, so maybe I haven't seen any reaction to my shitty posts, feel sorry for me..."
What a dumb cunt.
That's a pretty crappy way to react to a friend getting in trouble. Maybe they had a falling out?His thinking is so perplexing: "I am not on the hook, I don't need that IP space I got for free from Flow Chemical", that's all he cares about! His 先生 just got slapped with $400k in damages.
That's a pretty crappy way to react to a friend getting in trouble. Maybe they had a falling out?
Maybe he doesn't truly care unless he's personally being stripped of all his money.I don't know if it works like this Australia, but if it does, then Liz Fong-Jones can try to hold Null "at gun point" by threatening to send the bailiffs after Vincent to strip him naked of money, savings and assets. I don't think either Null or Vincent realize how serious this can get.
If you don't see the haters, then the haters can't see you.>signs up to website
>blocks everybody
based actually
lol@interstellar walker
You forgot to put "fat" and "schizophrenic" those describe Ashley perfectly.
Cogent's CEO is directly involved in trying to censor the Kiwi Farms
For the millionth time: if Liz Fong-Jones, Keffals, and a million other entities were committing civil torts against this forum and myself every day, it would not matter, because I do not have the financial means to pursue legal action against them.
Null · Post #179 · Today at 1:12 PM · Forum: Forum Discussion
Cogent's CEO is directly involved in trying to censor the Kiwi Farms
Oh yeah probably mate but let me say this again: I do not have the financial means to pursue legal options. Anyone have any questions in regards to "I cannot fucking afford this so shut the fuck up"?
Null · Post #181 · Today at 1:12 PM · Forum: Forum Discussion
Cogent's CEO is directly involved in trying to censor the Kiwi Farms
$75,000 to take something to trial. At the very least. At a fucking minimum. If you want to pay me $75,000 in cryptocurrency I will sue Liz Fong-Jones tomorrow.
Null · Post #182 · Today at 1:13 PM · Forum: Forum Discussion
Jersh, I know you're probably tired of hearing suggestions, but I wonder if it would help to have a front page banner soliciting donations for a "Sue Fucking Everyone" fund. I watch this stuff pretty closely, and I just plain didn't know that the limitation at this point is mainly financial. Maybe I'm not the only one.