• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
asking for a car that the glowies can't track remotely and one without electronics because of EMP
Got the perfect one right here lmfao
History of the invention of cars.jpg

But seriously, holy fucking shit null is retarded. Tracking chips are small and can be hidden anywhere so that's already impossible if they hypothetically really wanted to do it. But that's not even the stupid part, how the fuck does he expect a car with no electronics to even fucking start? Last time i checked cars typically have batteries to start or are electric and use generators. All modern cars use electricity in some form and none are pure mechanical these days. If he wants one of these he can probably be out ran on foot anyway.
Got the perfect one right here lmfao
View attachment 39175
But seriously, holy fucking shit null is retarded. Tracking chips are small and can be hidden anywhere so that's already impossible if they hypothetically really wanted to do it. But that's not even the stupid part, how the fuck does he expect a car with no electronics to even fucking start? Last time i checked cars typically have batteries to start or are electric and use generators. All modern cars use electricity in some form and none are pure mechanical these days. If he wants one of these he can probably be out ran on foot anyway.

In Jewsh's defense, a car like a VW Golf mk2 diesel really does have minimal electronics, i.e. doesn't use an ECU and is completely mechanical where it matters. And if he's in Serbia, it's super easy to find one on the used market and he'll get the street cred, as the Golf mk2 is worshipped in the Balkans and has a reputation for being very reliable.

I specifically suggested the diesel one, because carbureted petrol engines are objectively shit and few fuel injected petrol cars have mechanical injection. Old diesel cars use mechanical fuel injection. Not to mention that they can even run on vegetable oil and are more fuel efficient.
personal army request identified.
View attachment 39177
It's an odd almost mutual yet still harmful parasitic parasocial relationship between kiwifarms and Josh. It's a little more nuanced than either one being a puppet of another. It is a continuous spiraling self feeding cycle. He fears them as any king would his army because he is still just one retard that can be overthrown if the population is too upset and not satisfied enough like with a lot of early monarchs. There are a lot of educational documentations about the subject of pleasing the people to get you into power only to abandon them for being problematic to your rule in favor of keeping people satisfied to maintain your rule. He is failing at it pretty badly because he took in so many opposing ideologies and made enemies of all of them. He indeed uses them as a personal army and they only comply due to mutual interest and willingness to comply on their part because they haven't found a way to dethrone him yet, not due to lack of trying but somhow due to being more retarded than josh and him stumbling his way through minefields. Only a matter of time until he gives global mod to a sock with a vendetta that will just clone the site and host it somewhere else as he hijacks the main one. Imagine if he had an enemy host his website without realizing and they just took it over that way. He is running out of people to host his website so will have to turn to shady members that would easily do something like that because they actually know what they are doing more than him. His members use him about as much as he does them and it shows because he is always on guard even suspecting irl relationships to be a plant of feds or trolls like any scizo lolcow would. Don't get me wrong there are feds and journalists who monitor the site like any other including 4chan, but they are not exactly going out of their way to bust null unless they both know he has something to hide. After all, even retard feds know it's best to use it as an unwitting honey pot and let activists handle the dirty work of sabotage. He clearly isn't in the right state of mind, wonder what he is on. Hitler arc now?
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It's an odd almost mutual yet still harmful parasitic parasocial relationship between kiwifarms and Josh. It's a little more nuanced than either one being a puppet of another. It is a continuous spiraling self feeding cycle. He fears them as any king would his army because he is still just one retard that can be overthrown if the population is too upset and not satisfied enough like with a lot of early monarchs. There are a lot of educational documentations about the subject of pleasing the people to get you into power only to abandon them for being problematic to your rule in favor of keeping people satisfied to maintain your rule. He is failing at it pretty badly because he took in so many opposing ideologies and made enemies of all of them. He indeed uses them as a personal army and they only comply due to mutual interest and willingness to comply on their part because they haven't found a way to dethrone him yet, not due to lack of trying but somhow due to being more retarded than josh and him stumbling his way through minefields. Only a matter of time until he gives global mod to a sock with a vendetta that will just clone the site and host it somewhere else as he hijacks the main one. Imagine if he had an enemy host his website without realizing and they just took it over that way. He is running out of people to host his website so will have to turn to shady members that would easily do something like that because they actually know what they are doing more than him. His members use him about as much as he does them and it shows because he is always on guard even suspecting irl relationships to be a plant of feds or trolls like any scizo lolcow would. Don't get me wrong there are feds and journalists who monitor the site like any other including 4chan, but they are not exactly going out of their way to bust null unless they both know he has something to hide. After all, even retard feds know it's best to use it as an unwitting honey pot and let activists handle the dirty work of sabotage. He clearly isn't in the right state of mind, wonder what he is on. Hitler arc?
Here's the closet thing I found, and the old 8chan archives might have them as well.
Null has the same problem with Chris where there's so much information some stuff can be forgotten after awhile and is just assumed everyone already knows.
I see significant similitarities to Chris' catfish saga.
Here's the closet thing I found, and the old 8chan archives might have them as well.
Null has the same problem with Chris where there's so much information some stuff can be forgotten after awhile and is just assumed everyone already knows.
>you have to login to view the image
images (2).png
Wait, Null's mortal enemy Dick Masterson has been to Burning Man?

Null is definitely gonna do a 3 hour MATI episode just hating and shitting on Burning Man for the mere fact that Dick Masterson once visited the event. That's where Null will take his guilt-by-association hate-boner for Dick Masterson.
Dick's been going to burning man since at least 2014. i'm almost sure he went since the early 2000s, because he mentions it in his book/old website.
How are Null's demands not "life ruination?" Why can't lolcow Ethan Ralph hang up flyers of TheGatorGamer irl and threaten ro write articles on him, but Josh can try to mess with Vito Gesualdi's online SEO so no one does business with him? There is more evidence here Josh is trying to directly and maliciously interfere and ruin Vito's business and enterprise with these demands than Vito ruining Eric July's business.
the rules change when you fuck with the bag/fuck with the site. Its like the idea guys, in null's mind vito is pulling off higher level but similar shit to what those guys did. Only to dick instead and because of dick's place in the pecking order now Nick's on his ass too.
. All modern cars use electricity in some form and none are pure mechanical these days. If he wants one of these he can probably be out ran on foot anyway.
Think he means no electronics as in how hastings apparently died. Nothing that can lead to the car getting hacked. Which doesn't make much sense overall but if you're a conspiracy theorist i'm sure there's some magical component you can take out to turn your car normal. as for trackers, even pre-iTAG they were like $50 and you could put them anywhere and they'd work, even across the country IIRC. its literaly impossible not to be tracked.
@thefrogninja and @Sailfish I have a hypothetical, let me know what you guys think...

This clip is from the 29th of August show.

Null says that Rekieta texted him "in the middle of the night his time", which would be 0:00 in Minnesota, where Rekieta lives. Null doesn't specify what day Rekieta texted him, but it was presumably sometime before this show.

Rekieta said in his response video that, quote, "Null is in Europe". I don't think Rekieta would continue to location-LARP if he knew that Null was lying about his location after Null burned their bridge, so I'll assume Rekieta knows where Null is and is telling the truth about Null being somewhere "in Europe".

0:00 in Minnesota is 6:00 AM in Belgrade.

Why was Null on a train at 6:00 in the morning? 🤔

Null doesn't strike me as someone who would wake up that early to take a train somewhere just for the lulz. My impression of Null is that he would only only be on a train that early to get to somewhere for business.

I wonder if this train ride has something to with Null's new Polish associate who is a drug addict and supposedly "always high" according to Null. According to Gmaps it's about 20-24 hours from Belgrade to Warsaw by train. If we take that as a rough approximation for how long it would take for Null to get from somewhere X in Serbia to somewhere Y in Poland... was Null perhaps on a train at such an early hour because he was going to or returning from Poland to visit his drug addicted associate there?

(Unless Null was coming back home early from a Tinder hook-up the night before in a nearby town, which IMO is unlike Null, so I'll assume the train trip was most likely for business.)

Later in that clip Null says: "It's, like, 8 AM here, I'm on the fucking train, I'm traveling, I got shit to do."

If Rekieta called Null at 0:00 Minnesota time, and they were texting for a couple of hours while Null was on the train, that means Null was presumably on that train at least from 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM, for the two hours of that conversation.
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