the current well-known spergs and spergs in general.

notorious for his far-right views. basically, imagine him like the far-right equivalent of SJW. now you got people like SSJ_Ness
fun fact: he has an account here @SSj_Ness

a-logger and will a-log at anyone all day for disagreeing with him/pissing him off. if you get him mad, he will monitor you all day and reply to every single one of your posts. including your newest post by the way.

his profile wall is a warzone. so many people are shitting on him lol
Lunar Eclipse Paradox

same as glowie but this time it's a bit different than glowie. unlike glowie, he doesn't sperg out at people by a-logging them all day. he doesn't a-log people by angrily replying to every single post they make. he has more self-awareness than glowie which is surprising since he's just as schizophrenic as glowie. got into a beef with him one time but that's just about it.

he's notorious for his one famous incident with PeggieBigCock. he apparently fucked PeggieBigCock in his car.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights - KF General 2.0
Merge this with the old one if he brings it back.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights - KF General 2.0
Merge this with the old one if he brings it back.

old OP is messy and terrible. here's the new and revised OP
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