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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Null hates Grave of the Fireflies because it shows a toddler pissing. It's actually movie about two kids during bombing raids trying to survive in nature against all odds while stealing food from bombed houses - hence why they show a toddler pissing, because these kids have no roof over their heads and have no access to a toilet. All Null remembers is a scene of a pissing toddler, and that alone makes it a pedo movie in his mind. Not a movie about the tragedy of war. Nope, a movie where the only purpose of that particular scene is for pedos to get off. I too have seen that feature animation, and I literally didn't even remember the scene of the pissing toddler until Null mentioned it to give his own regressive interpretation of it. All I remember of that movie were the bombing scenes and the death scenes. Really tells you where our respective focus lies.
It seems like Null is expressing a strong negative feelings about the film "Grave of the Fireflies" and suggests that Null’s interpretation of a scene involving a toddler urinating reflects his own distorted perspective rather than the intended tragedy of war portrayed in the movie. While it's important to respect different opinions, it's worth noting that "Grave of the Fireflies" is widely regarded as a poignant and emotional portrayal of the effects of war on innocent children. The film explores themes of survival, resilience, and the devastating consequences of conflict. Interpretations may differ, but the movie aims to depict the tragedy of war rather than cater to inappropriate interests. Like Null’s peeing fetishes given what we know of him now like the vore commission fanart to a minor. :/ Right peeing during a war is worse reason to drop it because pedo bait right Null tell me you never saw any movie from studio Gilbi and say the same shit to their other films I’m sure Miyazaki will take advice from a PEDO!
By the way, Null, why not employ the services of hackers to unveil the secrets hidden within the realms of kerfuffles and Liz's correspondences, if your allegations hold any veracity? We possess historical evidence suggesting your affinity for employing hackers to expose individuals you harbor disdain for.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" so... where is your evidence that Null has employed hackers to expose his enemies? You are literally asking Null to hack Liz and Keffals... while accusing him of having already done so? Even you should be able to see how your argument is self-contradictory.

I did not know null said that. I also don't remember the pissing scene as it's been years since I seen it but I remember the very sad ending and the bombing scenes and some of the scenes where the brother tried to comfort his younger sister after getting food for her too late.

I literally don't even remember seeing any nudity in that movie. If it was there, it went right over my head, that's how little attention I paid to it. I saw Grave of the Fireflies for the first time about 10 years ago. Here's what I remember purely at the top of my head, without reading the synops or watching the trailer again:

I remember the older brother and his sister moving in with a scroogy aunt (? it was some family member, I think it was their mother's sister?) who complained about them eating too much rice.

I vaguely remember a hospital scene with the patients bandaged all over because they were burned horribly.

I most distinctly remember the scenes of the aerial raids/bombings of the villages and how orange-hued the drawings were. The Japanese houses catching fire immediately because they were made of wood and paper. As everyone else was fleeing out of the burning village, the older brother running in the opposite direction. The brother running into one of the burning houses to steal food while the village was still getting bombed. I remember he was stealing fermented soy beans or natto. Back then I didn't know what kind of food this was. Later I learned what it was, and I realized that fermented soy beans is likely what people would eat when they don't have a lot and they have to preserve literally every little bit of food they have. It's a survival food.

I remember the cave (or was it a hole in the ground?) where the siblings tried to survive for a while. The brother would bring the stolen goods to the cave to share with his sister and to make their space more comfortable.

I remember the affection and responsibility that the older brother felt for his younger sister, despite being young himself.

I remember the older brother having an argument with some older boys (because they knew he was stealing?).

I remember the little sister wanting to eat "dropuru" and a flashback scene where they showed her before the war, eating fruit drop candy from a little tin box with English lettering on it.

I remember her death scene and how awfully decrepit she looked as she starved to death.

I remember her brother's depression and personal sense of defeat at being unable to save his sister.

I remember the older brother dying in the train station amongst other starving orphaned kids begging, as well-dressed adults passed them by ignoring their misery. I remember how in the end, the frame zoomed out from above to show all the other kids around him, to really bring home the idea that he was just one of many such kids orphaned and starved by the war.

This is what I remember from this movie, 10 years later.

What Null remembers: There was a scene of a pissing toddler. It was obviously meant as a dog-whistle to pedos.

I am actually a little shocked that null was able to sexualize that movie. I assumed he never saw it and thought it was paedo shit cuz kids are in it. The fact he watched it and came to that conclusion is beyond fucked.

It's really sad in a way, because he's projecting so much personal sexual trauma and shame onto anime. "If only I had never seen Neko Shota"... then he would've seen some other fucked up online porn and bragged to his frenemies at Blockland about seeing that, because all that stuff was pervasive online. His generation of millennials have been on smartphones since they were 6 and had access to online porn at 10. They're all sexually traumatized by being exposed to various forms of online porn at very young ages. That whole generation grew up watching really twisted weird shit online, so I don't think it's entirely fair to single out Null like he was alone or unique in that. He really wasn't. Null's response to that sexual trauma is to aggressively disavow all anime and to use that as an opportunity to pander to the ultra-rightwing racists on his forum by claiming that Japanese culture is inherently a pedo culture and that he, as an innocent white kid on the internet, was manipulated into thinking he was gay by this evil foreign pedophilic influence. As if the West doesn't also sexualize children, infantilize women and feminize male children (Cuties anyone? How about Lactacia and those other male "drag kids"?) I can imagine an Asian person looking at that and thinking that the West is pedo and a perverse oversexed culture too.
All Null remembers is a scene of a pissing toddler, and that alone makes it a pedo movie in his mind. Not a movie about the tragedy of war. Nope, a movie where the only purpose of that particular scene is for pedos to get off. I too have seen that feature animation, and I literally didn't even remember the scene of the pissing toddler until Null mentioned it to give his own regressive interpretation of it.
Josh snitching on himself.
Null hates Grave of the Fireflies because it shows a toddler pissing. It's actually movie about two kids during bombing raids trying to survive in nature against all odds while stealing food from bombed houses - hence why they show a toddler pissing, because these kids have no roof over their heads and have no access to a toilet. All Null remembers is a scene of a pissing toddler, and that alone makes it a pedo movie in his mind. Not a movie about the tragedy of war. Nope, a movie where the only purpose of that particular scene is for pedos to get off. I too have seen that feature animation, and I literally didn't even remember the scene of the pissing toddler until Null mentioned it to give his own regressive interpretation of it. All I remember of that movie were the bombing scenes and the death scenes. Really tells you where our respective focus lies.

If Null just has a blanket dislike for that sort of thing then that would be understandable but the fact that he declared it pedo shit is really telling on himself, isn't it.

I really hope he doesn't have an actual kid because Null clearly has pedophilic tendencies if he can sexualize a scene like that. Jesus Christ. Those people who call him a pedo aren't wrong are they.

Me fixating on a seconds-lond panty shot that the average person wouldn't notice at all is totally proof that ghibli movies are for kiddy diddlers u gaiz!
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Me fixating on a seconds-lond panty shot that the average person wouldn't notice at all is totally proof that ghibli movies are for kiddy diddlers u gaiz!
That bottom cartoon came from resist.com (White Aryan Resistance by Thomas Metzger) a notorious neo-nazi white supremacist terrorist organization. Josh is a neo-nazi.
That bottom cartoon came from resist.com (White Aryan Resistance by Thomas Metzger) a notorious neo-nazi white supremacist terrorist organization. Josh is a neo-nazi.
I mean you don't need that for proof, Josh basically humps Sven Stoffels' leg. And that guy has been praising hitler weekly for over a decade now. Straight up praising hitler and referencing photos of hitler and doing legit nazi things like calling up jewish places and harassing them. If Sven wasn't such an artist that he despises doing commissions literally all of kiwifarms and MATI would be covered in his work. My other favorite part about Sven is that he is so indie he still has a successful youtube and all his social media intact.

Having said that Sven does love the asian pussy, so he probably disagrees with Null on his hatred of asians. he also loves cocaine and 500 days of summer
I mean you don't need that for proof, Josh basically humps Sven Stoffels' leg. And that guy has been praising hitler weekly for over a decade now. Straight up praising hitler and referencing photos of hitler and doing legit nazi things like calling up jewish places and harassing them. If Sven wasn't such an artist that he despises doing commissions literally all of kiwifarms and MATI would be covered in his work. My other favorite part about Sven is that he is so indie he still has a successful youtube and all his social media intact.

Having said that Sven does love the asian pussy, so he probably disagrees with Null on his hatred of asians. he also loves cocaine and 500 days of summer
The big difference is that WAR has actual dead bodies connected to it.
If Null just has a blanket dislike for that sort of thing then that would be understandable but the fact that he declared it pedo shit is really telling on himself, isn't it.

I really hope he doesn't have an actual kid because Null clearly has pedophilic tendencies if he can sexualize a scene like that. Jesus Christ. Those people who call him a pedo aren't wrong are they.
I don't think he's a pedophile (I'm really getting tired of the whole "is Null a pedo" discussion), I think Null is sexually traumatized and hence has a kneejerk over-reaction to any image that remotely shows children's bodies. Take for example that screenshot he included here on the right:

The average person who views that image doesn't immediately suspect it to be a wink-wink dog-whistle to pedophiles... because the average person is not a pedophile, so they can't even think that way and project such utterly sinister ulterior motives onto that image. They just see a perspective shot where the child character is flying on a broomstick and is up in a tree to look at a bird's nest, and is hence drawn from a viewpoint where they are shown to be higher from the viewer, so their underwear just happens to be showing. Suppose Null was walking in the park and he saw a child climbing a tree, would he be mortified if that child's underwear was showing as they were climbing the tree? No, Null would (hopefully :optimistic:) understand that the kid is just too busy climbing the tree to be self-conscious of how they look.

Null writes:

You're just dumping screenshots to try and prove that faggotry shows up in Western media, which I've never denied.

It's not that he's denying it, it's that he claims that the Japanese are exporting anime to corrupt Western youth, who would otherwise be perfectly innocent if they weren't exposed to "that Asian filth". Which all goes back to his personal trauma and his insistence that he was corrupted by Japanese hentai - as if being corrupted by XXX hardcore BDSM porn with straight white couples is somehow less traumatizing for the young children encountering that on the internet.

especially not LA garbage

Cuties isn't "LA garbage", it's a French movie. Let's hope Null never sees any European art house films and realizes how oversexed those movies are, especially French, Dutch, Danish and Polish art house cinema. Many European white films depict children in a way that would be plainly shocking and unacceptable to American sensibilities.

And since Null wants to be disproven with actual examples, he can have a look at this film trailer for, yes, a recent French art house movie:

Although Dalva is 12, she dresses, wears make-up and lives like a woman. One evening, she’s suddenly taken away from a father’s house. Dumbfounded and outraged at first, she later meets Jayden, a social worker, and Samia, a teen with a temper. A new life seems to start for Dalva, that of a girl her age.

But hey, it's the Japanese who are uniquely pedophilic! :rolleyes:

I've also not denied that 100% of white media is clean of pedophilia.

That's strawmanning. Null's argument is a racist argument, namely that Japanese media in uniquely pedophilic compared to Western media, and that white straight teenagers like himself were being corrupted by having access to evil degenerate Japanese pedo-anime which was confusing them and making them think they're gay or causing them to troon out. Again, Null needs to talk to some of his fellow millennials who never saw any hentai but instead where corrupted by domestic white straight hardcore BDSM porn. His peers who found that kind of material are also sexually traumatized by it, they just don't get to be racist about it like Null does.

What I've said is that pedophilia and an unhealthy relationship with sex is present and saturated in nearly 100% of Japanese media.

Which is a racist argument: that Japanese media are especially degenerate and the Japanese are exporting their corrupt media to the West as part of a plot to deliberately corrupt Western white youth.

JFC, just say you hate it because it's Japanese and you want to pander to all the racists on your forum so they will throw bitchycoins at you for calling the Japanese pedos.
@The Gays From LA as resident Josh and mati expert what's Josh's views on south east Asian since he lived in the Philippines
I have no idea really, but my impression is that Null hates all Asians, that he views them all as physically ugly ("pug-faced" is the term he often uses to describe Asian women) and morally shifty and that he considers them all inferior to white Europeans. He only likes China because he sees it as the land of capitalist opportunity, not because he likes the Chinese themselves. He likes his friend Vincent because Vinnie is his gateway to China, not because he necessarily likes Vincent as an Asian person who's fully integrated in Australian society. Vincent is tolerable to Null because might as well be a white Anglo Australian AFANull'sC.
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Me fixating on a seconds-lond panty shot that the average person wouldn't notice at all is totally proof that ghibli movies are for kiddy diddlers u gaiz!
I must say, I'm genuinely surprised he hasn't accused Looney Tunes of having a secret gay agenda yet. But let's not forget, this is the very same individual who expressed a desire to visit Ukraine after the war to gather up a collection of deceased skulls. Now, here's where the irony hits hard: while he's fixated on his peculiar skull-hunting hobby, there are innocent children out there who are literally peeing their pants in sheer terror during times of war. I mean, seriously, NULL! That's a whole new level of nullification right there, coming from someone who appears to lack even a semblance of empathy, resembling more of a heartless child mosquito than a compassionate human being.

But hey, let's inject a bit of humor into this serious topic, shall we? Maybe we can send him a "Pee-Pants for Peace" t-shirt as a subtle reminder that there are more pressing matters at hand than indulging in absurd NSFW theories. After all, laughter can be a powerful antidote to ignorance, and maybe, just maybe, it'll help him snap out of his bizarre thought process.
I have no idea really, but my impression is that Null hates all Asians, that he views them all as physically ugly ("pug-faced" is the term he often uses to describe Asian women) and morally shifty and that he considers them all inferior to white Europeans. He only likes China because he sees it as the land of capitalist opportunity, not because he likes the Chinese themselves. He likes his friend Vincent because Vinnie is his gateway to China, not because he necessarily likes Vincent as an Asian person who's fully integrated in Australian society. Vincent is tolerable to Null because might as well be a white Anglo Australian AFANull'sC.
What Null wanted was to live in China and teach English.